Circle left
That dancing moon is on the water
Do you feel it climb romantically
Allemande left your corner, dosado now, men star left for me
Turn thru at home, and left allemande
Swing your own and promenade
And if your heart has got a mind to
You could love someone like me
FIGURE (heads twice, sides twice) Basic - SSD Week 10, corner progression
Head couples promenade and go halfway around
Walk in and square thru 4 hands around you go
All the way and do a right & left thru
Veer to the left and ferris wheel, it's in you go
Square thru 3/4 around now, swing your corner, promenade
If your heart has got a mind to
You could love someone like me
FIGURE (ALTERNATE) (heads twice, sides twice) Mainstream, corner progression
Head couples promenade and go halfway around
2 & 4 go right & left thru and turn that lady there
Square thru 4 hands around now
Dosado and eight chain 4
You've been thinking love won't find you
Swing your corner, promenade
If your heart has a mind to
You could love someone like me