Red River Girl
  (Kalox 1235)   C.O. Guest
two columns


It's honors to your partner and your corner
Then you promenade around that valley home
Just a walking along with your darlin'
Now you swing your little Red River girl


Chain 4 ladies across the valley
Star home and turn a left hand around your own
Turn your corner by the right, your partner by the left
Swing the corner, she's a new Red River girl
Allemande left a new corner and a grand ole right & left go round the ring
You meet and dosado, then promenade you know
Promenade this little Red River girl
Join your hands, circle left go down the valley
Now circle right the other way round
Dosado round the corner girl, come on home swing and whirl
Round and round with the Red River girl

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face grand square
(32 beats)

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