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97 records

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Sid Acker
 Arlington, Texas, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Johnny Ahysen
  Retired    Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Lloyd Alexander
 Picayune, Mississippi, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Mike Amell
 Concord, California, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;

Don Bachelder
 WEB SITE   Bernardston, Massachusetts, USA
Calling thru A2;
Carl "CBDanceman" Ballou
 WEB SITE   Grants Pass, Oregon, USA
Calling thru Mainstream; Cueing Easy;
Michael Barraclough
 WEB SITE   Poynton, England, United Kingdom
Chuck Bermele
 St. Florian, Alabama, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
John Blaylock
 West Chester, Ohio, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Dane Bragg
 Easton, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru A2;
Wendy Brooks
 Roy, Utah, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jimmy Oldguy and Darla Brown
 Rancho Cucamonga, California, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Christine "Chris" Burdick
 Glendale Heights, Illinois, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase VI;

Pat Cannon
 Sloatsburg, New York, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Tim Carman
 Lanesville, Indiana, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Dan Clairmont
 WEB SITE   Livingston, Texas, USA
Calling SSD thru A2;
Michael Curschmann
 WEB SITE   Wandlitz, Brandenburg, Germany
Calling Basic thru A1;

Joey and Beverley Duhamel
 Baskin, Louisiana, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Ron Durkee
  Retired    Burbank, California, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;

Su Eygabroad
 Thermal, California, USA
Calling Mainstream thru A2;

Adam Fanello
 WEB SITE   Silverado, California, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Karen and Dick Fisher
  Retired    Livingston, Texas, USA
Cueing Phase II thru Phase VI;
Robert "Bob" Furr
 Mesa, Arizona, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Henry "Hank Hoedown" and Barbara Garfath
 Winchester, England, United Kingdom
Calling thru Mainstream;
Diane Gaskill
 San Jose, California, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Corben Geis
 WEB SITE   Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru A2;
Betsy Gotta
  WEB SITE   North Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Calling Basic thru C3B;
Dan and Margaret Graham
 Winchester, Kentucky, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Patty Greene
 WEB SITE   Monroe, North Carolina, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Shane and Missy Greer
 Wagoner, Oklahoma, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Ulrich Grüneisen
 Taucha, Sachsen, Germany
Calling thru Plus;
Lelia Guilbert
 Mitchell, South Dakota, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;

Stephen R. and Lisa Hackman
 Gibbon, Nebraska, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Chuck Hall
 Apple Valley, California, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Ron Harris
 La Habra, California, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Mark Hart
 WEB SITE   Apple Valley, California, USA
Calling Basic thru Mainstream;
Dianne Hicks
 WEB SITE   Saint Petersburg, Florida, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Diana and Albert Hilliard
 San Jose, California, USA
Calling thru A2;
Erik Hoffman
 WEB SITE   Oakland, California, USA
Calling ;
Thomas Hoffmann
 Heidesheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Calling Basic thru A2;
Ken Hooke
 Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia
Calling thru Basic;
Jim Howard
 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Calling thru A2;
Ursina Huber
 WEB SITE   Triesen, Liechtenstein
Calling thru A1;
Donna Hunt
 WEB SITE   Philadelphia area, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru Basic; Cueing Easy;

Marianne C. Jackson
 WEB SITE   Madison, Alabama, USA
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Easy;

Kappie and Aileen Kappenman
 WEB SITE   Maple Valley (Seattle Suburb), Washington, USA
Calling thru Mainstream; Cueing Phase II thru Phase III;
Chris Keller
 WEB SITE   St. Ingbert, Saarland, Germany
Calling Basic thru A2;
Stefie Keller
 Roedermark, Hessen, Germany
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Michael Kellogg
 Northridge, California, USA
Calling SSD thru C3B;
Mark Kennedy
 Clyde, Texas, USA
Calling SSD thru Mainstream;
Jack Kirchgatter
 WEB SITE   Wallertheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Calling thru C1;
Uwe UKA "Pepper" Kraemer-AveMarie
 WEB SITE   Mörlenbach, Hessen, Germany
Calling thru A2;

Ed Laudenschlager
 Galloway, Ohio, USA
Calling thru A2;
Frank Lescrinier
  WEB SITE   Riverside, California, USA
Calling Basic thru C2;
Jerry Linduff
 Moore, Oklahoma, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Bruce Lowther
 Salem, Oregon, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Mike Luna
 WEB SITE   San Jose, California, USA
Calling thru A2;

Michelle Mabie (McCarty)
  Retired    Gansevoort, New York, USA
Calling thru Basic;
James Martin
  Retired    Houston, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Vincent Masciarelli
 Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Nora McKinney
 Spokane, Washington, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Hal Miller
 WEB SITE   Kennesaw, Georgia, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Mary M. Moody
 Branchburg, New Jersey, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Monk Moore
 WEB SITE   Angier, North Carolina, USA
Calling thru A2;
David R. "Doc" and Marcie Myers
 WEB SITE   Wichita, Kansas, USA
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;

Royce Nelson
 WEB SITE   Bagley, Minnesota, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Patrick O'Loughlin
 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Calling thru Basic;

Eddie Powell
 WEB SITE   Reynoldsburg, Ohio, USA
Calling thru A2;

Jason Raleigh
 WEB SITE   Grove City, Ohio, USA
Calling thru A2;
Chris Ricciotti
 WEB SITE   Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Calling thru Basic;
Howard Richman
 WEB SITE   Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Paul Rosenberg
 WEB SITE   Albany, New York, USA
Calling thru Basic;
John Ryan
 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Neal Schlein
 Eugene, Illinois, USA
Calling thru Mainstream; Cueing Easy;
Ingo Schumacher
 WEB SITE   Emden, Niedersachsen, Germany
Calling thru Plus;
Mike Seastrom
 WEB SITE   Thousand Oaks, California, USA
Calling Basic thru C1;
Terri Sherrer
 Palm Springs, California, USA
Calling thru C1; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Paul Silveria
 WEB SITE   Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Harry Slocum
 Buffalo, New York, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Robert G. "Bob" and Lisa Steele
 Santa Clara, California, USA
Calling thru Plus;
William "Bill" Sutman
 Fernley, Nevada, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;

Jess Thomas
 Tacoma, Washington, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;

Chuck and Debbie Veldhuizen
 WEB SITE   Sioux City, Iowa, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Doug Waldren
  Retired    Lakeland, Florida, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
John Wargowsky
 WEB SITE   Delaware, Ohio, USA
Calling thru Basic;
Marilyn Zip Warmerdam
 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru A2;
Jim Wass
  WEB SITE   Riverdale, Maryland, USA
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Phase II thru Phase III;
Dan Weatherby
 Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Jerrie Lynn Weatherford
 North Pole, Alaska, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Dottie Welch
 Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling thru C2; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Gordon White
 Hot Springs Village, Arkansas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Andy Wilson
 WEB SITE   California, USA
Calling ;
Gene Wilson
 Camdenton, Missouri, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Tanya Wiseman
 Noblesville, Indiana, USA
Calling ;
Duane Woodmansee
 St. George, Utah, USA
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;

Henna Yauger
 WEB SITE   Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Bill Yoeman
 Mt. View, Hawaii, USA
Calling thru Plus;
27-March-2025 23:57:10
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