Make an AUTOMATIC attendance report every month.
Add workshop history list.
Add page to view suggestions and our responses.
Excel version for all AACE printouts:
 1) Add missing fields (total paid, owed)
 2) Clean up
 3) Verify that data is in the correct columns
On this page:
Please change to look like this:

Year Pre-Reg Walk-In No Show Total Signed up Rollover
 Dancers for next year to next year
2007 338 45 3 380 204 15
2008 374 44 7 411 206 31
2009 378 57 21 414 207
Does the AACE search by name function on our web page start 
searching for the coming year registrations at some point? It is still finding people 
in 2010 and I'm now looking for 2011. If it automatically changes in 2011 that's fine.
I would like to be able to mark an AACE record as "Payment absorbed" which
will gray out the fields so that further edits cannot be made, the date of the absorption
is recorded somehow, and the amount paid is not included in that year's fiscal report.
This is the people you can test it on.