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Inventory of our Beekeeping Equipment 

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2Ankle straps
50Gloves, 12-mil Long-Cuff Nitrile Gloves (blue) ( (reorder #198391-L))
1Gloves, Disposible (Mann Lake: RL-122)
2Gloves, Leather (Long) (1 large, 1 medium)
1Gloves, Leather (Short) (large)
1Gloves, Pro Vented Leather (Large) (Mann Lake: CL-187)
3Jacket with Hood (2 large, 1 medium)
3Jacket, Economy Hooded
1Kimberly-Clark powder-free nitrile gloves (XL, purple)
1Pants, Cotton w/Elastic Waist (XL) (Kelley Beekeeping 257C-XL)
1Pants, Cotton/Poly w/ drawstring (X-Large) (Mann Lake: CL-453)
1Pro Nuc 5 Frame Plastic Nuc Box with Locking Lid
Mann Lake NB350
2Veil (one white, one camouflaged)


1100 Plants To Feed The Bees (by Eric Lee-Mäder, Jarrod Fowler, Jillian Vento, and Jennifer Hopwood (The Xerces Society))
1ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture 39th Edition (By A.I. Root)
1ABCs Of Beekeeping Problems And Problem Beekeepers (by William Dullas)
1An Apiary Guide To Swarm Control (by Wally Shaw)
1Apiculture for the 21st Century (Editors: Roger Hoopingarner and Lawrence J. Connor)
1Attracting Native Pollinators (By Eric Mader, Matthew Shepherd, Mace Vaughan, Scott Hoffman Black, Gretchen LeBuhn and The Xerces Society.)
1Bee And Mankind (by John B. Free)
1Bee Boles And Bee Houses (by A. M. Foster)
1Bee Time - Lessons From The Hive (by Mark L. Winston)
ISBN 978-0-674-36839-2
1Bee-keeping at Buckfast Abbey (By Brother Adam, O.B.E.)
1Bee-sentials (A Field Guide, by Lawrence John Connor with Robert Muir)
1Beekeeper's Lab (by Kim Lehman)
1Beekeeping - Inside Of The Beehive: Advanced Techniques
1Beekeeping -- From Science to Practice (Ed. by Russell H. Vreeland and Diana Sammataro)
1Beekeeping -- Mentor In A Book (by Donald P. Studinski)
1Beekeeping for Gardeners (by Richard Taylor)
1Beekeeping in California (Cooperative Extension University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 21422.)
ISBN 0-931876-79-6
1Beekeeping in Coastal California (By Jeremy R. Rose)
We got our first bees from Jeremy.
1Bees -- A Natural History (by Christopher O'Toole)
Fancy coffee table book
1Bees In America (by Tammy Horn)
1Beeswax (by William L. Coggshall and Roger A. Morse)
1Beeswax Alchemy (by Petra Ahnert)
1Better Beekeeping (by Kim Flottum)
1Biological Beekeeping - The Way Back (by Ed & Dee Lusby)
keeps repeating themselves. I feel like I keep reading the same thing over and over.
1Breeding Super Bees (by Steve Taber)
1Breeding The Honeybee (by Brother Adam)
1Children Of The Golden Queen (by Flora McIntyre)
1Comb Honey Production (by Roger A. Morse)
1Confessions Of The Killer Bee Guy (by Reed Booth)
1Free Bees! (by Grant Gillard)
1Hive Management (by Richard E. Bonney)
1Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping (By Dewey M. Caron with Lawrence John Connor)
1Honey Bee Diseases & Pests (by Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists (Third Edition))
1Honey Bee Removal (by Cindy Bee and Bill Owens)
1Honey Farming (by R.O.B. Manley)
1Honeybee Democracy (by Thomas D. Seeley)
1In Business With Bees (by Kim Flottum)
1Increase Essentials - Nuclei, Management, Wintering (by Lawrence John Connor)
1Keeping Bees (By John Vivian)
1Mastering The Art Of Beekeeping Volume 2 (by Ormond & Harry Aebi)
1Mating Biology of Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) (by Gudrun Koeniger, Nikolaus Koeniger, Jamie Ellis and Lawrence Connor)
1Natural Beekeeping (By Ross Conrad)
2Queen Rearing Essentials (by Lawrence John Connor (Second Edition))
1Queen Rearing for the Growth & Management of Small Apiaries (by Joseph E. Hebért, Ph.D.)
1QueenSpotting (by Hilary Kearney (of Girl Next Door Honey))
ISBN 978-1-63586-037-5
1Simple Smart Beekeeping (by Kirsten S. Traynor, Ph.D. and Michael J. Traynor)
1Starting Right With Bees (by Storey Communications, Inc. (M. John Storey, Publisher))
1Steve Taber On Beekeeping (by Steve Taber - From the archives of The Beekeepers Quarterly Volume 2. For a new generation of beekeepers. Edited by John Phipps, 2015.)
1Swarm Essentials - Ecology, Management, Sustainability (By Stephen J. Repasky with Lawrence John Connor)
1Swarm Traps and Bait Hives (by McCartney Taylor)
1Swarming - Its Control And Prevention (by L.E. Snelgrove)
1The Australian Beekeeping Manual (by Robert Owen)
1The Backyard Beekeeper's Honey Handbook (by Kim Flottum)
1The BBKA Guide to Beekeeping (by Ivor Davis & Roger Cullum-Kenyon)
1The Bee - A Natural History (by Noah Wilson-Rich)
1The Bee Book (by Daphne More)
1The Bee Book (by Ann Cliff)
1The Beekeeper's Bible (Published in 2011 by Abrams, NY Authors: Richard Jones and Sharon Sweeney-Lynch)
1The Beekeeper's Handbook Fourth Edition (By Diana Sammataro and Alphonse Avitabile)
1The Beekeeper's Problem Solver (By James E. Tew)
1The Biology of the Honey Bee (by Mark L. Winston)
1The Buzz About Bees (by Jürgen Tautz)
1The Handbook for the Bee Loving Beekeeper (by James B. Miller, BSME (retired))
1The Hive And Honey Bee Revisited (by Roger Hoopingarner, Ph.D.)
1The Honey Bee (by James L. Gould & Carol Grant Gould)
1The Honey Bee (A Guide For Beekeepers) (by V.R. Vickery)
1The Honey Bee Inside Out (by Celia F. Davis)
1The Honey Trail (by Grace Pundyk)
1The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Beekeeping (Edited by Roger Morse and Ted Hooper)
1The Incomparable Honeybee (by Dr. Reese Halter)
1The Mind Of A Bee (by Lars Chittka)
1The Observation Hive Handbook (by Frank Linton)
1The Practical Beekeeper Volume I (by Michael Bush)
1The Practical Beekeeper Volume II (by Michael Bush)
1The Practical Beekeeper Volume III (by Michael Bush)
1The Practical Book of Beekeeping (by David Cramp)
1The Queen Must Die (by William Longgood)
1The Quest for the Perfect Hive (by Gene Kritsky)
1Toward Saving the Honeybee (by Gunther Hauk)
1Understanding Bee Anatomy: a full colour guide (by Ian Stell)
1What A Bee Knows (by Stephen Buchmann)
1What Do You Know? (by Clarence H. Collison)
1Wisdom for Beekeepers (by James E. Tew)
1Wisdom Of The Bees (by Erik Berrevoets)

Honey extracting

1Bucket Bench (Mann Lake: HD-628)
1Combcapper (Mann Lake: HD-461 yellow plastic)
3Double Sieve (Mann Lake: HH-440 stainless steel Top filter 841 microns, bottom filter 420 microns)
2Drip tray, wooden (Brushy Mountain Bee Farm: SKU 767)
1Extractor, tangential, with side crank (Mann Lake: HH-190)
99Jars, Queenline Glass (1 lb.) & Lids (Mann Lake: CN-137 & CN-352 (58 MM plastic lids))
1Pail, 4 gallon with Lid (Mann Lake: CN-212 & CN-213 for cappings)
4Pail, 5 gallon with Honey Gate and Lid (Mann Lake: CN-205)
1Plastic collander with bottom bowl (to drain cappings)
5Replacement O-Ring Kit (Mann Lake: HH-606)
1Sign, Honey For Sale, Vintage (Mann Lake: GF-145)
1Uncapping Knife, Electric (Mann Lake: HD-400)
1Uncapping plane, 110V Right hand (Mann Lake: HD-430)


2Bee Brush (Mann Lake: HD-660)
2Bee Brush, Premium (Mann Lake: HD-661)
1Bee Quick (8 oz. bottle (Mann Lake: DC-155))
no picture
no picture
4Beetle Jail Baitable
15Better Beetle Blaster Traps
1Cleaner for Queen Excluder (Mann Lake: HD-119)
2Din-A-Max beetle Towels, half sheet 10 count (Mann Lake: DC-673)
1Dixie disposable foodservice towel
Cut into 1/4ths and used as small hive beetles traps inside hive.
1Frame Cleaner (Mann Lake: HD-616)
no picture
no picture
5Frame Grip (Mann Lake: HD-630)
1Frame Grip (From Kelley Beekeeping)
1Frame Lifter & Scraper (Mann Lake: HD-620)
1Frame Spacer (10 to 8) (Mann Lake: HD-593 plastic)
3Frame Spacer (10 to 9) (Mann Lake: HD-587 metal)
1Heat Gun (for cleaning queen excluders)
10Hive Tool (Mann Lake: HD-584)
1Hive Tool, EZ Pry (Mann Lake: HD-581)
1KwikStart Fire Starters (Bag of 100 starters - Mann Lake: HD-554)
1Manipulation Cloth (Brushy Mountain Bee Farm: SKU Cat. #768)
1Observation Hive (Mann Lake WW170)
4Playing Cards, Honeybee (
10Prickle Mat (Cat Scat Mat)
1Puzzle, Queenspotting (1000 piece puzzle)
very difficult
1Queen Cage
2Sign, metal - Bee Crossing (Mann Lake: GF-106)
3Smoker (Mann Lake: HD-556)
1 smaller one, 2 larger ones
7Stainless Steel Bee Escape ( (AC-107))
3Utility Knife (Mann Lake: HD-583)


4Nuc Bottom Board, Screened (Mann Lake: WW-191 or BetterBee)
4Nuc Box (5-frame) (wooden, BetterBee)
2Nuc Box, Cardboard (5-frame) (cardboard)
18Nuc Box, Cardboard 5-frame (Kelley Beekeeping Co 94-CBN or Blue Sky Bee Supply CBNB)
4Nuc Cover, Inner
4Nuc Cover, Outer (telescoping) (BetterBee)
4Nuc Entrance Reducer
2Nuc Feeder, Top
3Nuc Mesh Transport Bag (Kelley Beekeeping 6200)
2Nuc Robbing/Moving Screen (Mann Lake: WW-192)
2Nuc Super, Medium 5-frame (Weller Bee Supply (B-2-3-002))
2Queen Excluder, 5-Frame (wood bound) (Pigeon Mountain Trading Company (PM9464NWB))

Other hive parts

8Entrance Disc - Metal (Mann Lake: HD-596)
3Entrance Discs - Plastic
2Feeder, Top (Mann Lake: FD-631 We like these more than the internal ones)
8Frame Holders for Hive Stand (4 pairs of metal hangers for hive side to hold frames while working)
15Hive Stand, Adjustable (8 & 10 Frame) (Mann Lake: HD-709)
2Hive Stand, Steel
4Hive Stand, The Ultimate (Mann Lake: HD-710 "The Ultimate Hive Stand")
Ant protection is very difficult with these stands
16Pyrex Pans (for Hive Feet Ant Control with The Ultimate Hive Stands)

Swarm capture

1100% pure lemongrass essential oil (1 fl. oz. (30 ml))
Found at most health food stores.
3Bee Vac, Cage for Owens
1Bee Vac, Owens
1Clippers, large
1Clippers, small
1Colorado Bee Vac
1Cutout Comb Framer - by Ron Barrows
4Hive strap
3John's Swarm Trap
2Lemongrass Essential Oil
1Moving net
1Natural Honey Harvester, plastic bottle
1Pole, telescoping, aluminum
2Queen catcher, metal (Betterbee (QCT2))
0Queen catcher, plastic (Mann Lake: HD-100)
Easy to break!
2Queen catcher, stainless steel (Mann Lake: HD-102)
2Rubber bands, bag of
1Staple gun
1Swarm bag, canvas
4Swarm box, homemade (10-Frame)
1Swarm Trap, 5-Frame


2Advice from a Honey Bee (Missouri Botanical Garden gift shop, St. Louis MO)
2Bee Stack ( Bee stack! It's a stack of honeybees of different races/varieties. The bottom is a queen bee, above her is a drone, the rest are worker bees. Honey bees vary in color within each race and show a lot of variety, but each of these is based from top to bottom on the following bees: Russian, Cordovan, German, Carniolan, Caucasian, Buckfast, and Italian.)
2Comb Bee (Northern Sun catalog
2Honey Bee (FullArkTees shop on
2International Sisterhood of Honey Bee Workers (BeeProgressiveLLC shop)
2Just Bee (gift from Bee Guild of Santa Barbara)
2Keeper of the Bees (
2Straight A's (T-Shirt designed by Debbie)
2Worker Bee (Northern Sun catalog


1More Than Honey (a film by Markus Imhoof)
1Queen of the Sun - What Are the Bees Telling Us? (Video by Collective Eye Films, 2011 (82 minutes))
1Swarm Plus (
1The Monk and the Honeybee (Video by York Films of England, 2005 (90 minutes))


1Beeswax one ounce bars
1Candle Mold, Frog (Mann Lake: PM-343)
1Candle Mold, Honeycomb With Bee (Betterbee (F017))
1Candle Mold, Little Owl (Betterbee (FS112))
1Candle Mold, Pinecone (Betterbee (FS02))
1Candle Mold, Spirals small set of 3 (Mann Lake: PM-190)
1Candle Mold, Votives set of 4, 1-1/2 (Mann Lake: PM-320)
1Metal pouring pitcher
1Mold - 1 lb Beeswax Bar (Mann Lake PM-855)
1Mold Release (by Candle Flex (Mann Lake: MD-396))
1Solar wax melter, Lyson (Betterbee: LYHPW3247)
no picture
no picture
1Wax melter
1Wax melter, Solar (Brushy Mountain Bee Farm: SKU 825)
1Wick Holder Tabs - 50 pack (Mann Lake: MD-400)
1Wicking #2, 30 ft. (Betterbee (Wick1R2))
1Wicking 2/0, 100 ft. (Mann Lake: MD-370)
1Wicking 4/0, 100 ft. (Mann Lake: MD-355)
1Wicking Needle 10" (Mann Lake: MD-390)


1Beetle Baffle - NOT YET ASSEMBLED
no picture
no picture
1Bottom Board, Country Rubes (Incompatible with "Ultimate Hive Stands")
1Bottom Board, Migratory
Sent by mistake.
2Bottom Board, Plain
2Bottom Board, Screened
8Bottom Board, Screened (with landing platform) (Kelley Beekeeping WW-677)
1Cloake Board (10-frame (Mann Lake: WW-182))
7Cover, Inner Notched (Mann Lake: WW-243)
11Cover, Inner, Not Notched (Mann Lake: WW-246)
3Cover, Inner, Screened (Mann Lake: WW-245)
1Cover, Outer (Garden Hivery) (Mann Lake: WW-754)
15Cover, Outer (telescoping) (Mann Lake: WW-300)
1Double screen board (10-Frame) (Mann Lake: WW-180)
2Drone frame, green (Mann Lake: PF-300)
2Entrance Guard with Excluder (10-Frame) (Mann Lake: WW-186)
6Entrance Reducer
5Escape Screen (10-Frame △) (Mann Lake: WW-178 Works like a charm!)
4Follower Board (Mann Lake: WW-165)
49Foundation-less frames (a bitch to put together - later purchased pre-fabricated foundation-less frames from Kelley Beekeeping: 9-FZA.)
1Hogg Halfcomb Kit (10 frame shallow super outfitted with a battery of 40 plastic box inserts primed with honeycomb for bees to build comb honey. Betterbee (HHCK))
1Nuc introduction board (Mann Lake: WW-190)
8Queen Excluder, wood with metal grid (Mann Lake: HD-122)
8Robbing/Moving Screen (10-Frame) (Mann Lake: WW-176)
6Shim, Imirie (10-Frame) (Mann Lake: WW-239)
8Slatted Rack (10-Frame)
29Super, Deep (10-Frame) (2 purple, 2 yellow, 2 blue, 2 green, 2 orange, 2 pink, 4 white, 4 brown, 2 turquoise, 3 tan, 1 dark green, 1 ribbed white, 2 unpainted)
25Super, Medium (10-Frame) (3 purple, 3 yellow, 3 blue, 3 green, 3 orange, 3 pink, 2 white, 1 brown)
1Swarm Bandit
4Top Cover, Migratory (Mann Lake: WW-364)
11-March-2025 21:34:18
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