OPENER Basic - SSD Week 1
Circle left
It was the kind of a night that happens once in a lifetime
We all got together, it must have been the right time
Left allemande, dosado your own
Allemande left your corner, weave the ring
I had my country rockin' boogie-woogie hillbilly band
Swing your lady round, promenade that land
It was boogie and Beethoven, under the Texas moon
FIGURE Basic - SSD Week 10, corner progression
Heads promenade and go halfway around
Walk in and square thru 4 hands round
4 hands and then do a right & left thru and turn the girl
You veer to the left and do a ferris wheel
Now centers square thru 3 hands around now
Swing your corner, promenade that town
It was boogie and Beethoven, under the Texas moon
Sides face, grand square
(32 beat music)
4 ladies promenade go one time around
Get back and swing, swing your lady and promenade that ring
It was boogie and Beethoven, under the Texas moon
CLOSER Basic - SSD Week 1
4 ladies promenade go one time around
Get back and swing, your lady one time and then
Join your hands circle left go round
You do a left allemande your corner, weave the ring
I had my country rockin' boogie-woogie hillbilly band
Swing your lady, promenade the land
It was Boogie and Beethoven, under the Texas moon
It was boogie and Beethoven, under the Texas moon