Shark, Sea Creature, Fish Birthdate=1996-01-13, Copies=4, No tag What's for breakfast? What's for lunch?
Yum! Delicious! Munch, munch, munch!
He's eating everything by the bunch
That's the reason we named him Crunch!Caitlyn's rating=5 (favorite)
Sea Creature, Jellyfish Birthdate=1998-11-18, Copies=1, Has a Tag Swirl, swish, squirm and wiggle
Listen closely, hear him giggle
The most ticklish jellyfish you'll ever meet
Even though he has no feet!Caitlyn's rating=4 (excellent)
sea creature, fish Birthdate=1999-03-15, Copies=1, Has a Tag Did you ever see a fish like me?
I'm the most colorful in the sea
Traveling with friends in a school
Swimming all day is really cool!Caitlyn's rating=3 (good)
Sea Creature, Starfish Birthdate=2002-12-05, Copies=1, Has a Tag You made a wish the other day
For a good friend so you could play
Well, I'm that special friendly fish
So hold me close, you got your wish !Caitlyn's rating=1 (OK)