Super Lady
  (Dance Ranch 656)   "Speedy" Spivacke
two columns

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face grand square
You love me like your life depends upon it
If we're alone or in a crowd you show it
Your sweet words sound like music, I can feel it
You're a super kind of lady, and I know it

Circle left
Super lady
Left allemande and promenade your baby
Super square dance lady
I love you cause you're my super lady

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

1 & 3 square thru 4 hands around that ring
Make a right hand star with the outside pair and turn it once I sing
Heads star left in the middle one time around and then
Same two go right & left thru and turn her once my friend
Swing thru and then, you swing thru again
Swing with the corner, promenade that ring
Super square dance lady
I love you cause you're my super lady

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 1

4 little ladies promenade go once inside that square
Just one time and then you swing that man that's there
Join your hands and circle to the left around I sing
Do an allemande left your corner, then weave around that ring
Super lady
Swing your man and promenade your baby
Super square dance lady
I love you cause you're my super lady

CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face, grand square
You made my life so happy since I met you
You brighten up my world when I'm around you
I'm gonna spend my whole life living for you
You're a super kind of lady and I love you

Circle left
Super lady
Left allemande and promenade your baby
Super square dance lady
I love you cause you're my super lady

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