Australian Country Style
  (Top 25288)   Wally Cook
two columns


4 ladies chain across, and turn that girl you know
Join hands, circle left, around the ring you go
Ladies roll 1/2 sashay and circle left that way
Ladies rollaway, bow to your own, weave the ring I say
Weave on in, weave on out until you meet your maid
Dosado go full around and then you promenade
Promenade there, head round the square with a great big happy smile
Get back home and swing your girl in Australian Country Style

FIGURE    A1, corner progression

Head couples star thru, California twirl
Dosado the outside two then swing thru
When you do, boys trade, boys you circulate
Boys run around that girl and couples circulate
Wheel & deal 2 by 2, then sweep 1/4 more
Cross trail, swing your corner, swing that pretty taw
Promenade there, head round the square, get along with a happy smile
Take that lady home with you in Australian Country Style

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Cue sheet: