Mountain Dew
Grandpa Jones; Glen Campbell; Willie Nelson; many others 1928
  (Blue Star 2037)   Vaughn Parrish
two columns

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 11

Allemande left your corner
Right to your partner, box the gnat
Then the 4 little ladies star by the left go round
At home you'll dosado
Then swing her high and low
And you'll feed her on good old Mountain Dew


Heads walk up to the middle and back,
stick out a right and box the gnat
Pull her by then a left hand turn your partner
Corners all with a right hand around
Partner lady like an allemande thar
All 4 men gonna make a backup star
Shoot that star, go right & left grand
Every other girl with every other hand
When you meet a new lady you'll do a dosado
You'll promenade her home and keep her for your own
And feed her on good old Mountain Dew


Allemande left and allemande thar, go right & left and form a star
All 4 men gonna back up in a star
Shoot that star and here we go, right & left and dopaso
You're gonna keep on doing a dopaso*
My uncle Bill's got a still on the hill,
where he runs off a gallon or two
The buzzards in the sky get so dizzy they can't fly
From smelling that good old Mountain Dew

Partner left go all the way round,
Right hand lady right & left grand
Meet that gal and promenade her home
Promenade her home and keep her for your own
And feed her on good old Mountain Dew

(*Note: Do a dopaso until call changes.)

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