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116 records

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Dan and Anita Adams
 Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Colin Aram
 Kingsville, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Chris and Ruby Ayres
 Sussex Corner, New Brunswick, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;

Ron Booiman
 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Ken Boyd
 Penticton, British Columbia, Canada
Cueing Phase II thru Phase IV;
Ray Brendzy
 Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Basic thru C3B;
Lillian C. Brinkman
 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Calling Basic thru Mainstream;

Russ Campbell
  Retired    WEB SITE   Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru Mainstream;
John Charman
 WEB SITE   St-Albert, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru A2;
Andy Chong
  Retired    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Calling Mainstream thru C3A;
Berry S. and Gayle Chumbley
 Corbyville, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru Plus;
Olga and Bill Cibula
 WEB SITE   Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Cueing Phase II thru Phase VI;
Wolf Clar
 Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Bryan Clark
 Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Mainstream thru C1;
Larry and Marg Clark
 Fall River, Nova Scotia, Canada
Cueing Phase II thru Phase IV;
Geoff Clarke
 Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru A2;
Barry Clasper
 WEB SITE   Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru C4;
Lorne Clayton
 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
John Corrigan
 Delta, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru Plus;
Brian Crawford
 Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru A2;
Tim Crawford
 Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru C2;
Desmond and Ruth Cunningham
 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Cueing Easy thru Phase VI;

Tom Dakers
 WEB SITE   Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Gary Dean
 Prince George, British Columbia, Canada
Cueing Phase I thru Phase IV;
Jim and Marilyn DesBarres
 Southampton, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling thru Mainstream;
Garry Dodds and Patricia Zeeman
 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Edward "Ed" Dolson
 London, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Neil Dorey
 New Germany, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling thru Plus;

Steve Edlund
 Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru A2;

Robert "Bob" Fiddes
  Retired    Just outside of Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Kerry Fletcher
 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling thru A1; Cueing Phase II;
Linda Foster
 Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Cueing Phase I thru Phase III;
Kelly L. Frizzell and Brendan Stevens
 Pilot Butte, Saskatchewan, Canada
Calling SSD thru Mainstream;

Ronald Gardner
 WEB SITE   Dunrobin, Ontario, Canada
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Aaron Goodman
  Retired    Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru A1; Cueing Phase II thru Phase III;
Tom Gray
 Leduc, Alberta, Canada
Calling thru Mainstream;
Judy Greenhill
 WEB SITE   Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Trevor J. Grier
 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus;

Sharron and Wayne Hall
 St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru A1; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Ralph Halsall
 Penticton, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru Plus;
Alison Hampton
 Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Terry "Funky" Hebert
 WEB SITE   Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Palma Heming
 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling Basic thru Mainstream; Cueing Phase I thru Phase III;
Stuart Hemmings
 North Saanich, British Columbia, Canada
Cueing thru Phase IV;
Andy Himberg-Larsen
 Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru A1;
Doug Holmes
 Queensville, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru A2;
Nicky Hood
 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Calling SSD thru C2;
Pete Howard
 Fanny Bay, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Basic thru Mainstream; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Denny Howlett
 Oil Springs, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru C2; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;

Grant Ito
 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Basic thru C2;

Egbert Jacobs
 Millbank, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase I;
Larry Jeske
 Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Sandi Jesperson
 Vanderhoof, British Columbia, Canada
Jerry Jestin
  Retired    WEB SITE   Red Deer County, Alberta, Canada
Calling Basic thru C1; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Chuck and Marguerite Jordan
 Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus;

Wendy Krueger
 Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;

Nelson Labor
  Retired    Kingston, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Bert Lajoie
 Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec, Canada
Calling Basic thru A2;
Helen LeCounte
  Retired    Port Coquitlam/Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Jim Lee
 Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru C1;
Frances Levitt
 WEB SITE   Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Brian and Audrae Lewis
 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Calling thru Plus;
Terry Lewis
 RR 1 Barton , Digby County, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Dave and Claudia Littlefair
 Strathmore, Alberta, Canada
Calling thru Mainstream; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Lorne Lockrey
  Retired    Southampton, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Corry Lowden
 Greenfield Park, Quebec, Canada
Calling Basic thru A2;
Tom Lynn
 Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru A1; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;

Brent Mawdsley
 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Basic thru A1; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Barrie McCombs
 WEB SITE   Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calling thru Mainstream;
Sandy and Merv Meyer
 WEB SITE   Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Cueing Phase II thru Phase IV;
Osamu Miyabe
 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Calling Mainstream thru C4;
Don Moger
 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Ron Morgan
 Lacombe, Alberta, Canada
Calling SSD thru Mainstream;
Brian Murdoch
  Retired    North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;

Mary Nelson
 Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Cueing Phase I thru Phase VI;
Eldon Neudorf
 Aberdeen, Saskatchewan, Canada
Calling thru A1;

Judy Obee
  Retired    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Dale Olson
 Rosetown, Saskatchewan, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Katherine Olson
 Rosetown, Saskatchewan, Canada
Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Kerri Orthner
 WEB SITE   Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

Claude Pelletier
  Retired    Ontario, Canada
Calling thru A2;
Brian and Darlene Penny
 WEB SITE   Mission, British Columbia, Canada
Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
John and Valerie Pinks
  Retired    Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada
Cueing Phase II thru Phase V;
Dave Plume
 Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Daniel and Tanya Pollard
 Westlock, Alberta, Canada
Calling thru Mainstream;
Andrea Priest
 Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Jeff Priest
  WEB SITE   Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru A2;

Nelson L. Reeme
 Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Alex Ritchie
 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling Basic thru Mainstream; Cueing Phase I thru Phase V;
Ellen Robertson
 Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
Cueing Phase II thru Phase VI;
Ray and Misel Rosler
 North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Dan and Rhetha Roy
 Kincardine, Ontario, Canada
Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Phil and Noreen Russell
 Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;

Bruce Savage
 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy;
Richard Sharman
 Sooke, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru Mainstream;
Paul Silveria
 WEB SITE   Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Bob and Dorothy Simpson
 Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru A1; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Barry Sjolin
 Penticton, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Basic thru A2;
Kendall and Kathy Smith
 Lloydminster, Saskatchewan, Canada
Calling thru Mainstream;
Lorne Smith
 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calling Mainstream thru C1; Cueing Phase II thru Phase III;
Don St. Jean
 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Bob Summers
 Kemptville, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru Plus;

Peter and Stella Tennant
 Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Cueing Easy thru Phase VI;

Kevin Van Vliet
 Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada
Calling Basic thru C1;
Harry Vander Giessen
 Waterdown, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru Plus;
Wendy VanderMeulen
 WEB SITE   St-Albert (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada
Calling thru A1;
Paulette and Roger Vipond
 Strathmore, Alberta, Canada
Cueing Phase I thru Phase III;
Rod Vokey
  Retired    Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada
Calling Basic thru C3A;

Larry Warman
 Strathmore, Alberta, Canada
Calling thru Mainstream;
Glenn Watts
 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calling thru Plus;
Dan Weatherby
 Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Dottie Welch
 Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling thru C2; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Wayne Whatman
 Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru Plus;
Gary Winter
 Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Calling thru A1; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Norm and Barbara Wood
 Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;

Pat Zeeman
 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
28-March-2025 19:49:05
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