Circle left
Well I went down south to see my gal
Polly wally doodle all day
She's the best girl I ever had
Polly wally doodle all day
Do an allemande left that corner girl, come back a dosado
Men star by the old left hand once around you go
Well you turn your partner by the right
To the corner allemande
Come back one, swing your own, gonna promenade that land
FIGURE Mainstream, corner progression
Head couples promenade go half around that ring
Lead to the right go right & left thru, turn a little girl I sing
Gonna veer to the left, bend the line,
Rock up to the middle & back
Ladies lead dixie style make an ocean wave like that
Girls circulate, the boys scoot back,
The corner lady swing
Swing the corner girl around gonna promenade that ring
Contains a "blended" movement: Centers Scoot Back followed by (all) Swing,
where the Swing is technically starts from L-H waves!