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Split Phantom Lines/Columns

This is a list of the things you must know when you do Split Phantom concept calls.

  • You must know where the spots are on the floor in your Split Phantom formation
  • You must know where you are in your Split Phantom formation
  • You must know the call definitions. Your partner at any moment in your Split Phantom formation may be a phantom. You cannot depend on your phantom for help.
  • When doing Split Phantom line calls, the Split Phantom lines are invariably much closer together than normal formation lines. This distorts your perception or where everyone, phantoms included, are supposed to be.
  • Square breathing is often required when doing Split Phantom concept calls. This is because these calls are really two separate squares dancing immediately next to each other. In normal formation dancing, you always have space to dance around the outside of your square. This is not always true with Split Phantom formations.

As a result, you sometimes have to spread the Split Phantom formation apart in order to get space to dance the call.

When the call is over, you may have to close up the formation to normal spacing.

Sometimes the call being done does not normally require breathing but does require breathing when done using the Split Phantom concept.

The breathing in and breathing out is done smoothly during the execution of the call. It is not done as a separate step.

As a further note, this concept may be practiced in a workshop by using C3A 2 couple tapes. There are at least two sets of these available and they are excellent. Use of these tapes provides a tremendous amount of practice in dancing with phantoms, just like is done in the Split Phantom concept.

The tapes are available from Wayne Alexander and Lee Kopman.

Index of Split Phantom Calls

Split Phantom Columns Chain the Square(1)

Split Phantom Columns Chain the Square(2)

Split Phantom Columns Drift Apart - Butterfly Formation

Split Phantom Columns Fancy (1)

Split Phantom Columns Fancy (2)

Split Phantom Columns Track Two

Split Phantom Lines Plan Ahead (1)

Split Phantom Lines Plan Ahead (2)

Split Phantom Lines Plan Ahead (3)

Split Phantom Lines Circle To A Wave

Split Phantom Lines Snap The Lock (1)

Split Phantom Lines Snap The Lock (2)

Split Phantom Lines Snap The Lock (3)

Split Phantom Lines Swing Chain Thru(1)

Split Phantom Lines Swing Chain Thru(2)

Split Phantom Lines Regroup

Split Phantom Lines Alter and Circulate

Split Phantom Lines Scoot and Weave(1)

Split Phantom Lines Scoot and Weave(2)

Split Phantom Lines The Gamut

Split Phantom Lines Rims Trade Back

Split Phantom Lines All 8 Counter Rotate

Split Phantom Lines Split Trade Circulate Perk Up

Split Phantom Lines Spin Chain the Line

11-March-2025 00:01:48
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