Walk all around the left hand lady
See saw round your own
Gals star right in the middle of the set
Around that ring you roam
Partners left a dopaso, your corner by the right
Partners left, roll promenade go walking side by side
All four couples promenade, backtrack round you go
Girls roll back, left allemande, come back and promeno
Rememb'ring is all I do, dear, so try and remember, too
FIGURE A1, corner progression
Heads to the middle and come on back
A right & left thru you go
Turn on around and cross trail, around just one you know
Box the gnat and pull her by, your corner allemande
Come back one and promenade, go walking hand in hand
1 & 3 you wheel around, a right & left thru you go
Cross trail and swing the corner, then you promeno
Rememb'ring is all I do, dear, so try and remember, too