Because there are a lot of calls listed here, if the voting results suggests a large number
of additions to C3B, there may be a second ballot to reduce that number.
Don't Add
3 By 3 Concept, 4 By 4 Concept
I use the 4x4 concept with my C3B group. It doesn't involve phantoms
or the weird 3x1 stuff and they seem to handle it ok
(even though they are weak at certain parts of C3B).
Dancers often confuse these concepts with n-some. Therefore it seems
to me to be a bad idea to have this concept and twosome on the same list.
Adding 3x3 and 4x4 would make the Single Concept understandable.
Don't Add
ATC (Chain Thru) (Cross) Nuclear Reaction / Reactivate (and Scatter)
We seem to have some gaps in the area of ATC Reaction and ATC Chain
Thru. The C3A list shows these two. But somewhere along the line we
start doing ATC Chain Thru Reaction, and it doesn't really appear on
either list. And on C3B we do ATC Nuclear Reaction or ATC Chain Thru
Nuclear Reaction and it ain't there either - but the Reactivate
equivalents are (or at least the non-chain thru version is). This
whole thing is fuzzy right now. So I propose that the following
appear on the C3A list:
- ATC Chain Thru
- ATC (Cross) Reaction (Scoot (Cross) Reaction)
- ATC Chain Thru (Cross) Reaction
- Scoot Chain Thru (Cross) Reaction
And that the following appear on the C3B list:
- ATC (Chain Thru) (Cross) Nuclear Reaction (and Scatter)
- ATC (Chain Thru) (Cross) Reactivate (and Scatter)
Many callers already use these variations at C3B.
Don't Add
Change Lanes
- Definition: From applicable formations (e.g., Parallel Lines with the Centers in Tandem).
Centers Any Hand Remake & Spread as Outsides Circulate and Crossover Circulate.
- Nice dancing call.
Don't Add
Chase the Tag
- Definition: From Back-to-Back Couples. Belles U-Turn Back toward the Right; all Vertical Tag The Line.
- Nice dancing call. Easy to learn.
Editor's note: Chase The Tag is an easy, useful, and flowing tagging call
(Chase Back, Chase Chain Thru, Chase Reaction, Chase The Top, etc.)
Don't Add
Criss Cross (N) Steps At A Time
- Definition: From Columns. The first (N) dancers Trail Off, Step forward if necessary, and Bend The Line, as the
Others step ahead to a compact formation and slide nose-to-nose, Trade, & Roll.
- Why not add Criss Cross N Steps at a Time? Cross is there already,
Criss Cross is a trivial extension.
Don't Add
Cross Cycle (from box)
- Definition: From an applicable 2x2 (e.g., Mini-Wave Box, Facing Couples).
As one movement, Split Recycle & Slither.
- Easy extension. Several callers already consider this C3B.
Many callers already use this at C3B.
Don't Add
Connect The Diamond
- Definition: From a Diamond. Centers Hinge as Points (Diamond) Counter Rotate 1/4 & Roll; all Extend.
- A simple call from diamonds.
Don't Add
Contour the Line
- Definition: From a Line of 4. Hinge; Box Circulate Twice; Hinge. 4-Part call.
- Nice dancing call. 4-parts allows flexibility.
A nice call that can be fractionalized but would rather see at C2 or C1.
Don't Add
Dixie Spin
- Definition: Dixie Style To A Wave; Fan The Top. 2-Part Call.
- The Split version makes a good opening gambit.
- A nice easy call that fits well into modern choreography.
Don't Add
Echo Concept
- Definition: Do the call with the given concept; then do the call.
- I already use Echo at most C3B dances.
Don't Add
Kick the Habit
- Definition: From applicable formations (Parallel Lines, Columns, Galaxy, Butterfly, etc).
Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers do your part Leaders Kick Off
- Nice dancing call that can be done from many places.
Don't Add
Lock Em Up
- Definition: From applicable formations (Tidal Wave/2FL or Parallel Waves/2FLs).
Lockit; Hinge; Centers Hinge & Lockit as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4 & Roll. A 4-Part Call.
- Nice dancing call. 4-parts allows lots of flexibility.
- This is a nice multipart call that flows particularly well after rally and
tag the top which are on the C3 lists. Since it has well defined parts,
it can be used with initially, finish etc.
Don't Add
Phantom setups (e.g., Boxes, Diamonds, 1/4 Tag)
- At C3A we have Split Phantom Lines|Waves|Columns. At C3B we have Split
Phantom Boxes. We also have Phantom Lines|Waves|Columns. I think we
should add Phantom Boxes to the C3B list as well. After all, shape
changing Phantom Line|Wave|Column calls can end in a Phantom Box setup!
Come to think of it, they can end in Phantom Diamond, Phantom Single
Quarter Tag, etc. Why not extend the C3B list to simply include Split
Phantom Formation, and Phantom Formation?
Don't Add
Reverse Cut | Flip The "Z"
- Definition: From a "Z". Centers (who must be in a Mini-Wave with each other)
do a Trade & Spread (for Reverse Cut) or Flip Away from each other (for Reverse
Flip) as the Others do a "Z" Circulate.
- I would like to see Reverse Cut/Flip the Z added to C3B.
Don't Add
Shifty Concept
- Definition: Finish the given call; then do the first part of the call.
- This will add variety to the program. It requires that dancers be aware of
definitions which reinforces the skill they are currently using for the random concept.
- Some callers use Shift N. Why add something to the list for which there
isn't even agreement on the name?
Don't Add
Stack the Wheel
- Definition: From a One-Faced or Two-Faced Line. Couples Hinge; (individually) Roll. 2-Part call.
- Nice dancing call.
Don't Add
Triple Columns Working Right | Left
- C3B has Triple Lines | Waves Working Forward | Backward. I think we
should officially add Triple Columns Working Left|Right and Triple Boxes
Working Left|Right|Forward|Backward. These are already in use by some
callers, and, Triple Lines|Waves Working Forward|Backward
shape changing calls can end in Triple Columns or Triple Boxes. It
would make sense to be able to continue using Triple Working from these
Don't Add
Walk Out to a Column
- Definition: From Parallel Waves. Trailing Centers do two Phantom Columns Circulate;
Leaders do a Once Removed Single Wheel then Press Ahead (to become Centers in Columns);
Trailing Ends do a Circulate then Fold. Ends in Columns.
- Nice dancing call.
Don't Add
Walk the Plank | (anything) the Plank
- Definition (Walk The Plank): From Columns. Circulate; Centers Walk & Dodge as Ends do a Leaders Run.
- Nice dancing call. 2-part call.
Don't Add
Yo-Yo Concept
- Definition: Do the given call but replace the first Arm Turn 1/2 with an Arm Turn 3/4.
- Yo-Yo should be added somewhere. My feeling is that dancers will have a
tendency to confuse Yo-Yo and Fan and therefore they should be kept on
different levels. Thus if Fan is moved to C3A then Yo-Yo should be on C3B.
However if Fan is kept at C3B (or better yet, moved to C2), then
Yo-Yo should be on C3A.
Don't Add
Cross Extend
Definition: From a Single 1/4 Tag, Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone Box. As one movement, Extend and
those ending in a Mini-Wave slide nose-to-nose.
An easy call that is already part of many definitions.
Don't Add
Cross Follow Thru
Definition: From a Single 1/4 Tag, Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone Box. Leaders (in a Box) 1/2 Box Circulate
as the Others Cross Extend & Arm Turn 1/4. Cross Follow Thru is the same as Follow Thru except use the inconvenient hand.
Cross Follow Thru? Just use Weave. Weave has the entertaining aspect of also being
more elegant callwise.
Editor's note: I believe the primary intent is to add Cross Follow Thru from a
1/4 Tag formation. Being able to do a Cross Follow Thru from two different formations makes
for interesting choreography a la Cross Follow Thru Twice or 1/2 Crazy Cross Follow Thru when one
of the instances starts from a 1/4 Tag, and the other from a Mini-Wave Box.
Don't Add
Cross Wind The Bobbin
- Definition: Same as Wind The Bobbin except Leaders Trail Off (1/2 Cross Zoom) instead of Peel Off.
- Wind the Bobbin should include the (Cross) variation for completeness.
If CALLERLAB is going to write down a definition, I suggest not saying "1/2 Zoom"
like they did for the recent AQS; say "Peel Off".
I don't care about "Criss Cross" one way or the other.
Don't Add
Quadruple formation
- Definition: Quadruple (formation) describes four adjacent formations consisting of phantoms and real dancers. Quadruple
(formation) is similar to Triple (formation) except that there are four formations instead of three.
- Dancers already know triple formations from C2 and split phantom lines and columns are already on this list.
So this seems to be a pretty simple addition. In fact, I've heard this a lot at C3A dances already.
- We should add Quadruple Boxes (and Waves, Lines,Diamonds) to C3B. It is a
shame to say Split Phantom Boxes, Bingo when Quadruple Box Bingo is a shorter phrase and
would better focus the dancers attention on the correct dancers.
Don't Add
Tag Back and Dodge, Tag Chain Thru and Dodge
- Definition: (Any Tagging Call) Back and Dodge. Do the tagging call to the 1/2 tag position; Scoot & Dodge.
- Definition: (Any Tagging Call) Chain Thru and Dodge. Do the tagging call to the 1/2 tag position; Leaders Dodge
as Trailers Scoot Chain Thru.
Don't Add
Rolling Ripple
Dropped from C3A. Should we add it to C3B?
Don't Add
Shove Off
Dropped from C3A. Should we add it to C3B?
Don't Add
Track n
Definition: From Completed Double Pass Thru. Tandem Trade (this is Track 0); Extend to the given fractional tag
position where 1 = 1/4 Tag, 2 = 1/2 Tag, 3 = 3/4 Tag, and 4 = Full Tag.
I would like to see Track added to some list. I teach it at C1.
I use the "Tandem Trade, Extend " definition that the original author (Dick Bayer) used.
If we're considering adding Track N, I would rather add "track as a tagging call". I think this is more
useful and no harder to learn. I see Track N as a subset of that (since you can extend to any tag
position) but would also allow Track Reaction, Track Your Leader, etc.
Editor's note: If Track N is added, I believe it implies that it can be used as a 'tagging call'.
Don't Add
- Definition: From Columns. Transfer And Cast Off 3/4; Chain Reaction.
- This would give us another call that has several beats. It builds on things
that the dancers already know and could be taught with only a minimal amount of effort.
Don't Add
Twisted Concept
Definition: Dancers doing a Pass Thru or Pull By movement for the very first part of the call
turn 1/4 while doing the Pass Thru or Pull By movement. This is often equivalent
to doing a Single Circle 1/4 (to face) then complete the call.
I would like to see Twisted Concept added to C3A or C3B.
I can buy most of the suggestions but don't think we should bother with
the Twisted Concept, while I agree its a nice danceable idea and do like
it. I got turned off to it when as soon as I called " Twisted ... any call"
as soon as you said it they did the single circle bit and then just did the call.
It's not danced.
I'd like to see Twisted added somewhere.
It is interesting because of its shape changing nature.