One More Night John Schneider 1985 | (Shakedown 200) Pat Carnathan |
OPENER Basic - SSD Week 1
Circle left
I was driven' down the highway, in a big black limousine
My record went number one today in the billboard magazine
Allemande left your corner lady do a dosado your own
Now the men star left and roll it turn it one time and then
Turn your partner by the right and you go left allemande
Swing your partner once and then you promenade the ring
Give me one more night and it'll make my dreams come true
'Cause I'd give it all up if I could spend just one more night with you!
FIGURE (twice for heads, twice for sides) Mainstream, corner progression
Head two couples promenade go halfway 'round the ring
Come down the middle and touch 1/4
do a walk and dodge and then (make a wave)
Swing thru you know, now the boys run to the right
Bend your line, move up to the middle and back and do a right and left thru
Well you slide thru and square thru go 3 hands and then
Swing your lady go once around and then you promenade her home
Give me one more night, and it'll make my dreams come true
Yes I'd give it all up if I could spend just one more night with you
Sides face grand square
Well, I was born a poor boy, so poor I had no shoes
But now I'm buyin' all my jeans at Saks Fifth Avenue
And my friends they all keep tellin' me that they think that I'm a fool
'cause I'd give it all up if I could spend
4 ladies promenade
You go one time 'round the ring
Get back home, swing that lady then promenade
Give me one more night, and it'll make my dreams come true
Yes I'd give it all up if I could spend just one more night with you
CLOSER Basic - SSD Week 1
4 boys promenade go one time 'round the ring
Get back home and swing your baby one time round you go
Join your hands and circle to the left go walkin' 'round the ring
Allemande left your corner lady then weave on down the line
Give me one more night, one more night of lovin' you
Hold me in your arms, the way you used to do
Give me one more night and it'll make my dreams come true
'Cause I'd give it all up if I could spend just one more night with you