Allemande left your corner girl, dosado your own
Men star by the left once around you roam
Partner right and box the gnat, dosado around
Go all the way around and your corner swing
She ain't worth a -- Two hoots and a holler
New corner allemande, pass by one, take the next and promenade the land
Take a little walk - go round the ring
Promenade go two by two
If she drinks or smokes or tells a joke
She's not the gal for you
FIGURE A1, corner progression
Head (side) two couples cross trail u-turn back and then
Snaperoo with the opposite two
Then dosado my friend, go all the way around
Make an ocean wave, balance hand in hand
Pass on thru, your corner swing
She ain't worth a -- two hoots and a holler
Grand 'ole right and left around, go walking round that hall
Hand over hand and meet your own, promenade two by two
If she drinks or smokes or tells a joke
She's (not) the one for you