4 ladies chain across, inside the ring you go
Chain on back and turn 'em, your corner dosado
Look her in the eye and star thru, circle left I say
Hand in hand you circle and then you whirlaway
Allemande your corner, let's weave around the hall
Go in and out we're gonna have a ball
Dosado around your own, your corners allemande
Come back and take your own, you promenade that ol' land
Don't put a tax on a beautiful girl
Or you won't get any lovin' at all
FIGURE A1, no progression
Head couples promenade go halfway around
Same little ladies chain the ring I say
Turn this girl and chain 'em back, you turn 'em with a left around
Dixie style to an ocean wave, you balance up and down
Step thru and circle up 4, you're gonna make a line
Go forward up and back, a right & left thru, you're doing fine
Dosado, go full around then cross trail thru
Swing that corner lady round then promenade you do
Don't put a tax on a beautiful girl
Or you won't get any lovin' at all
Original figure had a 'Pass Thru' from a L-H 1/4 Tag,
which I changed to 'Step Thru'.