Four ladies chain across, you rollaway and circle left
Four ladies rollaway, you circle left and go
Allemande left and weave the ring
But Charlie's had a good life
And Charlie's got a good wife, promenade
And after tonight she'll no longer be counting the days
FIGURE (1 & 4)
Heads (sides) square thru count to four now
Swing thru, then boys run and ferris wheel
Centers pass thru
Swing thru boys trade
Swing your corner and promenade
Then he'll spend the rest of his life with the one that he loves
FIGURE (2 & 3)
Heads (sides) promenade halfway
Square thru to four now
Go all the way and do a right & left thru
Pass thru trade by
Swing thru, boys trade
Swing your corner and promenade home
And after tonight she'll no longer be counting the days