Mm Mm Good
  (Kalox 1158)   C.O. Guest
one column


Walk around that corner lady, see saw the one you know
Then join your hands and start to circle
Men star by the right hand, go once around the ring and
Left allemande, then weave the ring
You must know what you're doing, so keep right on doing
A dosado then you promenade
The way you kiss away my lonely, the way you lay your lovin' on me
Sweet love you've given me is mm mm good

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

Head (side) couples promenade go halfway with your maid
Down the middle and do the right & left thru (turn 'em two times around)
Then square thru go four hands around the ring you're gonna go
With the sides (heads) right hand star you know
Heads (sides) star by the left go once around the ring and
Swing the corner, promenade
The way your kisses go right through me, the way you bring your love home to me
Sweet love you've given me is mm mm good

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