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Trail Of The Lonesome Pine    (1913)

On a mountain in Virginia
Stands a lonesome pine
Just below is the cabin home of a little girl of mine
Her name is June and very very soon
She'll belong to me
For I know she's waiting there for me 'neath that lone pine tree

In the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia
On the trail of the lonesome pine
In the pale moonshine our hearts entwine
Where she carves her name and I carved mine
Oh June like the mountains I am blue
Like the pines, I'm lonesome for you

In the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia
On the trail of the lonesome pine
In the pale moonshine our hearts entwine
Where she carves her name and I carved mine
Oh June like the mountains I am blue
Like the pines, I'm lonesome for you

Lyrics by Ballard MacDonald.
Composed by Harry Carroll.
Recorded by Hal "Lone" Pine and his Mountaineers with Betty Cody; many others.
Featured in the 1937 Laurel and Hardy film "Way Out West".

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