OPENER Basic - SSD Week 4
Sides face, grand square
Everybody holds their breath
As he passes by the horns of death
The crowd is on its feet to roar
For the matador
Circle left
As the scarlet cape begins to sweep
Left allemande, promenade your sweet
Tonight her heart is beating for
The matador
FIGURE Mainstream, R-H lady progression
Heads square thru and go four
Around the corner do a dosado
Spin chain thru, girls circulate twice around
Everybody turn thru and go left allemande
Walk by the first, then swing and promenade
Inside her heart is beating for
The matador
Sides face, grand square
Tonight she'll meet beneath those
Silver stars
Dance to the mandolins
And soft guitars
Circle left
La la la la la la la la la la allemande left and promenade
(Musical Interlude)
CLOSER Basic - SSD Week 1
As he left the ring they all cheered
Sombreros flying through the air
She throws the crimson rose she wore
To the Matador
Four ladies chain across
Now chain her back and promenade
Tonight her heart is beating for
The matador
Ladies chain over and back