Voulez Vous
  (ESP 492)   Steve Kopman, Darryl Lipscomb
two columns

Bow to the partner, and the corner too, Heads square thru 4, Touch 1/4, Girls run around the boy,
Everyone square thru 4, Right & left grand.

Heads touch 1/4, Girls touch 1/4, Boys face right, Centers walk & dodge, Centers run, All right & left thru,
Dixie style to a wave, Left swing thru, Finish like a chain down the line, Pass the ocean, All 8 circulate,
Spin chain thru, Extend, Right & left grand.

Sides touch 1/4, That boy run, Touch 1/4, Girls run around the boys, Star thru, Those facing out Cloverleaf,
The centers pass the ocean, Extend, Swing thru, All circulate, Spin the top, Recycle,
Right & Left thru and courtesy turn 1/4 more, Couples circulate, Tag the line, Girls partner trade, All touch 1/4,
All circulate, Swing thru, Girls circulate, Boys trade, Right & left grand.

Sides slide thru and Square thru 3, Left touch 1/4, Split circulate, with a courtesy turn, Dixie style to a wave,
Girls cross run, Swing thru, Spin the top, Wave of 4 Swing thru, All step ahead, Tag the line, Face in,
Pass the ocean, All 8 circulate 1 &1/2, Slide thru, Home.

Heads right & left thru and turn 1/4 more, All girls pass thru, Those in the wave Spin the top, The others cast off 3/4,
Girls trade, Each wave recycle, Pass thru, Wheel & deal, centers sweep 1/4, and a 1/4 more, and a 1/4 more, Home.

Heads pass the ocean, All 4 boys extend to the lady in front of you, Recycle, Double pass thru, First couple go left,
Next go right, Lines of 4 square thru, on the last hand Left touch 1/4, Walk & dodge, Wheel around, Flutter wheel,
Pass thru, Ladies trade, Boys run, Spin the top, Extend, Right & Left grand, Home.

4 ladies chain 1/4, Heads pass the ocean, Extend, Swing thru, Spin the top, Spin the top again, Boys run,
Couples circulate, Boys go 1/2 more, While the girls hinge, Girls left swing thru, The very center 2 girls cast left 3/4,
Meet your boy and recycle, The others bend the line, Zoom, Centers square thru 3, Left allemande,

Promenade home, Bow to the partner, and the corner, and whoa!

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=21724
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=21724