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- Articles and Editorials www.d4bp.com
- Articles from Cal Campbell's site.
- Barstool Dancing fortytwo.ws
- Barstool Dancing is an after party or hallway gimmick that I have been using to entertain square dancers for many years. I don't remember who invented it. It's really just the Anchor Concept from C4 called to a mini-square with the same dancer anchored for every call.
- Bernice Hall -- a unique American square dance hall
- A hall for square dancers, by square dancers, celebrating their 17th year.
- Community Dance Program www.d4bp.com
- A detailed description of the Community Dance Program (CDP) including goals, history and uses.
- Competing Against Statistics
- Statistics show why Square Dancing has declined.
- Contra and Square Dance Playing www.voyagerrecords.com
- Hints for live bands wanting to play for contras or square dances.
- Eye Contact
- Who gives it, who doesn't, and why.
- Graduation Ceremony www.penrod-sq-dancing.com
- A complete script for a class graduation ceremony.
- Left Ah!llemande, Right & Left Grand
- Fortunately there is one command we all know.
- National Council of Square Dance Organizations
- A new national organization is formed to guide Square Dancing into the next century.
- Noah's Square Dance www.rickwalton.com
- As Noah calls, the animals on the ark perform a variety of square dance steps.
- Notes from a Tempo Workshop www.dosado.com
- Determining a comfortable square dance speed.
- Parlez-vous square dance? www.dosado.com
- Do you speak Square Dance?
- Partner Rotation Board www.c-p-s-d.org
- The rotation board is an easy, reliable way for dancers to find a partner for each
tip. It is not necessary to scurry around looking for someone before each tip. It
will make your club more popular with single dancers and will serve those whose
regular partner may be absent for an evening or a tip.
- Patricia Wahle's Dancer Survey www.dosado.com
- Seven Qualities of a Healthy Group
- Apply these standards to your club to see how it measures up.
- Square Dance Apparel
- Does it matter what we wear?
- Square Dance Emergencies www.wx1der.com
- No matter how much planning you do for a square dance event, an unplanned emergency situation is usually inevitable.
- Square Dance Wedding Vows www.penrod-sq-dancing.com
- Square Dancer's Prayer www.squaredance.bc.ca
- Oh greatest Caller, Who knowest all moves...
- Square Games fortytwo.ws
- Assume that you know how to square dance. Not only that, but that you are good at it. Perhaps you have already learned some Advanced and Challenge dancing. Perhaps you are even a little bored at the current dance, weekend, festival, or convention. Or perhaps you just want a slight change to make things interesting. What you need is a square game -- something you or your square can do while the caller is calling to the rest of the folks.
- Summer Dancing in Alaska
- If you are going to Alaska this summer, then consider dancing or even calling while you are there.
- Technology in Square Dancing
- The big moment for you to get a computer may be just around the corner.
- Turkeys in the Cell -- The Meiosis Square Dance www.accessexcellence.com
- Modern science at it's best!
- What is a Leader?
- Good leadership is important for the survival of Square Dancing.
- What is Right with Square Dancing
- What is good about Square Dancing and how to strengthen it.
- Who Owns Square Dancing
- Square Dancing exists long after a caller, dancer or club passes on.