Montana Cafe | (Lamplighter 1001) "Speedy" Spivacke |
OPENER Basic - SSD Week 4
Sides face, grand square
So many people, in so many places
They make a lot of money, they've got sad faces
They want to get away and enjoy their lives
Circle left
Montana Cafe
Allemande left and promenade that way
Oh, we've got steaks and fries
And the special's piece of mind
FIGURE Basic, corner progression
Heads promenade and take her halfway around there
Walk in and a right & left thru, turn that girl
And then you square thru 4 and make a right hand star
Heads star left now it's one time around there
Swing that corner, you promenade
Oh highway 93, just look for the sign
Sides face, grand square
Montana Cafe, Teddy Roosevelt and Hemingway
You can see the pictures on the wall there where they signed
Circle left
Montana Cafe
Left allemande and promenade that way
We've got steaks and fries
But the real thing's piece of mind
CLOSER Basic - SSD Week 4
Sides face, grand square
Montana Cafe, feel the tension melt away
You can get coffee and a smile here any time
Circle left
Montana Cafe
Left allemande and promenade that way
Oh, we've got steaks and fries
But the real pleasure's piece of mind
We've got steaks and fries
But the real pleasure's piece of mind