Lucky Star | (ESP 497) Steve Kopman, Darryl Lipscomb |
Bow to the partner & the corner too
Allemande left, Alamo style & Balance
All original heads scoot back
Original sides scoot back
All boys run right, with a clap, clap, clap
Heads square thru 4
Touch 1/4, Split circulate
Hinge, Ladies trade
Swing thru, Boys run, Couples circulate
Bend the line, Pass the ocean, Ladies trade
All 8 circulate, Swing thru, Spin the top, Square thru 3
Allemande left, Settle at home
Sides right & left thru & lead to the left
Left touch 1/4, Centers trade
Left swing thru, Boys trade, Forward & back
Pass the ocean, All 8 circulate, Girls trade
Swing thru, Boys run, Ferris wheel, Centers sweep 1/4, Home
Heads box the gnat & pull by
Separate around 1 to a line
Right & left thru and courtesy turn 1/4 more
Centers trade, Ladies trade
Touch 1/4, Boys run
Right & left thru, Veer left
Girls trade, Couples circulate
Ferris wheel
Centers pass the ocean and a right & left thru, You're home
Sides left square thru 4
Left touch 1/4, Centers trade, Centers run
Girls only bend the line, As you are ferris wheel
Girls square thru 2
Touch 1/4, Boys trade
All 8 circulate, Boys run
Tag the line Girls go left, Boys go right
Allemande left, Promenade home
Heads lead right, Circle 4 to a line
Right & left thru and courtesy turn 1/4 more
Girls hinge, Center girls trade with a left
Girls cast 3/4, Courtesy turn 'em boys
Pass thru, Wheel & Deal, Centers slide thru, Celebrate.
Sides pass thru, Separate around 2 to a line
Touch 1/4, Girls on a diagonal Pass thru
Center 4 square thru 3, Outsides U turn back
Dosado, Step to a wave & centers trade
Cast right 3/4, Boys trade, Boys run
Ferris wheel, Centers slide thru, Celebrate.
Number 1 couple down the middle & split number 3 and separate around 1 to a line
All the heads down the middle and as couples separate around 1 to a line
Forward and back
Square thru, on 4 Allemande left
Box the gnat with partner, Pull her by and Bow to the corner, and whoa right there.