My Toot Toot Rockin' Signey 1984 | (ESP 493) Darryl Lipscomb, Buddy Weaver, Ken Bower, Tony Oxendine, Gary Shoemake |
Bow to the partner, Heads move to the middle and Swing thru, Spin the top, Extend the tag, Swing thru,
Boys run, Couples circulate, Tag the line & Face right, 1/2 tag the line, Scoot back, Cast off 3/4,
Girls trade, Boys cross run, All 8 circulate, Allemande left, Settle in at home.
Heads square thru 2 hands, Right & left thru, 1/2 sashay, Pass thru, Trade by, Swing thru, Spin the top,
Turn thru, courtesy turn, Flutter wheel & Sweep 1/4 more, Pass thru, U Turn Back, Pass thru, Bow to your partner, You're Home.
Sides Right & left thru, Heads lead left, All Veer right, Bend the line, Right & left thru, Pass thru, Partner trade,
Boys extend to a wave, and boys Swing thru, Center boys trade, Center boys run, New center boy hinge,
Left Allemande, Right & left grand, meet your partner, You should be home.
Sides turn thru, Separate around 1 to a line, Right & left thru, Pass the ocean, Swing thru, Boys trade, Girls cross run,
Girl run, Get on the end, Wheel around, Chain down the line, Pass the ocean, Girls trade, Recycle, Right & left thru, With a 1/2 sashay, Pass thru, Do Paso, Finish with a courtesy turn, You should be home.
Sides pass thru and cloverleaf, new centers Square thru 3, Slide thru, Pass the ocean, Swing thru, Girls circulate,
Boys trade, Boys run, Bend the line, Forward and back, Touch 1/4, Single file circulate once, Everybody trade & roll,
Center 4 square thru 4, Ends touch 1/4, and that boy run, Split 2 around 1 to a line, 8 to the middle and back,
Ends only Touch 1/4, That boy run, You should be Home.
4 Ladies chain, Forward 8 to the middle and back, Allemande left in the Alamo style and balance, Swing thru,
Balance forward & back again, Left Swing thru, Double, Left allemande, Promenade short walk,
Bow to the partner and the corner too, A nice hand for your square