Men star left in the middle of the ring
Turn it once around I sing
Turn the partner right and make a wrong way thar
In the eyes of every man, I can tell what's in his hand
Shoot the star, left allemande and weave the ring
I'm a rambler, showboat gambler
Dosado and then you promenade
I'm a rambler, showboat gambler
Big Muddy will always be my home
FIGURE Mainstream, corner progression
1 & 3 will flutter wheel
And sweep 1/4 more
Pass thru and do a dosado
Turn half by the right and then, scoot back my friend
Boys run right and then you promenade
Men roll in a left face whirl, allemande left that corner girl
Swing your partner, promenade
I'm a rambler, showboat gambler
Big Muddy will always be my home