The Toorie On His Bonnet
  (Aqua 115)   Phil Booker
two columns

FIGURE (4 times)    Basic, corner progression

Allemande left your corner, now dosado your partner
Swing that corner lady round and hear me say
Allemande but only one, pass right by the one you swung
Swing the next, she loves that Toorie Oorie aye
Men star left across the town, turn that opposite twice around
Pass your corner, turn the next one by the left
Men star right across the land, turn this girl left allemande
Come ahead and dosado, then weave the ring (new partner)
You may think she's only acting but I'm sure there's some attraction
Promenade her home and swing, I know she'll say
*It's not your kilt and sporon that I find so adorin'
**It's just that Toorie Oorie Oorie aye

(Last time through delete last line and substitute with the following:)

*It's the Toorie on your bonnet, that red Toorie on it
That red Toorie Oorie Oorie aye


*You've really got that somethin', that starts my heart a-jumpin
You've got that Toorie Oorie aye

*It's not the wink you're giving that makes me feel like living
It's just that Toorie Oorie aye

Data page:
Cue sheet: