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345 records

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Robert Abdinoor
 Frederick, Maryland, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Sharon Murphy Abney
 Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Sid Acker
 Arlington, Texas, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Steven and Vanessa Ackerman
 Del City, Oklahoma, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Brenda Ackerson
  Retired    Batesville, Arkansas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Keith Ackerson
  Retired    Batesville, Arkansas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Jimmy Akin
 San Diego, California, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Mike Amell
 Concord, California, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Steve Anderson
 Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Lester and Barbara Auria
 Lake Havasu City, Arizona, USA
Cueing Phase II thru Phase V;
Ray Ayers
 Parker Ford, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Don Bachelder
 WEB SITE   Bernardston, Massachusetts, USA
Calling thru A2;
Sharon Baldwin
 Thomasville, North Carolina, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Carl "CBDanceman" Ballou
 WEB SITE   Grants Pass, Oregon, USA
Calling thru Mainstream; Cueing Easy;
Bill Baritompa
  Retired    RD 1 Lyttelton, New Zealand
Calling thru Plus;
Doug Barnett
  Retired    Monterey, Tennessee, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Michael Barraclough
 WEB SITE   Poynton, England, United Kingdom
Loren Behm
 Owasso, Oklahoma, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Lissa Bengtson
 San Antonio, Texas, USA
Chuck Bermele
 St. Florian, Alabama, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Ron and Jan Betzelberger
 Lincoln, Illinois, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Phase II thru Phase IV;
Charlie Bitter
 Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Mike Blohm
 Slidell, Louisiana, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Juergen Boche
 Friedrichsdorf, Hessen, Germany
Calling thru Plus;
Carl Bodsford
 Elon College, North Carolina, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Mel Branham
 Anaheim, California, USA
Calling thru A1; Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Andrea Braun
 Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia
Calling thru Mainstream;
Wendy Brooks
 Roy, Utah, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Walter Brough
 Hoover, Alabama, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Colleen Brown
 Yuma, Arizona, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Jimmy Oldguy and Darla Brown
 Rancho Cucamonga, California, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Allan Brozek
 Oxford, Connecticut, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Walter "Walt" Bull
  Retired    Topsham, Maine, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Herbert Burton
 Garden City, Kansas, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Mike Callahan
 WEB SITE   Spencerport, New York, USA
Calling Basic thru C1; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Billy Callaway
 Elba, Alabama, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Patricia Campbell
 WEB SITE   Newtown, Connecticut, USA
Russ Campbell
  Retired    WEB SITE   Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru Mainstream;
Pat Cannon
 Sloatsburg, New York, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Chuck Carles
  Retired    Logan, Utah, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
John Carlton
 San Antonio, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Thomas Cerrone
 N Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Larry and Marg Clark
 Fall River, Nova Scotia, Canada
Cueing Phase II thru Phase IV;
Lorne Clayton
 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Maryjane Clewell
 Hawthorne, New Jersey, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Annemarie Cohen
 WEB SITE   Sauverny, France
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Stephen Cole
 Gainesville, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Dave Colestock
 New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru Basic;
John Colwell
 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Don Cook
 Springfield, Missouri, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Ron Counts
 Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
David O. "Doc" and Donna Cox
 Mint Hill, North Carolina, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Cueing Phase I thru Phase III;
Don Coy
 WEB SITE   Brooklyn, New York, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Kevin Cozad
 Centreville, Alabama, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Tim Crawford
 Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru C2;
Ross Crawshaw-Lopton
  WEB SITE   North Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Tom Crisp
 WEB SITE   Tucson, Arizona, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Dick Crouse
 Palatine, Illinois, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Rob Cunningham
 Bakersfield, California, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Ed Czech
 WEB SITE   Winamac, Indiana, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy;

Sammy and Ingrid David
 WEB SITE   Linden, Hessen, Germany
Cueing Easy thru Phase VI;
Tom Davis
 WEB SITE   Xenia, Ohio, USA
Calling thru C1;
Patrick Demerath
 Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Kenneth Diesburg
 Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Victor L. "Vic" Diller
 Apple Valley, Minnesota, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Edward "Ed" Dolson
 London, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Mike Driscoll
 Burnsville, Minnesota, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Joey and Beverley Duhamel
 Baskin, Louisiana, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
George Dunbar
 St. Peters, Missouri, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Joseph and Peggy Dungan
 Westminster, South Carolina, USA
Calling thru A1; Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Karen Dunnam
 WEB SITE   Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Calling thru Basic;
Steve DuVal
 Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
David Dvorak
 Praha (Prague), Czech Republic
Calling Basic thru C1;

Jimmy Ellis
 Arlington, Texas, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Phase II thru Phase III;
Deanne and Jim Emory
 WEB SITE   Westbury, New York, USA
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Jim Emory
 WEB SITE   Westbury, New York, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Donnalee and Tony England
 Ogden, Utah, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Dave Eno
 Preble, New York, USA
Calling thru C2;
Su Eygabroad
 Thermal, California, USA
Calling Mainstream thru A2;

Joseph "Cornbread" Fabian Jr
 WEB SITE   Frankfort, Maine, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Adam Fanello
 WEB SITE   Silverado, California, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Bob J. Farnell
 San Antonio, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Greg Fawell
 WEB SITE   Perth, Swan Valley, Western Australia, Australia
Calling Basic thru Mainstream;
George Ferguson
 Westland, Michigan, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Ken Fish
  Retired    Carlisle, Ohio, USA
Calling thru A1;
Karen and Dick Fisher
  Retired    Livingston, Texas, USA
Cueing Phase II thru Phase VI;
Warren Fleming
  Retired    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Ray A. Flick
 Oxnard, California, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Herb Franklin
 WEB SITE   Ladson, South Carolina, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Brian Freed
  WEB SITE   Bloomington, Minnesota, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Nancy and Richard Fulaytar
 Anderson, Indiana, USA
Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Don Furnish
  Retired    Parker, Colorado, USA
Calling thru A2;
Robert "Bob" Furr
 Mesa, Arizona, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jeff Futter
 Riverton, Wyoming, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;

Darren Gallina
  WEB SITE   Lompoc, California, USA
Calling thru A2;
Andy and Tricia Garboden
  WEB SITE   Kent, Washington, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Henry "Hank Hoedown" and Barbara Garfath
 Winchester, England, United Kingdom
Calling thru Mainstream;
Diane Gaskill
 San Jose, California, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Bob Gaunt
 WEB SITE   Arvada, Colorado, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Richard W. Gee
 Taylorsville, Utah, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
John Geen
 San Angelo, Texas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Corben Geis
 WEB SITE   Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru A2;
Mike Giles
 Spring Creek, Nevada, USA
Cueing Phase I thru Phase IV;
Joe Gonzalez
 Clovis, California, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Masha Goodman Crawford
 WEB SITE   Northern Cal, SF, Sac, Foothil, California, USA
Mike Gormley
 WEB SITE   Sebring, Florida, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Jerry Goshorn
 Lewisberry, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Dan and Margaret Graham
 Winchester, Kentucky, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Al Green
 York, England, United Kingdom
Calling ;
Judy Greenhill
 WEB SITE   Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Rob Grigsby
 Los Angeles, California, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Henry Grissett Jr.
 Los Angeles, California, USA
Calling Basic thru C1;
Dominic Gruetzmacher
 Wausau, Wisconsin, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Lelia Guilbert
 Mitchell, South Dakota, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Dave Guille
 Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;

Stephen R. and Lisa Hackman
 Gibbon, Nebraska, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Lee Hailey
 Glendale, Arizona, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Mike Hall
 Pharr, Texas, USA
Calling thru C1;
Don Haney
 Tucson, Arizona, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
John Harden
 Caledonia, Illinois, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Chuck Hardy
 WEB SITE   Stone Ridge, New York, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Gerry Hardy
 WEB SITE   Stone Ridge, New York, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Tom Harrison
 Ovalo, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Dave Harry
 WEB SITE   Lynnwood, Washington, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Eddie Harry
 Kent, Washington, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Art Harvey
 Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Greg Hatmaker
 WEB SITE   Big Rock, Tennessee, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Johnny Hayes
 Mojacar Almeria, Spain
Calling thru C1;
Ken and Joanne Helton
  Retired    Yalaha, Florida, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Barry Hendricks
  Retired    Arlington, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Andreas Hennecke
 Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Calling thru Plus;
Nikki Hensley
 Newark, California, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Galen Hibbard
 Stryker, Ohio, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Don and Linda Hichman
 Gastonia, North Carolina, USA
Cueing Phase I thru Phase VI;
Chuck and Chris Hicks
 High Point, North Carolina, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Diana and Albert Hilliard
 San Jose, California, USA
Calling thru A2;
Al Hipkins
 WEB SITE   Auburn, Maine, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Chi Chi Hoffner-Stolarick
 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru A2;
David and Linda Holladay
 Oneonta, Alabama, USA
Calling SSD thru ; Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Jeff Holley
 Crescent, Oklahoma, USA
Calling thru A2;
Doug Holmes
 Queensville, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru A2;
Dan Hopper
 Gillette, Wyoming, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Jim Howard
 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Calling thru A2;
Richard Howell
 Savannah, Georgia, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Ursina Huber
 WEB SITE   Triesen, Liechtenstein
Calling thru A1;
Angie and Bob Huckeby
 Lake in the Hills, Illinois, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Bob and Lois Huff
 Holts Summit, Missouri, USA
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Donna Hunt
 WEB SITE   Philadelphia area, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru Basic; Cueing Easy;

Ted Ivin
 London, England, United Kingdom
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Adam Izbicki
 WEB SITE   Kamiah, Idaho, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;

Marianne C. Jackson
 WEB SITE   Madison, Alabama, USA
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Easy;
Egbert Jacobs
 Millbank, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase I;
Valarie (Val) and NA Jenness
 Lower Hutt - Wellington, New Zealand
Calling thru Mainstream;
Kris Jensen
 WEB SITE   Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Doug Jernigan
 Trenton, South Carolina, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Sandi Jesperson
 Vanderhoof, British Columbia, Canada

Kappie and Aileen Kappenman
 WEB SITE   Maple Valley (Seattle Suburb), Washington, USA
Calling thru Mainstream; Cueing Phase II thru Phase III;
Carl Kaye
 WEB SITE   Altlengbach, Austria
Calling Basic thru Mainstream;
Chris Keller
 WEB SITE   St. Ingbert, Saarland, Germany
Calling Basic thru A2;
Judy Keller and Jim Smith
 WEB SITE   Buena Park, California, USA
Cueing Easy thru Phase VI;
Michael Kellogg
 Northridge, California, USA
Calling SSD thru C3B;
Carol and Tom Kelly
 Ludington, Michigan, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Pat and Bob Kelm
 Montello, Wisconsin, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Robert W. Kennedy
  Retired    WEB SITE   Liberty, North Carolina, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
George Kent
 Lake Haven, New South Wales, Australia
Calling Basic thru A1;
Jack Kirchgatter
 WEB SITE   Wallertheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Calling thru C1;
Keith C. and Jamey Klix
 Houston, Texas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Bob Knowles
 Tehachapi, California, USA
Calling thru A2;
Ingeborg Koerber-Luecker
 Bergheim, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Calling thru C1;
Dan and Kathy Koft
 WEB SITE   York, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
John Kozyra
 Harrogate, England, United Kingdom
Calling thru Plus;
Rod Krehbiel
 Hutchinson/Pretty Prairie, Kansas, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Wendy Krueger
 Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Lorenz and Anja Kuhlee
 Bischofsheim, Hessen, Germany
Calling Basic thru A2;
Robert Kutz
 Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Calling Basic thru Plus;

Burl Lally
  Retired    Wimauma (Sun City Center), Florida, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Ilona and Stefan Lankuttis
 WEB SITE   Ruesselsheim, Hessen, Germany
Cueing Phase II thru Phase VI;
Barbara Lassiter
 Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Stephen Daye Lassiter
 Cody, Wyoming, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Sheldon L. Lawrence
 Wichita, Kansas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Helen LeCounte
  Retired    Port Coquitlam/Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Tommy L. Lee
 Drumright, Oklahoma, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Seth Levine
 WEB SITE   Tempe, Arizona, USA
Calling thru A2;
Janet Lewis
 Brownstown, Indiana, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Terry Lewis
 RR 1 Barton , Digby County, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Lon Ligon
 Gainesville, Florida, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jerry Linduff
 Moore, Oklahoma, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Sam Lowe
 Anderson, South Carolina, USA
Calling thru A2;
Bob Loyd
  Retired    Siloam Springs, Arkansas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Bill Lundin
 Vancouver, Washington, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Tom Lynn
 Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru A1; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;

Andreas Macke
 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Richard "Rick" Manning
 Westminster, California, USA
Calling thru A2;
Paul E. Marcum
 Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Nick Martellacci
 Brooklyn, New York, USA
Calling Basic thru C2;
James Martin
  Retired    Houston, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
John Marus
 San Diego, California, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Giulio Massarotto
 Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Doyce and Kay Massey
 Ennis, Texas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Richard and Frances Matthews
 WEB SITE   Slidell, Louisiana, USA
Cueing Phase II thru Phase V;
Brent Mawdsley
 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Basic thru A1; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Mike Mayeux
 Hemphill, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Doug McCart
 WEB SITE   Corydon, Iowa, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Barrie McCombs
 WEB SITE   Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calling thru Mainstream;
Calling thru Plus;
Angus McKenzie
 Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom
Calling Basic thru Mainstream;
Nora McKinney
 Spokane, Washington, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Clinton "Clint" McLean
  Retired    Seymour, Connecticut, USA
Calling thru A2;
Tom Meehan
 Woodstock, Georgia, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Dayrl Merrill
 Muncie, Indiana, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Miriam E. "Mimi" Merriwether and David Parker
 Fort Walton Beach, Florida, USA
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Peg Millar
 New Rochelle, New York, USA
Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Steve Minkin
  WEB SITE   Healdsburg, California, USA
Calling Basic thru C1; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Jerry Mitchell
 Waxahachie, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Monty Montgomery
 Twentynine Palms, California, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Paul Moore
 North San Juan, California, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Tricia Morley and Dennis Artz
 Houston/Austin, Texas, USA
Cueing Easy thru Phase VI;
Glen Morningstar Jr.
 WEB SITE   Highland, Michigan, USA
Calling thru Basic;
Susan Morris
  WEB SITE   Redmond, Washington, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Raymond Moskewich
 Morgan, Vermont, USA
Calling thru A2;
Judy and Dave Mouton
 Hartford City, Indiana, USA
Cueing Phase II thru Phase V;
Brian Murdoch
  Retired    North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Sharon Murphy
 Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Pete Murray
 Olympia, Washington, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Tom Murray
 St. Ann, Missouri, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Col Myers
  Retired    Springwood, Queensland, Australia
Calling Basic thru Plus;
David R. "Doc" and Marcie Myers
 WEB SITE   Wichita, Kansas, USA
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;

Ron Nelson
 Aurora, Colorado, USA
Calling Mainstream thru A2;
Wayne and Ruby Nicholson
 WEB SITE   Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Marvin "Marty" Northrup
 WEB SITE   Clover, South Carolina, USA
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Stephen Noseck
 Sedro Woolley, Washington, USA
Calling thru A2;
Kent Nyman
 Providence, Utah, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Mike Olivieri
 WEB SITE   Northglenn, Colorado, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Calling Basic thru A2;
Dale Olson
 Rosetown, Saskatchewan, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus;

Margean Passey Viken
 Boise, Idaho, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Elaine Peacock
 WEB SITE   Elk Point, South Dakota, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Ralph Peacock
 Weare, New Hampshire, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Claude Pelletier
  Retired    Ontario, Canada
Calling thru A2;
John Penn
 WEB SITE   Frankfort, Kentucky, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Walter R. "Walt" Peterman
 Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Larry Pfennig
 Bismarck, North Dakota, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Rachel and Roy Phillips
 Groveland, California, USA
Calling thru Plus;
John and Valerie Pinks
  Retired    Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada
Cueing Phase II thru Phase V;
Dave Plume
 Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Erik Pluylaar
 Amersfoort, Netherlands
Calling thru Plus;
Eddie Powell
 WEB SITE   Reynoldsburg, Ohio, USA
Calling thru A2;
Dan Preedy
 Colbert, Washington, USA
Calling Basic thru C1;
Mike Preskitt
 WEB SITE   Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
David Preston
 Lake Jackson, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Walt Puckett
 Fletcher, North Carolina, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Kathy Racine
 Provo, Utah, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Neal and Bev Redwanz
 Decatur, Alabama, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Spike Reid
 Bremerton, Washington, USA
Calling Mainstream thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Marvin Reuter
 Jackson, Michigan, USA
Calling thru A2;
Ray Rhea
 WEB SITE   Syracuse, Utah, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Chris Ricciotti
 WEB SITE   Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Calling thru Basic;
Richie Richardson
 Salina, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Robert "Bob" and Allynn Riggs
 WEB SITE   Centennial, Colorado, USA
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Max Ringe
 Obu City, Japan
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Alex Ritchie
 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling Basic thru Mainstream; Cueing Phase I thru Phase V;
Phil and Jane Robertson
 Carterville, Illinois, USA
Cueing Phase I thru Phase VI;
Reinhold Roedig
 WEB SITE   Mentor, Ohio, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Bob Rollins
 Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Paul Rosenberg
 WEB SITE   Albany, New York, USA
Calling thru Basic;
Tom Rudebock
  Retired    Leetonia, Ohio, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Stan Russell
  Retired    Greer, South Carolina, USA
Calling Basic thru C2;
John Ryan
 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Dan Sahlstrom
  WEB SITE   Andover, Minnesota, USA
Calling SSD thru C2; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Douglas Dean Saunders Sr.
 Santa Rosa, California, USA
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Rich & Lynn Sbardella
 Stafford Springs, Connecticut, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Uwe Schade
 WEB SITE   Paderborn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Burton "Burt" and Mary Ann Schain
 New City, New York, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Ralph Scheider
 Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Neal Schlein
 Eugene, Illinois, USA
Calling thru Mainstream; Cueing Easy;
Ingo Schumacher
 WEB SITE   Emden, Niedersachsen, Germany
Calling thru Plus;
Mike Seastrom
 WEB SITE   Thousand Oaks, California, USA
Calling Basic thru C1;
Jim Shay
 Sayre, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Terri Sherrer
 Palm Springs, California, USA
Calling thru C1; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Lysle "E" Shields Jr.
 WEB SITE   Madison, Alabama, USA
Calling Basic thru Mainstream;
Larry K. Shipman
 Howard Beach, New York, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Lee Siegel
 Sacramento, California, USA
Cueing Phase I thru Phase VI;
Elaine Silver
 Choctaw, Oklahoma, USA
Calling Basic thru Mainstream;
Paul Silveria
 WEB SITE   Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Tony Simmons
 Cross Hill, South Carolina, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jerry Sleeman
 Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Calling thru A2;
Harry Slocum
 Buffalo, New York, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
John Sloper
 WEB SITE   Mesa, Arizona, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Dave Smith
 WEB SITE   South Lyon, Michigan, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Garland Smith
 WEB SITE   Rosenberg, Texas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jim L. "Jimmy" Smith and Judy Keller
 WEB SITE   Buena Park, California, USA
Calling thru C1; Cueing Phase II thru Phase VI;
David Smythe
  Retired    Caloundra, Queensland, Australia
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Allen Snell
 Port Richey, Florida, USA
Calling ;
Joey Solis
 Elephant Butte, New Mexico, USA
Calling thru A2;
Dan Sorano
 Londonderry, New Hampshire, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Thomas Spaetling
 Bamberg, Bayern, Germany
Calling thru Mainstream;
J R St Jean
 Orlando, Florida, USA
Calling thru C2; Cueing Easy thru Phase I;
David Staples
 Durham, North Carolina, USA
Calling thru A2;
Ian Steel
  Retired    Helena, Montana, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Keith Stevens
 Lake Wales, Florida, USA
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Chip Stewart
 Longmont, Colorado, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
William "Bill" Sutman
 Fernley, Nevada, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Butch Suttey
 Butte, Montana, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Kazy Suzuki
 Tsukuba, Japan
Calling thru A1;
John Sweeney
  Retired    Fort Pierce, Florida, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;

Daron Tandberg
 Yakima, Washington, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Matthew Temples and Ramona Stowe
 WEB SITE   Cornelia, Georgia, USA
Cueing Phase II thru Phase V;
John E. Thompson
 Bulverde, Texas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Donn Thomson
 WEB SITE   Paradise, California, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Greg Tillery
 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Ray Tompkins
 Avon, New York, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Vince Treague
 Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Mike and Kay Turner
 Wichita, Kansas, USA
Calling Basic thru C1; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Tim Tyl
 WEB SITE   White Oak, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;

Jim & Toni Unger
 Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;

Sandie Vaccaro
 Statham, Georgia, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Bob van West
 Florence, Alabama, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Harry Vander Giessen
 Waterdown, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru Plus;
Chuck and Debbie Veldhuizen
 WEB SITE   Sioux City, Iowa, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Diana R. Wagner
 Topeka, Kansas, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Doug Waldren
  Retired    Lakeland, Florida, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
John Walter
 Aliso Viejo, California, USA
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Otto Warteman
 WEB SITE   Trinity, Texas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jim Wass
  WEB SITE   Riverdale, Maryland, USA
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Phase II thru Phase III;
Jerrie Lynn Weatherford
 North Pole, Alaska, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Dottie Welch
 Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling thru C2; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Tom Welker
 Sugar Land, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Gordon White
 Hot Springs Village, Arkansas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Howard "Rowdy" and Marcia Williamson
 Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru A2;
G. Holger Willm
 Zwingenberg, Hessen, Germany
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Andy Wilson
 WEB SITE   California, USA
Calling ;
Carol Wilson
 Reno/Sparks, Nevada, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Phase II thru Phase IV;
Jarvis Windom
 WEB SITE   Wheatland, Wyoming, USA
Calling Basic thru Mainstream; Cueing Easy;
Tanya Wiseman
 Noblesville, Indiana, USA
Calling ;
Charlie Wofford
 Lakewood, Washington, USA
Calling Mainstream;
Barry and Sue Wonson
 WEB SITE   Mangerton, New South Wales, Australia
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Jim Woolsey
  Retired    WEB SITE   Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Calling Basic thru C1;
Jim Wright
  Retired    WEB SITE   Leawood, Kansas, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Rusty Wright
 Deming, New Mexico, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Ervin H. "Eaglecaller" Wyatt
 Montrose, Colorado, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;

Jerry Yerby
 Auburn, California, USA
Calling Basic thru Mainstream;
Don Yosten
 Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru A2;
27-March-2025 23:57:36
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