EUR Boogie Oogie Patter
  (Eureka 2012)   Dan Nordbye
one column

Bow to the partner, corner of the hall
Heads Square Thru 4, Single Circle to a Wave
Boys Trade, Girls Fold, Peel the Top
Recycle, Load the Boat, Touch 1/4
Follow Your Neighbor and Spread, Ladies Trade
Explode the Wave, Partner Trade and Roll, Pass Thru
Right and Left Grand

Sides Pass the Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate
Extend, Ladies Trade, Linear Cycle, Right and Left Thru
Forward and Back, Right and Left Thru, Touch 1/4
Coordinate, Couples Circulate, Chain Down the Line
Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Centers Square Thru 3
Single Circle to a Wave, Boys Trade, Spin the Top
Hinge, Coordinate, Couples Circulate, Chain Down the Line
Star Thru, Centers Roll, Back Away, You're Home

Sides Square Thru, Right and Left Thru, Veer Left
Centers Hinge, Very center girls Trade, Girls Swing Thru
Diamond Circulate, Very center boys Trade, Boys Swing Thru
Cut the Diamond, Bend the Line, Right and Left Thru
Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Couples Circulate, Ladies Hinge
Diamond Circulate, Flip the Diamond, Ladies Trade
Explode the Wave, Bend the Line, Right and Left Thru
Star Thru, Veer Left, 1/2 Circulate, Bend the Line
You're Home

Four Ladies Chain 3/4, Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru
Track II, Single Hinge, Walk and Dodge, Partner Trade
Right and Left Thru and turn 1/4 more, girls connect
Couples Circulate, Bend the Line, Boys Scoot Back
Girls Dodge, Hinge, Girls Trade, Linear Cycle
Right and Left Thru, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Girls Cast Off 3/4
Diamond Circulate, Flip the Diamond, Ladies Trade
Explode and Star Thru, Pass to the Center, Square Thru
But on the third hand, Slide thru
You're Home

Sides Pass the Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Centers Recycle
Double Pass Thru, Track II, Spin Chain Exchange the Gears
Girls Trade, Explode the Wave, Partner Trade and Roll
Single Circle to a Wave, Ladies Trade, Swing Thru
Acey Deucey, Boy Run, Bend the Line, Star Thru
Pass Thru, Trade By, Touch 1/4 and Roll, Square Thru
On the third hand, Right and Left Grand

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