Dollar Down, Dollar A Week
  (Top 25013)   Lou Hildebrand
one column


4 ladies chain across I say, turn this girl in the usual way
All join hands and make a ring, circle left and hear me sing
Allemande on the corner of the square, pass right by one lady fair
Box the gnat, then change hands, turn her left, left allemande
Grand right & left you go, hand over hand you know
Dosado your pretty girl, promenade around the world
*Promenade your lady, brother, but be careful it might be mother
You can swing all you seek, for a dollar down and a dollar a week

FIGURE    C4, no progression

1 & 3 right & left thru, turn your girl and Susie Q
Turn opposite lady with a right hand round, partner now a left hand around
Opposite lady you box the gnat, face those 2 go right & left thru
Turn your girl and square thru 3/4 round inside the land
Allemande left with your left hand, dosado your own
Swing the corner round and round, and promenade around the town
**Promenade this little dear, whisper sweet things in her ear
She will be the girl you seek for a dollar down and a dollar a week


*Promenade and take a little walk, mother is watchin' like a hawk
Swing now but not too close, for a dollar down this is the most

**Promenade this little dear, whisper sweet things in her ear
She is just the girl for you, for a dollar down or maybe two

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