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C3B Voting
C3B Voting

  • This is the official ballot for changes to the C3A list
  • Anyone may vote. However, only the votes of CALLERLAB members actively calling C3A will be used for the final determination. The other votes may be used in resolving tie votes, or identifying situations that the voting callers may need to reconsider.
  • CALLERLAB Challenge Committee members who call C3A should receive an official ballot from CALLERLAB within a few weeks. Members then have the option of either mailing the completed ballot to me, or voting via this web page.
  • Guidelines for final determination:
    • To drop a call, 50 % is needed
    • To add or rename a call, 66 % is needed
    • Ed Foote also has some guidelines on how many changes should be made. For instance perhaps no more than 6 calls should be added. As soon as I get these guidelines, I will place them in this document.
  • The comments listed under each potential change were received from callers and dancers. These comments do not necessarily reflect my personal opinions. However, comments preceded by the phrase Editor's note are mine.
  • After the C3A voting is complete, the C3B voting process will begin. Calls dropped from C3A or calls not added to C3A will automatically be placed on the C3B ballot. Non-CALLERLAB members votes will be counted for C3B.

Voting Instructions 

  • For each entry, please check one of the options
  • You must supply your name and e-mail address
  • When you are done, click on the 'Submit Vote' button

Drop from C3A ? 

Drop Keep   Patch (anyone)
  • A short, non-useful call that doesn't dance well.
Drop Keep   Peel Chain Thru
  • Times terribly. The callers had the good sense to drop trail chain thru last time. Now it's time to finish the job!
Drop Keep   Rolling Ripple
  • Good grief... name someone (am I a Head Boy? then they mess around for a while). yuck.
  • Two people play Tarzan, swinging through the trees while the others passively provide the vines.
  • I am not a big fan of rolling ripple. Maybe we should drop this.
Drop Keep   Shove Off
  • Doesn't dance, is part of the old-style choreo that we don't need any more
  • Very difficult to incorporate into anything with even the slightest resemblance to a dance. The best I've ever seen any caller do is to use it after and cross and that usage is only marginal.
Drop Keep   Slant anything By anything
  • Slant Touch And Wheel is poor. Slant Anything and Anything isn't great. Do we still need these? Maybe we can drop them.
Drop Keep   Switch Your Leader
  • I think it takes being a tagging call to do Your Leader; switch is NOT a tagging call. History is just wrong, ditch this.
Drop Keep   Wrap to a formation
  • Dancers can't do this at all and it gets really wearing to have to wait while the caller says it ends in a (whatever)" and the dancers fumble around trying to make that formation.
  • I like Wrap since it's sister call (Unwrap) is on C2. If the dancers can't do it, it's probably not being taught well.

Add to C3A ? 

Add Don't Add   Cross Extend
  • Definition: From a Single 1/4 Tag, Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone Box. As one movement, Extend and those ending in a Mini-Wave slide nose-to-nose.
Add Don't Add   Cross Follow Thru
  • Definition: From a Single 1/4 Tag, Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone Box. Leaders (in a Box) 1/2 Box Circulate as the Others Cross Extend & Arm Turn 1/4. This is the same as Follow Thru except use the inconvenient hand.
  • Cross follow thru? Just use Weave. Weave has the entertaining aspect of also being more elegant callwise.
  • Editor's note: I believe the primary intent is to add Cross Follow Thru from a 1/4 Tag formation. It makes for interesting choreography to do things such as Cross Follow Thru Twice or 1/2 Crazy Follow Thru when one of the instances starts from a 1/4 Tag, and the other from a Mini-Wave Box.
Add Don't Add   Cross Wind The Bobbin
  • Definition: Same as Wind The Bobbin except Leaders Trail Off (1/2 Cross Zoom) instead of Peel Off.
  • Wind the Bobbin should include the (Cross) variation for completeness. If CALLERLAB is going to write down a definition, I suggest not saying "1/2 Zoom" like they did for the recent AQS; say "Peel Off". I don't care about "Criss Cross" one way or the other.
Add Don't Add   Fan Concept
  • Definition: Fan means to omit the first part of the call, which must be an Arm Turn 1/2.
  • Since Finish has been surreptitiously added to C1 it seems that Fan should be moved to C3A or better yet to C2.
Add Don't Add   Finally Concept
  • Definition: Do the last part of the call using the given concept. For example, a Finally Tandem Swing & Mix is (from Parallel Waves) Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cross Run; Tandem Centers Trade.
  • I'd like to see Finally added to the C3A list. I use it sometimes and I know other callers do as well. The dancers know what it means instinctively. Might as well make it official.
  • Obvious to the dancers what it means. I've heard it used at C3B dances several times already and the dancers just do it.
  • Finally is a natural extension from the existing concept Initially. While it is more difficult for a caller to use when sight calling it is only marginally harder for the dancers and can have some interesting results.
Add Don't Add   Quadruple formation
  • Definition: Quadruple (formation) describes four adjacent formations consisting of phantoms and real dancers. Quadruple (formation) is similar to Triple (formation) except that there are four formations instead of three.
  • Dancers already know triple formations from C2 and split phantom lines and columns are already on this list. So this seems to be a pretty simple addition. In fact, I've heard this a lot at C3A dances already.
  • We should consider adding Quadruple Boxes (and Waves, Lines,Diamonds) to C3B. It is a shame to say Split Phantom Boxes, Bingo when Quadruple Box Bingo would focus the dancers attention on the correct dancers better.
Add Don't Add   Reverse Crazy Concept
  • Definition: Centers do the given call; Each side does the call; Centers do the given call; Each side does the call. This is the same as Crazy except the Centers go first.
  • Occasionally used at C3A or C3B.
  • It didn't occur to me that reverse crazy wasn't already C-2...I use it there all the time.
Add Don't Add   Tag Back and Dodge, Tag Chain Thru and Dodge
  • Definition: (Any Tagging Call) Back and Dodge. Do the tagging call to the 1/2 tag position; Scoot & Dodge.
  • Definition: (Any Tagging Call) Chain Thru and Dodge. Do the tagging call to the 1/2 tag position; Leaders Dodge as Trailers Scoot Chain Thru.
Add Don't Add   Track n
  • Definition: From Completed Double Pass Thru. Tandem Trade (this is Track 0); Extend to the given fractional tag position where 1 = 1/4 Tag, 2 = 1/2 Tag, 3 = 3/4 Tag, and 4 = Full Tag.
  • I would like to see Track added to some list. I teach it at C1. I use the "Tandem Trade, Extend " definition that the original author (Dick Bayer) used.
  • If we're considering adding Track N, I would rather add "track as a tagging call". I think this is more useful and no harder to learn. I see Track N as a subset of that (since you can extend to any tag position) but would also allow Track Reaction, Track Your Leader, etc.
  • Editor's note: If Track N is added, I believe it implies that it can be used as a 'tagging call'.
Add Don't Add   Transaction
  • Definition: From Columns. Transfer And Cast Off 3/4; Chain Reaction.
  • This would give us another call that has several beats. It builds on things that the dancers already know and could be taught with only a minimal amount of effort.
Add Don't Add   Twisted Concept
  • Definition: Dancers doing a Pass Thru or Pull By movement for the very first part of the call turn 1/4 while doing the Pass Thru or Pull By movement. This is often equivalent to doing a Single Circle 1/4 (to face) then complete the call.
  • I would like to see Twisted Concept added to C3A or C3B.
  • I can buy most of the suggestions but don't think we should bother with the Twisted Concept, while I agree its a nice danceable idea and do like it. I got turned off to it when as soon as I called " Twisted ... any call" as soon as you said it they did the single circle bit and then just did the call. It's not danced.
  • I'd like to see Twisted added somewhere. It is quite difficult because of its shape changing nature so I feel it would significantly increase the difficulty of the level. C3A currently does not have any significant concepts.
Add Don't Add   "Uncomplicated" Twosomes
  • How about introducing uncomplicated twosomes at the C3A level? Many Once Removed calls would be easier to learn if people knew simple Twosomes.
  • The "Uncomplicated" Twosomes is a bad idea. I don't like splitting concepts across levels, you might as well teach it once rather than making it much harder learning later.
  • Editor's note: If this gets approved, we need to define what "Uncomplicated" means. My best guess is that "Uncomplicated" means non-shape changing calls. Anyone else have any ideas?
  • "Uncomplicated" Twosomes could be Couples Twosomes that are not to end as tandems (no Hinge or Cast Off 3/4). Another idea: introduce specific Twosome calls: e.g. from Tidal 2-Face Line: Couples Twosome Swing Thru, Slip, Swing. These are easy. In my opinion, introducing the Twosome Cheat at C2 would not be necessary if the use of Once Removed is restricted at C2.
  • Perhaps saying that shape changing Once Removed calls are not appropriate at C2, and are appropriate at C3A would reduce the opposition to the Once Removed concept at C2 and, in effect, give C3A a concept.

Other Changes to C3A ? 

Rename Don't Rename   Rename Split Checkmate to Single Checkmate?
  • Maybe the time has come to rename Split Checkmate to Single Checkmate and list it under the Single calls.
  • Editor's note: I think the name Split Checkmate is a historical relic. I've called this call as Single Checkmate for at least 10 years now, and it's always been listed in our book as Single Checkmate. I think it's stupid to have two names for the same call (e.g., Split Checkmate to work on each side; Box Checkmate if only the Centers or some other group of 4 are to do the call). I also don't like saying things such as Centers Split Checkmate, since it sounds like the Centers need to work Split to do the call.
  • Single transfer, single circulate, single counter rotate, single sidetrack, single rotate. Some are the same some different.Why not clarify by saying box when the issue is cloudy.
  • Single Checkmate should be introduced as an alternate name. Centers should Box Checkmate, NOT Split Checkmate.
  • Keep the name "Split" in Split Checkmate (for consistency with Split Transfer). I don't see why 3x1 Checkmate on the C-2 list doesn't get generalized to 1x1 Checkmate instead of introducing the theoretically messier Single Checkmate. The call is bad enough; it doesn't deserve multiple names
Drop Keep   Once Removed Diamonds
  • This is on C3A while once removed is on C2. Thus, in principle, one could call once removed, flip the diamond at C2, but couldn't use the phrasing once removed diamonds,flip the diamond until C3A. This seems pretty ridiculous. I believe the correct course of action here is to move all of once removed from C2 to C3A. C2 has too much conceptual difficulty as it is and once removed is probably too hard for C2 dancers anyway.Moving once removed would go a long way towards evening out the difficulty in these 2 levels.
  • I firmly believe that once removed should be on C3a. Furthermore I don't know why we say once-removed diamond. After all we don't say once removed box or once removed line.
  • Editor's note: If we drop this, does it automatically become C2?


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22-January-2025 06:07:25
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