Report a honey bee swarm in the Santa Ynez Valley, California.
Please read the information below, then fill out and submit the form.
Ballard -
Buellton -
Los Olivos -
Santa Ynez -
We are happy to collect any accessible swarms of honey bees within the
Santa Ynez Valley and relocate them. If we are unable to collect the swarm
ourselves, we will forward your request to another local beekeeper.
For help with other bee removal issues, see
Please be sure they are honey bees, and not yellow jackets or wasps.
Bee vs Wasp nest under eaves
Honey bees

contact a Beekeeper
Yellow jackets

call an Exterminator
Yellow jackets

call an Exterminator
Swarm capture is usually free. Removal of an established colony may involve a fee.
A swarm is a clump of bees exposed to the elements
either hanging off a tree, bush, park bench, etc. or spread out on the ground.
The bees have not constructed much, if any, honeycomb.
Swarms are generally easy to capture.
The earlier a swarm is reported, the better.
Otherwise, the swarm may leave to inhabit somewhere where it's not wanted.
In cold or wet weather, the swarm may perish or greatly diminish in numbers.
A cutout is the removal of an existing physical colony of bees
with honeycomb, such as a colony inside an irrigation box, tree hollow, wine barrel,
under eaves, or inside a wall.
Removal of such a colony is time-consuming, and we may refer you to someone else to do the cutout.
Swarms should be captured as soon as possible, whereas cutouts
are rarely an urgent matter and their extraction can be arranged at any time.
Honey bees will be gently captured and relocated to a good home.
Be sure to read
Submitting this form is the best way to contact us.
Text messages are sent to each of our cell phones.
E-mails are sent to all of our email addresses.
We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Your information is only used to process your request.
We do not share your info with anyone, nor add you to any mailing list.