| California | |
thru Plus Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed; Club caller for Alpine Squares of Lakeside, CA and Reels n' Squares of San Diego, CA.
Past president of San Diego County Square Dance Callers Association.
Enjoys working with people who have never danced before and people who have been dancing for
decades; youth to seniors; private parties, classes, club dances.
thru A2 Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, GCA member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;5033582823 (home);
Currently teaches SSD and Plus for the Sierra Hillbillies in Santa Clarita, California. Started calling in 2015 for the Tualatin Timber Squares and Oaky Doaks in Portland, Oregon.
Recorded songs on MAPS label.
thru A2 BMI and ASCAP licensed619-425-4973 (home); 619 254 8315 (mobile);
Club caller/instructor for the Lighthouse Squares (Advanced), Sundown and Alpine Squares (Plus), and Finest City Squares (IAGSDC/ Multi-Level).
Basic thru A1 Traveling, Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Line Dances, Country Western Two-Steps, Traditional Squares, Handicapable Groups, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;925-766-6982 (home); 925-685-8326 (work); 925-766-6982 (mobile);
Calling for the "Delta Squares" in Oakley, Ca.
every Wed. 7:00 to 10:00, at the Laurel School in Oakley...Corner or O'hara and
Calling for the "Pleasanton Singles and Pairs", Tuesday 7:30to 9:30 at the (call Mike for current location 925-766-6982)
Still Yodeling with the best of them....come see us soon.
SSD thru Plus Callerlab member, Mixers, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 8327290281 (mobile);
Assistant caller for Thunderbird Square Dance Club (Apple Valley, CA)
Started calling in 2023
Member and Co-President of Thunderbird Square Dance Club
Callerlab member
Easy thru Phase VI Roundalab member;714 963-7987 (home);
Cueing for the Shirts & Skirts
Cueing for the Huggin Hearts
Easy thru Phase VI
Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
760-586-4199 (home);
Basic thru Plus
Youth Groups;
Phase II thru Phase IV
Roundalab member;
661-805 2583 (mobile);
Basic thru A1 Traveling, ACA member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;562-806-1652 (home); 562-806-2921 (work); 562-879-7729 (mobile);
I have been calling since 1993. I call for the Handicapable square dancers and the Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Transgender square dancers, along with the other clubs. I have a degree as a "Recording Engineering." I have a small sound reinforcement system but love to help out doing sound reinforcement. I love to do "one night stands." I don't care what the group is, I love to call...Life's too short, Let's have Fun!!
Mainstream thru A2
BMI and ASCAP licensed
831-726-7053 (home);
thru Plus
BMI and ASCAP licensed
916-243-8217 (home);
Basic thru Plus Callerlab member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;530-842-7031 (home); 530-643-1680 (mobile);
Calling in Northern California and Southern Oregon Available for party nights, Weekends or any event.
Basic thru A1
Full-time, Callerlab member, ECTA member, Mixers, Line Dances, Country Western Two-Steps, Traditional Squares, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
714-848-8205 (home); 949-483-4429 (work);
SSD thru Plus Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 818-321-7708 (mobile);
I started calling in 2023
Levels SSD to Plus
Conduct SSD Classes
I call regularly at Lincoln Hills Squares
I have also called for Mavericks, Apple Jack & Jills, and Claim Jumpers
Callerlab Member
Easy thru Phase VI Full-time, Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(909)783-1991 (home); (909)645-7035 (mobile);
I regularly teach classes at Cowtown Dance Center, 15950 Van Buren, Riverside, CA every Monday: Advanced Phase V/VI 4:00 - 4:50PM; Advanced Phase IV/V 5:00 to 5:50PM; Easy Intermediate Phase II/III 6:00 to 6:50pm; Workshop (TBD) 7:00 - 7:30pm; Intermediate Phase III/IV 7:30pm - 8:30pm. 1ST Monday Dance Party: 5:00 - 5:50PM Advanced Phase IV/V/VI; 6:00 - 8:30 All Level with break for potluck dinner @7:00 - 7:30pm. I cue regularly for the Riverside Single Swingers on 2nd and 4th Frid Advanced 7:00 - 7:30pm and 7:30 - 8:00 Phase II/III/IV; Calico Quails (Yucaipa)3rd Frid Advanced 6:30 - 7:00pm and All Level 7:00 - 7:30pm; I belong to the So Calif Round Dance Teachers Ass; ICBDA and Round-A-Lab. I have been dancing 45 years and teachng and cueing for a total of 32 years. I am interested in doing weekend festivals and workshops.
Basic thru A2 Full-time, Traveling, Recording artist, Caller Seminars, BMI and ASCAP licensed;760-567-6795 (home);
Rhythm and Chaparral Recording Artist. Local Plus Dances every Tuesday at 8pm - Rounds at 7:30pm by Shirley Ivins. 760-200-1031
Basic thru C4
775-315-3966 (home); 775-315-3966 (mobile);
thru A1
Easy thru Phase V
Full-time, Callerlab member, Roundalab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Line Dances, Country Western Two-Steps, Contras, Traditional Squares, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
714 803-0250 (mobile);
thru Plus Callerlab member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;209-723-6770 (home); 209-777-1274 (mobile);
Member of CAMA (Callers Association of the Modesto Area)
Specialize in "one Night Stands" or "Barn Dance's" as a preferred term.
Also Club Level calling through Plus.
thru Mainstream Full-time, Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Handicapable Groups, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;909-985-3929 (home); 909-2292348 (mobile);
All square dance Plus Handicapped
thru A2 ACA member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(831) 644-0822 (home); (831) 920-8959 (mobile);
Regular Caller for Sage Stompers SD Club, Seaside, CA
Phase I thru Phase IV Traveling, Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;916-482-9503 (home); 916-752-9054 (mobile);
Erin has been teaching and cuing since 1975. Her cueing takes her all over California, with visits to Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Colorado, New Jersey, Arizona, Washington and, in 2007, Alaska. She is known for her engaging, upbeat style, combining excellent timing with a cheerful voice and a lively wit. Starting her career while dancing with the Silhouettes, a teen round dance exhibition group based in Sacramento, she has combined those experiences with over 35 years of instructing to provide quality workshops that are also lots of fun.
Easy thru Phase VI Traveling, Roundalab member, Clogging, BMI and ASCAP licensed;209 499 8118 (home); 209 499 8118 (mobile);
2016 completed by 25th year Cueing and Teaching Round Dancing!!
Cueing and Instructing Round Dancing in Northern California since 1991, member of Roundalab, ICBDA (formerly URDC),
Stockton, CA - Ph 4-6 Round Dance Instruction, Moonlight Dancers Round Dance Group, CC#325 Oak Park Senior Center,
Stockton, Monday evenings 6:30 to 8:30pm
Stockton, CA - Beginning Clogging, River City Cloggers, Oak Park Senior Center, Stockton,
Monday evenings 5:30 to 6:30pm
Plymouth, CA Beginning Class & Easy Intermediates, Ph 2-3, lite Ph 4 Willow Creek Round Dance Club, Willow Creek
School, Plymouth, CA Tuesdays 6:30-9:00pm
Festivals: Oregon Summer SD/RD Festival, Washington State Square & Round Dance Festival, Silver State Square &
Round Dance Festival, Bakersfield Fiesta Square & Round Dance Festival, Golden State Roundup Square & Round Dance
Festival, Washington State Round Dance Instructors Weekend Festival, National Square & Round Dance Festval,
ICBDA/URDC Round Dance Festival, and various Saturday or Friday night venues.
Clogging Instructor, formerly part of Lois Elling's: Blossom Hill Cloggers and Janice Hanzel's Hillbilly Cloggers
exhibition groups, NCCA organization, and C.L.O.G.
Available for Saturday evening dances, or for Festivals as an instructor and or cuer.
Basic thru A2
Full-time, Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
951-672-2889 (home); 951.698.7902 (work); 858.395.4626 (mobile);
Phase II thru Phase VI Roundalab member;510-444-2488 (home);
We participate in the Northern CA Round Dance Teachers Association.
We have been featured teachers at festivals in California, Utah, Nevada and Puerta Vallarta, Mexico, are members of Roundalab, URDC and DRDC, and run Carousel Club #198 held in Walnut Creek, CA. Dances choreographed include Siesta Two Step, My Little Friend, You'll Remember Me, Gentle Cha, Love Looks So Good On You, Sweet & Gentle Cha, The Lady is A Tramp Quickstep.
Phase II thru Phase VI
BMI and ASCAP licensed
619 426-9407 (home);
thru Plus Easy thru Phase VI Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, Roundalab member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;253-250-3999 (home); 253-632-7240 (mobile);
Founded the Crazy 8 Square and Round Dance Club in Ramona, CA.
Lessons are Every Monday night 7:30-9:30pm
Party night is the 2nd Saturday of each month.
Pre-Rounds 6-7
Squares 7-9:30pm
Ramona Senior Center
434 Aqua Lane
Ramona, CA 92065
Phase I thru Phase III
Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
408 274-3833 (home);
SSD thru C4 Traveling, Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed; (805) 886-3025 (mobile);
I am the webmaster of this site.
Phase II thru Phase V
Roundalab member, BUMA/Stemra licensed;
408-779-7446 (home);
thru Plus Callerlab member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;408-847-3592 (home); 408-608-9240 (mobile);
Calling since January of 2010. I enjoy teaching and filling in for club callers. I call for the Bows and Beaus of Los Altos, CA. Presently teaching a Basic, Mainstream, Plus class for the CPSD and the City of San Jose and for the Bows and Beaus Square Dance Club.
Phase II thru Phase VI Full-time, Roundalab member;818 (home);
We've taught R/D'ing for 40 years & are members of So
Ca RDTA for 39 years. Opal has retired since the passing of Joe.
thru Plus
Full-time, Callerlab member, Party Dances, Mixers, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
209-223-1488 (home);
Basic thru Plus Full-time, Traveling, ACA member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Line Dances, Traditional Squares, BMI and ASCAP licensed;661-393-0638 (home); 714-305-6088 (mobile);
Over 28 years experience, Dances and parties are geared to the fun levels of square
dancing. Parties for all occasions, Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Company Parties, Girl Scouts, Y-Indians & even divorce parties! You supply the people and I supply the fun.
Basic thru A1 Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;661-752-7280 (home);
Calling since 1992.
Easy thru Phase IV
Line Dances;
707-542-4998 (home); 707-486-0948 (mobile);
Phase II thru Phase VI
Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
619-269-9724 (home); 339-234-1154 (mobile);
Mainstream thru C2 Traveling, Callerlab member, GCA member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 408-569-1385 (mobile);
Clear, rich, bass singing voice, 55 years old
Phase II thru Phase VI Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;8054820882 (home); 8054798345 (mobile);
Co-founded the "Cam-A-Lot Round Dance Club" 25 years ago. Cuer bio on website. Cue for Simi Valley, CA Happy Squares and Thousand Oaks, CA Buckles and Bows square dance clubs. Started cueing in 1991.
Started teaching in 1994.
thru C3A Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;408-774-1570 (home);
Caller for Belle Swingers (A-2), Interlocked Squares (C-1), and Top Cats (C-3A).
Phase I thru Phase IV Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed; (509) 671-7255 (mobile);
We recently moved to Southern California but this is a temporary address. We'll update when have a permanent one.
Started cueing in 1978 in Los Angeles. Moved to Florida in 1994, then moved to the Spokane area in 2004. Just
rejoined RDTA of Southern California.
"We put fun into Round Dancing"
Easy thru Phase VI Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed, SESAC licensed;707.514.7466 (home); 707.761.9411 (mobile);
We belong to the Northern California Round Dance Teachers Association, Round-A Lab & ICBDA.
We are club cuers for the Tam Twirlers, a Plus level square dance club in San Rafael CA.
We teach phase 2 - 5 and cue phase 2 - 6
Phase I thru Phase V Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;2098130855 (home);
Member of Callers Association of the Modesto Area (CAMA)
Member of Central California Square Dance Association (CCSDA)
Basic thru Plus Callerlab member, Party Dances, Mixers, Handicapable Groups, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(818)845-6058 (home); 530-370-6803 (mobile);
I teach for the Western Weavers of Burbank, CA., and for the Sets N Step of La Cresenta, CA. I call at least three (3) dances for the Western Weavers through out the year.
Easy thru Phase VI Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed, SESAC licensed;(818) 225-7147 (home);
Lads and Lassies, selected first Saturdays, Northridge, California
Boots and Slippers, second Saturdays, Simi Valley, California
Basic thru C1
Full-time, Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, Caller Seminars, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
510-278-8621 (home); 510-695-0672 (mobile);
thru Plus Easy thru Phase VI ACA member, Mixers, Line Dances, Contras, BMI and ASCAP licensed;8185683775 (work); 8184222319 (mobile);
I am a member of ACA. I enjoy calling through plus and cueing through phase 5. I also enjoy line dancing and prompting contra.
Phase I thru Phase V Traveling, Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;707-836-0913 (home); 707-836-0913 (work); 415-385-8033 (mobile);
Teaching since 1993. Cueing since 2003. Member of Guild of PRIDE.
Phase I thru Phase VI Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(916) 771-5487 (home);
Phase 4 round dance classMondays 5:30-7:30
Plus squares with Jet Roberts 7:30-9:30 - rounds between tips
Veterans Hall in Royer Park, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, California -
Phase 4-6 round dance class
Tuesdays 5:30-7:00Advanced squares with Scott Pearce 7:00-9:30 - rounds between tips
Veterans Hall in Royer Park, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, California
Mainstream thru A2
Full-time, Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Traditional Squares, Handicapable Groups, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
760-473-5700 (mobile);
thru C2 Traveling, Callerlab member, GCA member, Caller Seminars, Party Dances, Mixers, Line Dances, Country Western Two-Steps, BMI and ASCAP licensed;505-410-6299 (home); 505-410-6299 (mobile);
Known for "smiling" voiced patter, Hexagon dancing, and mixers.
Basic thru A2
Traveling, Callerlab member, Caller Seminars, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
(310)549-7709 (home); 310-283-6983 (mobile);
thru Mainstream Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Handicapable Groups, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;959-855-6599 (home);
My wive Diana and I are passionate about introducing square dancing to new groups of communities, youth, and parties.
thru A2
Full-time, Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, GCA member, Festival Sound Service, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
(714) 722-4714 (mobile);
thru Plus Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(408) 867-7715 (home);
Started calling in 1983. Called for the Bows & Beaus Singles and Couples Square Dance Club of the Los Altos/Mountain View area of California (a Plus club) for 28 years, from 1987 to 2015. Strongly believes that square dancing should exercise both the mind and the body -- that learning and thinking are two of the most enjoyable parts of life and of our square dance activity. Member Santa Clara Valley Callers Association, Inc., and an Accredited Member of CALLERLAB.
Mainstream thru Plus Recording artist, ACA member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Line Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;1 (805) 246-5166 (home); 1(805) 290-7505 (mobile);
I have called and instructed for 50 years. I am a recording artist for two record companies. I have recorded 8 square dance singing records. I have recorded for MacGregor Records of Hollywood and I own Gold-N-Star Records of California. I was on tour for 7 solid years. I called in 28 countries and 41 states. I love square dancing and calling. I do party nights for clubs and organizations. I belong to the American Callers Association. I am also a Karaoke disc jockey. I will do anything to preserve this activity. Just remember my slogan (keep on dancing).
Phase I thru Phase IV
Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
408-691-2225 (mobile);
Basic thru Plus
Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
619-643-3966 (mobile);
Basic thru C4 Traveling, Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 408-802-2635 (mobile);
Calling Challenge since 1993. Available for challenge weekends. Specializing in challenging (but danceable)
choreography. See my web page for my dance calendar.
Basic thru A1 Traveling, Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;916-482-9503 (home); 916-320-7207 (mobile);
This is a trio consisting of callers Scot
Byars, Dennis Callin and Paul Hagan. Performing all singing calls in harmony,
Friendly Fire adds something exciting to your festival or special dance.
thru A2 Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, ACA member, Caller Seminars, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, BMI and ASCAP licensed;805-626-0364 (home); 805-708-2233 (mobile);
Currently traveling weekends. I have my own band, CROSSFIRE, that provides live music at square dances.
Basic thru A2 Recording artist, Callerlab member, Caller Seminars, Accredited Caller Coach, Party Dances, Traditional Squares, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 510-552-0015 (mobile);
Over 60 years experience as a local and traveling caller. Recording Producer and recording artist. CALLERLAB Accredited Caller Coach. Author of 'Nuts And Bolts', a technical deep dive into square dance choreographic structure; 'Call Me Crazy', a book designed for new callers. Acquire a copy at http://www.lulu.com/shop. Club caller for Jackson Claim Jumpers in Jackson, CA.
Phase I thru Phase VI
Full-time, Traveling, Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed, SESAC licensed;
(760) 458-6418 (work); (760) 458-6418 (mobile);
Basic thru A1 Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Line Dances, Traditional Squares, Handicapable Groups, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;408-923-0475 (home); 408-313-0315 or 408-313-0435 (mobile);
Calling since 1997.
Club Caller for Bs 'n' B's (Bachelors and Bachelorettes) Saratoga, CA. and Solos 'n' Pairs in San Leandro, CA until the dancers got too old to dance and the clubs danced off into the sunset.
Currently Traveling within California.
Member of Square Dance Callers Association of Northern California (Membership Chair and Webmistress - www.sdcanc.com) and CALLERLAB.
Special routines and tips for birthday parties, hoedowns, wedding receptions, and similar beginner dance parties.
Basic thru Plus Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;408-923=0475 (home); 408-313-0435 (mobile);
Calling since 2002, currently call for the Belle Swingers in Sunnyvale CA.
Member of CALLERLAB. Member of the SDCANC - Square Dance Callers of Northern CA.
Mainstream thru A2 Easy thru Phase II Callerlab member, Party Dances, Traditional Squares, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(831) 455-1347 (home); (831) 759-6936 (work);
Limited traveling - CA, NV, OR, AZ
thru C3A Callerlab member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;408-774-1570 (home); 650-723-1951 (work);
Caller for Belle Swingers, Sunnyvale, California (A2) and Top Cats, Saratoga, California (C2 and C3A)
SSD thru A2
Full-time, Traveling, Callerlab member, Party Dances, Line Dances;
714 229 9623 (home); 714 319 5285 (mobile);
thru C1 Callerlab member, GCA member, BMI and ASCAP licensed; Club Caller for Lucky Steppers San Jose (Plus), Oaktown 8s (SSD/MS/Plus). Regularly calling Plus/A2/C1 at El Camino Reelers since 2006, A2/C1 at Outlaws since 2016, and Plus at Elks N Does since 2017. Teaching Beginners through C1. SCVSDA Top 10 Caller since 2016. President, Santa Clara Valley Callers Association (SCVCA), since 2016.
thru Plus Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), BMI and ASCAP licensed; (559)970-8814 & (559)940-8249 (mobile);
I enjoy calling square dances for all levels: basic thru plus, one night stands, couples events, singles
events, family events. I enjoying teaching and sharing the fun of square dancing. I am bilingual - Spanish
& English. I am calling for my own club in Clovis, California: The Clovis Wood Stackers. If you're in
Clovis on a Monday night,I hope you'll join us!
Traveling, Recording artist, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Clogging, Mixers, Contras, Traditional Squares, Youth Groups; Masha started calling in 1978, as one of the founding members of the Chicago Barn Dance Company. She is well known for her lively, energetic, melodic style of calling traditional Squares, Contras, and Appalachian style big circle dances. She has been the regular caller at the much-loved Strawberry Music Festival (video at:
http://youtu.be/GSKuqfdymeM ) since 2001, and has called at festivals, parties, fund-raisers, and special events in Ireland, England, and all across the USA. She particularly loves large festival groups, and is wonderful at getting beginners up and dancing and having a great time. EVERYONE is welcome, No lessons needed, and there's ALWAYS live music!
Masha is also an award-winning flatfoot clogger, and teaches clogging workshops & old-time clawhammer banjo at venues like the California Bluegrass Association Music Camp. She performs with her husband, fiddler Geff Crawford, as "Old Soles".
Bio, videos, sound clips at:
www.OldSolesMusic.com .
Masha carries caller's insurance through CallerLab.
Phase I thru Phase VI Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 510-427-3799 (mobile);
Available for Hoedowns.
Ron & I have been cueing since March 2013. We took a class with Sharon Parker and I have been busy
honing my skills and cueing as much as I can. We cued and taught while filling in for Jay & June
Rosenthal at their Rossmoor class in Walnut Creek.
We had the distinct honor of cueing at the NCSDA Round Up in May and SCVSDA Jubilee in August. When the
featured cuers for Fall Frolic were ill Harlan Clark asked us to come and cue for Saturday night. We
will be cueing for the Christmas Dance with Sue Harris and the Anniversary dance for the Paradise Ridge
Runners up in Paradise, CA on April 18, 2015. We look forward to many more years of cueing and teaching
We've been cueing for the Rockin' Jokers Square Dance Club since Jan. 2015
thru Plus
Full-time, Traveling, Callerlab member, Community Dance Program (CDP), BMI and ASCAP licensed;
714-875-4515 (home); 714-875-4515 (work); 714-875-4515 (mobile);
Basic thru C1 Traveling, Callerlab member, Caller Seminars, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Line Dances, Festival Sound Service, BMI and ASCAP licensed;323-294-5101 (home);
I love doing classes and workshops, also like to be involved teaching children. I enjoy doing One-nighters. I am willing to travel, if time permits. I've been working with Inglewood Guys & Dolls, Dudes & Dames, Inc., Bloomin' Squares. I began studying with Lee Schmidt in 1998, and have called at conventions in Indianapolis, Baltimore, and USAWest. Slogan: "I'm a 'Square Dance Junkie'"
Phase I thru Phase V Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(619)583-6474 (home);
Cueing and teaching square dance level rounds for Sundown Squares and Sundown Dancers.llib
Basic thru A1 Full-time, Traveling, Callerlab member, Party Dances, Mixers, Handicapable Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;760 242 3135 (home); 760 985 3135 (mobile);
Started calling in 1996. Attended Lee Schmidt caller class that year. Attended Chaparral Caller school 1999 (Ken Bower & Gary Shoemake). Have my own 2400 sq ft. Dance Hall on my property. Teach Wednesday evenings (Happy Trails Twirlers)year round whatever level up to and including A-1 that the dancers are interested in. Fill in for caller instructors as needed. Call for the Angel Squares of Hesperia (a Handicapable Group) on Thursday nights.
Basic thru C1 Full-time, Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, GCA member, Caller Seminars, Accredited Caller Coach, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;559-909-1232 (home); 559-909-1232 (mobile);
Fully healed after my transplant, my heart attacks, kidney failure and traveling regionally or weekend events
nationally- Look forward to calling for you!
Hope to hear from you soon!
thru Plus Callerlab member, Party Dances, Handicapable Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(562) 691-7864 (home); (714) 822-2535 (work); (562) 805-8432 (mobile);
I started calling in 1980....That was one year after graduating from square dance class. I started the two groups noted below in 1982 and have been their Club Caller and instructor ever since.
Huggin Hearts square dance club of Placentia, CA.
Happy Twirlers Handicapable square dance group of
La Puente, CA.
I am a member of the Orange County Callers Association.
Keep on dancin' until the feet won't go!
Phase II thru Phase IV Full-time, Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed, SESAC licensed;831-726-7053 (home); 408-393-8453 (work); 831-261-2084 (mobile);
Sunnyvale, CA St Luke Lutheran Church Sunday 3:30-5 pm Phase 3-4+
Sunnyvale, CA St Luke Sunday 2-3:30 pm class Phase 2-3 Galaxy Rounds
San Jose, Calvary United Methodist Church, Tuesday 6:30-9 pm Phase 3+ Galaxy Rounds
San Jose, Calvary United Methodist Church, Lucky Steppers Square Dance ,
Rounds between tips 7:00-9:00 pm
Started cueing 1989, Started Teaching 1990
We belong to Roundalab, Northern Round Dance Teachers Association & Santa Clara Valley Caller's
We are able to do Festivals & Clinics & Intro Sessions
We ENJOY teaching & cueing!
Basic thru Mainstream Callerlab member, Handicapable Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 760-985-5359 (mobile);
Club Caller for Blue Jay Handicapables In Hesperia Ca
Basic thru Mainstream
BMI and ASCAP licensed
7609855359 (mobile);
Phase I thru Phase IV Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 9513131518 (mobile);
Started cueing end of 2021. As of Sept 2022, will be the club cuer for the Calico Quails in Redlands, CA. Choreographed one dance so far. Missing Piece by Vance Joy. Phase III Cha + 1 (alemana)
Basic thru A2
Callerlab member, Caller Seminars, Party Dances, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
951-678-5268 (home);
Mainstream thru C2 Easy thru Phase IV Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, GCA member, Party Dances, Mixers, Line Dances, Country Western Two-Steps, BMI and ASCAP licensed;415-699-3239 (home);
Calling since 1980, Eric has taught thousands of beginners to square dance. Currently calling for Plus and Advanced clubs in the San Francisco bay area, Eric
emphasizes inclusion for everyone in the activity. A wide variety of music and unusual choregraphy are cornerstones of his program.
thru Plus Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Traditional Squares, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 408-505-0625 (mobile);
Since 2014 Two caller schools, both Ken Ritucci's Norcal. Various workshops with Rich Reel, Aahz Maruch, Diana Hilliard. Associate caller with SCVCA, Director for SCVSDA, call guest tips at Bows and Beaus once a month.
thru A2 Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Line Dances, Handicapable Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;408-453-9450 (home);
Co-Caller for Early Birds, Westminster Squares, Cypress Squares. Beginning, Mainstream & Plus. Can call some advanced. Also calling for Early Birds in San Jose. I love one night stands Associate member for the SCVCA.
thru Plus
BMI and ASCAP licensed
805-583-5900 (home); 805-208-0589 (mobile);
Caller Seminars, Party Dances, Clogging, Mixers, Traditional Squares, Handicapable Groups, Youth Groups;510-444-4397 (home); 510-410-0456 (mobile);
I am a "traditional" dance caller. I lead and call contras and squares in what's dubbed the "traditional" style. I am not a member in of Callerlab, and I don't participate in the class orientation of the Modern Western Square Dance organizations. I call in the "all are welcome" style of including a walkthrough of each dance prior to calling it to music.
Also, I only work with live music. If the budget is small, I provide the music for my calling by playing fiddle. Though I follow that age old tradition of fiddling and calling, I do use a PA...
I started calling in 1984, became a regular caller in San Luis Obispo, CA in 1986.
I love calling dances for experienced contra dancers as well as callers for large groups of non-dancers at weddings, parties, and any kind of get-together.
Basic thru A1
Traveling, Callerlab member, Party Dances, Mixers, Line Dances, Traditional Squares, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
909-223-0108 (mobile);
Phase II thru Phase V
Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
760-798-4131 (home); 760-798-4131 (work);
SSD thru Plus
Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
909-886-1150 (home); 909-709-5405 (mobile);
SSD thru C1 Callerlab member, GCA member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;510.403.7555 (work); 650.207.0215 (mobile);
Moved from the SF Bay Area to Sacramento in April of 2022. I call on a rotating, occasional, or fill-in basis for Prime 8's and Pear Steppers, and have previously called or filled in at Main Street Strollers, Whirl-A-Ways, and Sierra Squares.
As of August 1, 2023, I am the full-time club caller for Capital City Squares and as of July 29, 2024, I am the full time caller for Prime 8’s, both clubs in Sacramento, CA. I am also a rotation caller for Pear Steppers in Roseville, CA.
Phase II thru Phase V
Roundalab member;
650-592-2077 (home);
Basic thru Plus
Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
714-633-8185 (home); 714-813-0812 (mobile);
Basic thru A1 Easy thru Phase II Callerlab member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;707-462-0239 (home);
I started calling in 1994, and currently call for three clubs on a regular basis: the Ukiah Promenaders, Redwood Coasters in Fort Bragg (with Ed Tausig), and Singles & Pairs in Santa Rosa. (Not all of them every week!!) I'm available for weekend dances around Northern California and adjacent areas, and am willing to travel a pretty fair distance on request.
Also, I _love_ Big Band music, and like to use it in my calling.
Basic thru Plus
Easy thru Phase IV
Recording artist, Callerlab member, Clogging, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
Recording artist; Called 44 Years (from 1975 through 31 March 2019).
Began a sabbatical of undetermined length on 31 March 2019
Easy thru Phase VI Full-time, Traveling, Roundalab member, Caller Seminars, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Line Dances, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed, SESAC licensed;714 527-8805 (home); 714 595-5140 (work); 714 595-5140 (mobile);
We are teaching six round dance classes:
2 beginners, 2 transition, 2 intermediate. 1 intro to advanced.
Booking clubs, classes, and festivals/conventions thru 2020.
Regular cuer for Chevron Squares, Button n Bows, Heels n Souls, Red Ribbons, Major Keys, Cypress Twirlers, Seal Beach Whirlers
SSD thru C3B
Full-time, Traveling, Callerlab member, GCA member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Handicapable Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
805 312-4477 (mobile);
Basic thru A1
Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
707 425 5537 (home); 707 372-7227 (mobile);
thru A2
Callerlab member, GCA member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
(707) 494-8676 (mobile);
Plus thru C3A GCA member; +1 (415) 218-6437 (mobile);
Primarily call at members of the International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs (IAGSDC) in the San Francisco Bay Area, mostly at Midnight Squares.
Started calling Advanced, before calling Plus, and worked up to C3A, so far.
Try to use choreography that is thought-provoking, but still enjoyable to dance.
Careful in the selection of music.
thru C4 Traveling, Callerlab member, GCA member, Caller Seminars, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 415 612 0510 (mobile);
An active member of CALLERLAB, Harlan is a member of the CALLERLAB Board of Governors, a recipient of CALLERLAB
Chairman's Award of Excellence for Outstanding Contribution to CALLERLAB, 2017, is Chairman
CALLERLAB Mainstream Committee, and vice chair CALLERLAB Challenge Committee. He also serves on CALLERLAB Plus,
Advanced, Definitions and Sustainable Dance Program Committees.
Harlan calls for Midnight Squares, Foggy City Dancers, Stanford Quads, Interlocked Squares, Capital City Squares,
Redwood Rainbows, Martinez Swingers, Outlaws, and other bay area clubs.
Philosophy/Slogans: The first job of a caller is to make sure dancers have fun and enjoy the dance. What this
takes varies with each dance program and each unique dance floor. Skip the nursing home, die calling.
Unique Talent: I can still stand on my head and have been known to teach sushi and bread making classes, and am a
master gardener. Maintained my cool when confronted with a 15 foot boa constrictor in the south east Costa Rican
rain forest.
Phase I thru Phase VI Traveling, Roundalab member, Party Dances, ASCAP licensed, BMI licensed, SESAC licensed; (530) 574-3044 (mobile);
Kevin and Vicki started round dancing in 1981 and Kevin began cueing in 2008. They currently conduct a Phase III-IV workshop on Mondays (sponsored by the Mavericks) and a Phase IV-V workshop on Tuesdays (sponsored by the Whirl-A-Ways) at the Roseville (CA) Veterans Memorial Hall. Kevin and Vicki are willing to travel and are available for cueing at festivals, weekends and one-night stands.
Check us out at
Starlight Dancers web site, hosted by NCRDTA.
thru A2
Full-time, Traveling, Callerlab member, GCA member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
(661) 496-2857 (mobile);
Easy thru Phase VI Roundalab member, Line Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed, SESAC licensed; 4153701150 (mobile);
• Cue Phase Levels II through VI
• Line Dances
• Teach Round Dance Classes for Beginning Level dancers starting at Phase I, II, III, IV
• Club Cuer for Bows and Beaus Square & Round Dance Club, Los Altos and Cue regularly for Galaxy Rounds, Sunnyvale.
• Open to bookings including Festivals, events, clubs
• We enjoy Teaching and Cueing and being a part of a wonderful community.
Basic thru A2
Full-time, Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
(209) 848-1483 (home); (209) 324-8797 (mobile);
Phase II thru Phase IV Full-time, Traveling, Recording artist, Roundalab member;619-690-4361 (home); 619-690-4361 (work);
Jim & Fran have been cueing and
teaching for 20 years. We are the owner/publishers of the Cue Sheet Magazine.
President of San Diego Round Dance Instructors. Members of Roundalab, ASCAP,
BMI, RDI. Recording Artist for TNT, Belco, Grenn, Windsor. Choreographers of many
Dances. Better known for the dance SHOW ME
thru Plus Callerlab member, Party Dances, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(707)449-4355 (home);
Calling Since October 2010.
Clubs I call for:
- Cactus Corners, Family Square Dance Club, Livermore California.
- Grand Squares, Rio Vista, California.
- Calaveras Twirlers, San Andreas, California.
Member of the Square Dance Callers' Association of Northern California (SDCANC)
Basic thru C2 Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, Caller Seminars, Accredited Caller Coach, Party Dances, Mixers, Line Dances, Handicapable Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 19092293031 (mobile);
Calling since 1984; Workshop Director - 2001 National Convention, Anaheim, CA.; "Notes In A Nutshell" Caller's Notes Service reviewer, American Square Dance magazine for over 10 years; Conducting Caller Colleges yearly in California; Square Dance Program Director (Advance, Challenge, and Workshops) for the 58th National Square Dance Convention in Long Beach, CA.
CALIFORNIA CALLER COLLEGE; Currently teaching Beginner Classes for the San Gabriel B&B's and the Grin n Square Its clubs. For over 10 years called for the Sunshine Twirlers, a Handicapable Club in Buena Park. I called for an all-women, equestrian Square Dance Exhibition group in Norco (Hoof Beats) from 2001-2005; I also served as the President and Vice President of the Orange County Callers Association (OCCA).
Basic thru C2
Traveling, Callerlab member, GCA member, Party Dances, Mixers, Line Dances, Country Western Two-Steps, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
(415) 637-3593 (mobile);
thru A2 Full-time, Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, ACA member, Party Dances, Handicapable Groups, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;408-866-9116 (home); 408-275-8637 (mobile);
I started calling in 1964. 2014 will mark my 50th year of calling and
teaching all over California and throughout the USA. I have appeared on
Square Dance Live television shows on Comcast community channel 15
promoting square dancing since 2004.
thru A2 Callerlab member, GCA member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Line Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;714-892-3465 (home); 714-362-9633 (mobile);
Currently teach for Shoreline Squares in Long Beach CA.
I have been calling and teaching square dancing since 2006.
Member of a local caller organization, Orange County Callers Association (OCCA).
thru Plus Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), BMI and ASCAP licensed; Calling since 1985. Club caller for the Single Spinners (San Diego) and Rusty Hinge Squares (El Cajon). I belong to CALLERLAB and the San Diego County Square Dance Callers Association.
thru A2
Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
951-809-1484 (mobile);
Basic thru A2 Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, Party Dances, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;800-982-6966 (work); 530-321-0677 (mobile);
Club caller for the Oroville Promenaders, The Mavericks in Roseville CA, and the Jet Sets Advanced group. Taking limited bookings into next year as I still work a full-time job and life gets pretty hectic! Been calling on a regular basis since late 2014. Can keep most audiences fully "entertained". Here's some samples of Tim's calling.
Calls on YouTube
Recording artist for Rawhide Music.
I enjoy calling, dancing with my wife Liz, and teaching. My square dance calling philosophy is to
challenge the experienced dancers as much as possible while allowing the not so experienced dancers a chance to
participate and grow. Can substitute when a temp. caller is needed. Everybody should be having as much fun as
Basic thru C1
Easy thru Phase II
Full-time, Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Line Dances, Traditional Squares, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
707-433-8967 (home);
Easy thru Phase VI Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;818-271-2099 (home); 818-263-9158 (mobile);
Starting Tuesday April 3rd we are going to set our dance schedule as follows--
(All times are approximate and subject to adjustments.)
5:30-6:00 Intermediate warm-up dancing
6:00-6:50 Phase 4-5 workshop/teach
6:50-7:00 Water break
7:00-7:40 Phase 4-6 dancing for both classes
7:40-7:50 Cookie Break & announcements
7:50ish Phase 5-6 teach
8:30ish Break
8:40-9:30 Phase 5-6 dancing
The donation will be $10 per dancer even if you choose to stay the entire 4 hours.
Valley Beth Israel Temple
13060 Roscoe Blvd.
Sun Valley, CA
Milo & Cinda
thru Plus
Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Traditional Squares, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
(760) 367-3917 (home); (760) 774-9647 (mobile);
Basic thru Plus Easy thru Phase II Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, ACA member, Caller Seminars, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Contras, Traditional Squares, BMI and ASCAP licensed;530-470-8439 (home); 530-277-3283 (mobile);
Record for Longhorn, MacGregor, Kalox, Wagon Wheel and Windsor
Write monthly contra column for American Square Dance Magazine
Publish CONTRALAB Quarterly
Call about 150 dances per year
Easy thru Phase VI Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;949-857-8539 (home); 714-397-0070 (mobile);
I enjoy cueing all phase levels of rounds and especially enjoy cueing at advanced level square dances. I do travel quite a bit so I book dances when I can. I cue regularly more or less) for Romney Tannehill.
I'm a retired educator but do consultant work, which is the reason for my frequent travels.
Phase II thru Phase VI Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(818) 705-5996 (home); (818) 231-0613 (mobile);
Clubs - 3rd Saturdays - Valley Trailers(MS/Plus), Northridge, CA; 4th Saturdays - Periodically I cue for Buckles & Bows in Thousand Oaks. I have a regular 1st Sunday dance Phases II-VI 1:30 - 4:00 pm at Wilkinson Sr. Center, 8956 Vanalden Ave., Northridge, CA.
I am starting an EZ Level Round Dance Workshop on Thursdays 7:00pm - 9:00pm beginning July 7, 2022. Location will be Wilkinson Sr. Center, 8956 Vanalden Ave., Northridge, CA. Air Conditioned Hall
I have current membership in Roundalab, and So. CA Round Dance Teachers Association. Began dancing in 1977. Have been cueing/teaching since 1988. BMI/ASCAP Licensed.
Basic thru Plus Callerlab member, Line Dances, ASCAP licensed, BMI licensed; 530-736-1592 (mobile);
Swingin' Squares, Prairie Squares
Party Dances, Mixers, Line Dances, Traditional Squares, Youth Groups; 805-801-4000 (mobile);
My purpose in calling dances is to create events that bring people together, build community and teach
traditional values and etiquette. I host and call dances for Civil War Balls that are primarily for
families and youths. I also call dances for hoedowns, weddings, school programs, living history
reenactments and other private events.
My focus is on historical dances, so I am not your typical modern-day square dance caller or round dance
caller. I combine various quadrilles, circle dances, longways dances along with some polkas and waltzes to
create unique historical events.
Basic thru Plus Full-time, Traveling, Callerlab member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(650) 549-5273 (home); (650) 549-5273 (work); (650) 549-5273 (mobile);
Club Caller for Caper Cutters (Monday, San Francisco), Krazy Dazys (Wednesdays, Cupertino), & Katydids (Fridays,
Campbell). All in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Phase I thru Phase VI
Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
209-234-6844 (home); 209-823-4441 (mobile);
Basic thru A2 Callerlab member, Party Dances, Traditional Squares, BMI and ASCAP licensed;209-604-7870 (home); 209-604-7870 (mobile);
BMI and ASCAP licensed through CALLERLAB. Member/Vice President CAMA. Available for emergency fill-in. Would be happy to work with your club or group on a special theme dance. Regularly call for the Rockin' W Rounders in Modesto CA
Phase I thru Phase V
Roundalab member;
209-996-6066 (home);
Phase II thru Phase IV
Full-time, Traveling, Roundalab member;
(760) 328-3070 (home); (760) 409-1786 (mobile);
Mainstream thru A2 Phase II Callerlab member, Party Dances, Festival Sound Service, BMI and ASCAP licensed;916-983-3092 (home); 916-606-5592 (mobile);
I have been calling regularly since 1975, and currently call for two clubs: Sierra Squares and Whirlaways (both in the greater Sacramento area). I am most well known for interesting and creative
choreography. Since retiring from Law Enforcement, I have started traveling more, and look forward to
expanding the regions I call in.
I also set sound for several major weekends and festivals.
BMI and ASCAP licensed(209) 9313151 (home);
My site is for the promotion of square dancing, our area,
local callers, cuers, clubs, dances. There are pages to help callers and dancers
learn the definitions, how to teach/learn. The pages are NOT for self promotion. Because of health I have had to retire from calling.
thru Plus Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Line Dances, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;209-962-0805 (home); 209-404-2943 (mobile);
Have been calling more that 20 years. Presently call for Mariposa's Bootjack Stompers. I am happy to travel distances to call. I have worked with elementary, junior high, and high school students.
Recording artist, Callerlab member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 408-245-5393 (mobile);
Calling since 1976. Staff caller on Riverboat Records.
A1 thru C3B Callerlab member, GCA member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;916-482-3662 (home);
GCA member. Teach Advanced class for Prime 8s. Teach C1 class for TNTs. Teach C3B class/workshop/dance for Take C3s.
Basic thru C1 Full-time, Traveling, Caller Seminars, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;949 235-6208 (home); 949 235-6208 (mobile);
Founder of Hoedowns for Humanity. A charity foundation to promote square dancing through a charitable cause.
Basic thru A2
Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
415-990-6751 (work); 415 990 6751 (mobile);
Basic thru A2 Traveling, ACA member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(805) 801-8721 (home);
Calling for 45 years
thru Plus
ACA member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
Easy thru Phase IV Full-time, Traveling, Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(760) 530-2227 (home); (562) 400-0046 (mobile);
Member of Roundalab & So. Cal. RDTA.
Started cueing & teaching in 1999.
Cue for several clubs in Seal Beach/Downey area regularly.
Attended Round-A-Rama, an accredited cuer/teacher institute in
Have attended , cued & taught at conventions in Canada,
Baltimore, MD, & CA.
Having a good time dancing & teaching while establishing life long friendships.
Mainstream thru C3B Callerlab member, GCA member, BMI and ASCAP licensed; (510) 634-0310 (mobile);
Caller and instructor for Swingalongs in Concord, CA
Calling for Midnight Squares (San Francisco) and Oaktown 8s (Oakland, CA)
Remember: It's only a game!
Phase II thru Phase VI
BMI and ASCAP licensed SESAC licensed
408-836-4183 (mobile);
thru A2 Easy thru Phase III Recording artist, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, BMI and ASCAP licensed;707-757-9958 (work); 707-888-5941 (mobile);
Doug is available to fill in at square dance clubs in the San Francisco Bay Area. He thoroughly enjoys filling in for fellow callers so he can meet other square dancers. He calls levels from Beginners thru Advanced and especially enjoys teaching beginner classes. Doug's specialty is One-Night-Stands (aka easy-level parties for non-square dancers) for large or small groups at events like birthday or anniversary parties, wedding receptions, school and church fundraisers, fraternity/sorority parties, corporate gatherings and fraternal organization and retirement community events. Most parties are focused on square dancing and line dancing, both of which are Doug's areas of expertise, and he has the ability to generate great enthusiasm. Doug's Sinatra-like voice can bring the evening to a close with relaxing dance tunes from the era of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, so everyone enjoys some soothing slow dancing after an evening of lively action. He has received numerous compliments on his song selection and singing from the heart. Doug can also do "Square Dance Demos", providing the dancers, the music and the calling. He has also been a recording artist with Rawhide Records, and is a member of the Square Dance Callers' Association of Northern California.
Easy thru Phase IV Roundalab member, ASCAP licensed, BMI licensed; 408 839 9814 (mobile);
Member of Northern California Round Dance Teachers Association and Santa Clara Valley Callers and Cuers Association. Cuer for Rockin' Jokers Square and Round Dance Club and Star 8's, both in San Jose, CA.
Basic thru C1 Easy thru Phase II Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, Contralab member, Caller Seminars, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Line Dances, Country Western Two-Steps, Contras, Handicapable Groups, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;818-422-8690 (home); 818-345-4383 (work); 818-422-8690 (mobile);
Calling since 1963/
Records with Rhythm Records - www.rhythmrecords.biz/
Past Member of the Board of Governors of CALLERLAB/
Past Chairman of CALLERLAB/
CALLERLAB Milestone Recipient/
Active in Leadership and Caller Training Seminars.
Party Dances, Contras, Youth Groups;805 699-5523 (home); 805 699-5523 (work); 805 699-5523 (mobile);
Caller since 1993.
English Country Dance leader;
Member, Country Dance and Song Society;
Member of the Board of Directors, Santa Barbara Country Dance Society;
Simple dances for weddings, churches, parties;
"Come dancing, it's only natural." --Ray Davies
thru Plus
Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
858 401 3856 (mobile);
thru C1 Easy thru Phase IV Traveling, Callerlab member, GCA member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Line Dances, Traditional Squares, Handicapable Groups, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 760 409-3149 (mobile);
Current caller for the Windmill Twirlers in Palm Springs CA and the Desert Dancers in Palm Desert. I've been calling for over 20 years. Current member of Callerlab and a GCA member both for 18 years. Enjoy teaching and calling one nighters or specialty tips such as Progressive Squares or 6 couple squares. My philosophy about mishaps in the square is that we are making memories that last a lifetime. I have also started teaching and cueing Rounds from Easy to Phase IV.
thru A2
ACA member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
408 629 0694 (home);
thru C1 Traveling, Callerlab member, GCA member, Caller Seminars, Party Dances, Contras, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 831-345-7989 (mobile);
Has been calling Modern Western Squares since 1989 and contras since 2007.
Member and past president of the Gay Callers Association.
Caller coach - served on the staff of GCA, Rhythm, Northeast, and Alguire Memorial Caller Schools.
I also call contras and have attended contra and traditional square caller schools at CDSS/Pinewoods in 2007 and 2009.
A1 thru C3B Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(714) 636-5544 (home);
Calling since 1984.
Specialize in workshops and classes with an emphasis on interesting choreography by definition.
Founder of Trailblazers Square Dance Club (A-2 thru C-3B) in Southern California.
Basic thru C1 Callerlab member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;925 (home); 925 324-3194 (mobile);
Caller/Instructor for Diablo Dancers, Western Star, Midnight Squares and backup caller/instructor for Capital City Squares. I teach classes in Basic thru A2. I am also available for parties and one night stands.
Basic thru C1 Full-time, Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, Caller Seminars, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;661-722-3071 (home); 661-803-4616 (mobile);
Calling since 1971, currently calling throughout So. Calif. for various clubs. I teach basic thru C1 for various clubs. I enjoy calling and believe that it should be fun both for me and the dancers no matter what level or ability of the dance or dancers.I am the co-owner/producer of Fine Tune,Gold Wing and Sharpshooter Records. Member of Callerlab.
Mon - High Desert Stars - A2/C1 - Lancaster, Ca
Tues - Sierra Hillbillies - New Dancers - Santa Clarita, Ca
Wed - Gandy Dancers - New Dancers/Plus - Tehachapi, Ca
Thurs - Mountain Squares - New Dancers/Plus - Fraizer Park, Ca
Phase I thru Phase VI Full-time, Roundalab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), BMI and ASCAP licensed;916-927-5977 (home); 1-877-467-6118 (work);
I have been teaching in the
Sacramento area for 19 years and hope to see you here when you are in this
Basic thru C3A Full-time, Traveling, Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 760-567-6555 (mobile);
Calling 42 years
Plus thru C4
Traveling, Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
thru C1
Phase II thru Phase VI
Full-time, Callerlab member, Roundalab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Line Dances, Traditional Squares, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed, SESAC licensed;
714 390-4767 (home); 714 527-8805 (work); 714 390-4767 (mobile);
Easy thru Phase IV Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;818-992-4770 (home);
I've been teaching round dancing in the Southern
California area for 35 years. I'm a member of Southern California Round
Dance Teachers' Association and Roundalab. Have written
several dances including "Peg Of My Heart", "Moonlight Cocktails", "Rhumba
Orpheus", and "Hot Stuff". For several years, was employed by The Sets In
Order American Square Dance Society doing layout and paste-up for the monthly
magazine "Square Dancing" edited by Bob Osgood.
thru A2
Full-time, Recording artist, Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
714-638-8918 (home);
thru Plus
Callerlab member, Party Dances, Mixers, Line Dances, Handicapable Groups, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
408-248-5743 (home); 408-691-5721 (mobile);
Phase II thru Phase V Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;661-723-6995 (home); None (work); 661-406-7964 (mobile);
Club cuer for Aces & Deuces, Palmdale, Ca; also the Mountain Squares in
Frazier Park [they are dark during the winter and don't always offer
round dancing,] but I am usually their cuer for dances that include
RDing. I am also a substitute cuer for Glendale [CA] B'n'B's and
Sierra Hillbillies in Santa Clarita, CA. I currently teach Beginners
and Easy Intermediate on Wednesday nights and Intermediate to High
Intermediate on Friday nights. I square dance through A-2 and will
receive my 20 year plaque as a cuer/teacher from Roundalab at the 2008
convention in Wichita. My teaching slogan is "Success [in round dancing]
is achieved when techniques are mastered and then forgotten." For
cueing, "If you look like you're having fun, no one will watch your feet."
Basic thru C1
Traveling, Callerlab member, Party Dances, Line Dances, Country Western Two-Steps, Traditional Squares, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
562.822.3340 (mobile);
A2 thru C3A
Callerlab member, GCA member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
Basic thru C1
Full-time, Traveling, ACA member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
949-448-9625 (home);
thru Plus Full-time, Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;530 8721962 (home); 530 8721962 (mobile);
Square Dancing is one of the most entertaining and health promoting activities to be found. I am passionate about its virtues and have been for over 40 years.
My primary mission is to educate, entertain, and expound the value of Square Dancing to everyone. In Paradise, California I call for the Calvet Ridge Runners,
a weekly workshopping Plus Club, and have begun a Community Dance Program to support promotion and recruiting and because it's FUN! I consider myself
an excellent One Night Party dance caller, as I have worked hard to perfect the art over the last 20 years.
Easy thru Phase V
Full-time, Roundalab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
707-829-0549 (home);
Basic thru Plus Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed; GCA member; founder and caller for Ocean Squares,
Carlsbad, CA
Plus thru C4
Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
650-948-4935 (home);
thru Plus Callerlab member, Party Dances, Traditional Squares, BMI and ASCAP licensed;951 688-3049 (home); 909 238-9534 (mobile);
I have loved doing "Greenie" dances ever since 1989! Still active in One-Night-Stands / Hoedown Parties /
Church Socials, etc., and available for Class Caller / Instructor positions. Also available for
"emergency" fill-ins at classes up through Plus, as well as "emergency" fill-ins for regular club dances up
through Plus. Callerlab Member / BMI & ASCAP licensed. Firm believer in the saying... "Square Dancing is
Friendship set to Music!"
Basic thru A2
Easy thru Phase IV
Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Line Dances, Traditional Squares, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
949-338-7494 (home); 714-564-9400 (work);
Phase II thru Phase VI Roundalab member;559-252-6192 (home);
I teach/cue levels II through VI and am BMI and ASCAP licensed. I am a member of Round-A-Lab, Round Dance Teachers Association Of Southern California, and URDC and have been a round dance instructor since 1994. Clubs for which I cue/teach are: Boots and Slippers, Merced, CA; Bootjack Stompers, Mariposa, CA; SharpShooters, Clovis, CA. I feel that dancing at any level has many benefits, but enjoyment is at the top of the list.
thru A2
Callerlab member, Party Dances, Mixers, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
818-209-6669 (home); 818-209-6669 (mobile);
Basic thru C1 Full-time, Traveling, Recording artist, Callerlab member, Caller Seminars, BMI and ASCAP licensed;760.703.4880 (home);
Owner/Producer of BLUE STAR and HI HAT MUSIC companies. Buddy has been featured caller in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden and twenty-six United States.
He is the first American Square Dance Caller to call and teach in (post cold war) Poland; first American caller featured in Tasmania, Australia and Kagawa, Japan. Buddy and his family reside in San Diego, California.
Phase II thru Phase IV
Roundalab member;
209-526-4452 (home);
BMI and ASCAP licensed209 357-0727 (home); 209 628-9437 (mobile);
Full-time, Traveling, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Line Dances, Contras, Traditional Squares, Handicapable Groups, Youth Groups, BMI and ASCAP licensed;(65O) 879-O864 (home);
I'm a firm believer that "Everyone can dance!" and I make it my mission to bring dancing to groups of non-dancers, wherever they are. I specialize in one-off events for beginners, e.g., wedding receptions, birthday parties, bat mitzvah celebrations, church and community events, events for students, anywhere people want a good time dancing together. I'm the house dance caller for the monthly 3rd Saturday barn dances at Pie Ranch. Most of the time I bring a live band with me to my events.
Basic thru A2 Full-time, Traveling, Callerlab member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed; 619-742-4570 (mobile);
Currently calling for Thunderbirds (Apple Valley, CA)on Tuesday Nights, Cowtown Singles (Riverside, CA) on
Wednesday nights and Circulators (San Diego, CA) on Friday nights. I belong to the San Diego County
Callers Association and the Orange County Callers Association.I have been calling since 1980.
thru A2 Recording artist, Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;925-383-6252 (home); 925-383-6252 (mobile);
Martinez Swingers Advanced Club
Martinez Swinger Plus and Beginners
Basic thru Mainstream Callerlab member, Party Dances, Community Dance Program (CDP), Mixers, Line Dances, Traditional Squares, BMI and ASCAP licensed;530-823-7505 (home); 530-888-2900 ex
2940 (work);
I call mainly to Learning Disabled
and at New Dancer events.
thru A2
Callerlab member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
(209 836-4826 (home); (408) 497-8194 (mobile);
thru A1
Recording artist, Callerlab member, Party Dances, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
951-264-8997 (mobile);
SSD thru Plus
Callerlab member, BMI and ASCAP licensed;
9258589587 (mobile);