Fine And Dandy / Cruisin' Down The River
  (Windsor 4179 side A)   Bruce Johnson
two columns


Allemande your corners, go right & go left
Turn back one, box the gnat with your pet
Dosado, the ladies promenade the town
Get back home and dosado go all the way round
Allemande left, do a right & left grand
Hand over hand, you travel round the land
Turn right back, go the wrong direction
And when you're home you box the gnat

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

Swing your partners, then couples 1 & 3
Right & left thru and turn her there for me
Heads 1/2 square thru, face the sides, eight chain thru
While you square dance you just can't feel blue
While you're gone, sugar candy

Promenade her it's fine and dandy
To dance the blues away with you

Copyright 1959.

Data page:
Cue sheet: