God's people were in bondage, no one to lead them out
Until the Lord said Moses, please turn thy steps about
He looked at the burning bush, and then took off his shoes
On holy ground Moses cried, Lord I'll follow thee
Oh I will, I will follow thee
Over mountain high, and over stormy sea
And when I hear your voice oh Lord, no matter how I feel
I will lay my burdens down, Lord I'll follow thee
I walked alone at midnight, cried my share of tears
Had trouble all around me, for many, many years
But midnight now has vanished, my troubles had to flee
When I heard my Savior say, will you follow me?
Oh I will, I will follow thee
Over mountain high, and over stormy sea
And when I hear your voice oh Lord, no matter how I feel
I will lay my burdens down, Lord I'll follow thee