Banjo's Back In Town
  (Top 25217)   Happy Harry Pearcey
one column

BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 11

Well, all join hands and circle left
Go walking hand in hand
Allemande your corner
Then weave around the land
When you meet your lady, box the gnat right there
Pull her by, left allemande
Grand right & left that square
Hand over hand go round
When you meet you dosado
It's back to back, go all the way round
And then you promeno
Take a walk go round the square
When you're home you swing her there
'Cause Banjo's back in town

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 7, corner progression

1 & 3 lead to the right, circle round you know
Head gents break, make a line
It's forward up and back you go
Pass thru, wheel & deal, double pass thru
First couple go left, the next go right
Left square thru you do
Count 4 hands around, and that corner lady swing
Allemande new corner, come back and promenade the ring
Promenade there with this maid
Get her home, you've got it made
'Cause Banjo's back in town

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