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387 records

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Robert Abdinoor
 Frederick, Maryland, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Sharon Murphy Abney
 Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Sid Acker
 Arlington, Texas, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Steven and Vanessa Ackerman
 Del City, Oklahoma, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Brenda Ackerson
  Retired    Batesville, Arkansas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Keith Ackerson
  Retired    Batesville, Arkansas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Johnny Ahysen
  Retired    Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Mike Amell
 Concord, California, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Ron Anderson
 Wheeling, West Virginia, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Steve Anderson
 Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Chuck "Charlie" Assell
 WEB SITE   Elburn, Illinois, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Ray Ayers
 Parker Ford, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Don Bachelder
 WEB SITE   Bernardston, Massachusetts, USA
Calling thru A2;
Gary Baker
 Greenacres (Spokane Valley), Washington, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Sherwin Baker
 Nicholasville, Kentucky, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Randy Baldridge
 Hazelwood, Missouri, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Carl "CBDanceman" Ballou
 WEB SITE   Grants Pass, Oregon, USA
Calling thru Mainstream; Cueing Easy;
Bill Baritompa
  Retired    RD 1 Lyttelton, New Zealand
Calling thru Plus;
Darwin Barker
 WEB SITE   Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Phase I thru Phase II;
Doug Barnett
  Retired    Monterey, Tennessee, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Red Bates
 Venice, Florida, USA
Calling thru C1;
Dan Bebernes
 Fairmont, Minnesota, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Danial "Danny" Beck
 Norwalk, Ohio, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Fred Beem
 Deming, New Mexico, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Lissa Bengtson
 San Antonio, Texas, USA
Beth Berman
 Dayton, Ohio, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Roy Bernier
 Fort Walton Beach, Florida, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Ron and Jan Betzelberger
 Lincoln, Illinois, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Phase II thru Phase IV;
Bo Bierley
 WEB SITE   Angier, North Carolina, USA
Calling thru A2;
Jerry Biggerstaff
  Retired    Marion, North Carolina, USA
Calling Basic thru C1;
Charlie Bitter
 Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Mike Blohm
 Slidell, Louisiana, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jacob Bloom
 WEB SITE   Arlington, Massachusetts, USA
Calling ;
Mickey Blunk
 Huntington Beach, California, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Carl Bodsford
 Elon College, North Carolina, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Rolf Boettge
 Täby, Sweden
Calling thru A1;
Ben Bogia
 Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Paul Booze
 Troutville, Virginia, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Adam Boyce
 WEB SITE   Reading, Vermont, USA
Bill Boyd
  Retired    WEB SITE   Apopka, Florida, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Curt Braffet
 Carlock, Illinois, USA
Calling thru A2;
Michael Braithwaite
 WEB SITE   Augsburg, Bayern, Germany
Calling thru C2;
Jim Brandenburg
 Newport News, Virginia, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Mel Branham
 Anaheim, California, USA
Calling thru A1; Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Andrea Braun
 Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia
Calling thru Mainstream;
L W Moe Brewer
  Retired    Decatur, Indiana, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Ken Brittin
 Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Walter Brough
 Hoover, Alabama, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Allan Brozek
 Oxford, Connecticut, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Roger Buettner
 Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Christine "Chris" Burdick
 Glendale Heights, Illinois, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase VI;
Herbert Burton
 Garden City, Kansas, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Billy Callaway
 Elba, Alabama, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Patricia Campbell
 WEB SITE   Newtown, Connecticut, USA
Pat Cannon
 Sloatsburg, New York, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Larry and Linda Cannoy
 Mt Airy, North Carolina, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Chuck Carles
  Retired    Logan, Utah, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Tim Carman
 Lanesville, Indiana, USA
Calling thru Plus;
William "Bill" Cassidy
 Fort White, Florida, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Dave Caswell
 Greenacres, Washington, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Dennis Clark
 WEB SITE   Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Bernie Charles "Bernie" Clarke
 Kinson, England, United Kingdom
Calling thru Plus;
Elmer Claycomb
 Custer, South Dakota, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Nick Cline
 Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Dave Colestock
 New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru Basic;
John Colwell
 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Don Cook
 Springfield, Missouri, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Janet Cook
 Pakenham, Victoria, Australia
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Dave Cooper and Patty Reese
 Prineville, Oregon, USA
Calling thru Mainstream; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Sandy Corey
 WEB SITE   Hopewell Jct., New York, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Clyde Couch
 Cartersville, Georgia, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Ron Counts
 Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Jack Cowan
 West Jordan, Utah, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Don Coy
 WEB SITE   Brooklyn, New York, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Kevin Cozad
 Centreville, Alabama, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Ross Crawshaw-Lopton
  WEB SITE   North Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Tom Crisp
 WEB SITE   Tucson, Arizona, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Charles and Tanya Crockett
 Crowley, Texas, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Phase I thru Phase III;
Alan Crosman
 Langhorne, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling ;
Dick Crouse
 Palatine, Illinois, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Marcy Cruce
 Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Adam Cumming
 Salem, Oregon, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Rob Cunningham
 Bakersfield, California, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;

Tom Dakers
 WEB SITE   Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Brian Dalton
 Nelson, New Zealand
Calling thru Plus;
Tommy and Julie Dalton
  Retired    Inola, Oklahoma, USA
Calling Mainstream thru A1;
Colin Dandridge
 Croydon, Victoria, Australia
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Gary Davis
 Boise, Idaho, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Brady DeBate
 China Spring, Texas, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Kenneth Diesburg
 Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Victor L. "Vic" Diller
 Apple Valley, Minnesota, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Edward "Ed" Dolson
 London, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Mike and Mary Doughty
 WEB SITE   Jensen Beach, Florida, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Velma Doyle
 Groveport, Ohio, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Karen Dunnam
 WEB SITE   Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Calling thru Basic;
Sunny Duprey
 Sanford, Maine, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Tom Duryea
 WEB SITE   Floresville, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
David Dvorak
 Praha (Prague), Czech Republic
Calling Basic thru C1;

Steve Edlund
 Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru A2;
Steve Egeland
 Estherville, Iowa, USA
Calling thru A2;
Sharon Eichelman
 Charles Town, West Virginia, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Steve Ekin
 Vero Beach, Florida, USA
Calling thru Plus;
John Eubanks
  Retired    Joplin, Missouri, USA
Calling Mainstream thru A2;
Su Eygabroad
 Thermal, California, USA
Calling Mainstream thru A2;

Joseph "Cornbread" Fabian Jr
 WEB SITE   Frankfort, Maine, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Ann Fallon
 Annapolis, Maryland, USA
George Ferguson
 Westland, Michigan, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Ken Fish
  Retired    Carlisle, Ohio, USA
Calling thru A1;
Mel and Carol Ford
 Casper, Wyoming, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Mark Foster
 Bristol, Tennessee, USA
Calling Mainstream thru A1;
Herb Franklin
 WEB SITE   Ladson, South Carolina, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Mark Franks
 Ocean View, New Jersey, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Al Frazier
 Georgetown, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Brian Freed
  WEB SITE   Bloomington, Minnesota, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Kenny Freeman
 Puyallup, Washington, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Lurita Fugier
 Hermosa, South Dakota, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Robert "Bob" Furr
 Mesa, Arizona, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jayden Fyrgios
 Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Calling Mainstream thru A1;

Henry "Hank Hoedown" and Barbara Garfath
 Winchester, England, United Kingdom
Calling thru Mainstream;
Thomas Garner
 Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Kip Garvey
  WEB SITE   Ione, California, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Diane Gaskill
 San Jose, California, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Tony Gaskill
 Steger, Illinois, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Don Gauci
 Hocking, Western Australia, Australia
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Richard W. Gee
 Taylorsville, Utah, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Rich Gierman
 Spreckels, California, USA
Calling Mainstream thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Jerry Gilbreath
 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Mike and Anja Goff
 WEB SITE   Panama City Beach, Florida, USA
Masha Goodman Crawford
 WEB SITE   Northern Cal, SF, Sac, Foothil, California, USA
Judy Greenhill
 WEB SITE   Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Shane and Missy Greer
 Wagoner, Oklahoma, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jerry Griffin
 Saltillo, Mississippi, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Girls Night Out Group
 McMinnvile, Oregon, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus; Cueing Phase II thru Phase IV;
Dominic Gruetzmacher
 Wausau, Wisconsin, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Warren Gruetzmacher
  Retired    Merrill, Wisconsin, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;

Stephen R. and Lisa Hackman
 Gibbon, Nebraska, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Steve Hackman
 Kansas City, Kansas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Lee Hailey
 Glendale, Arizona, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Alan and Marcy Hall
 Ringgold, Georgia, USA
Calling thru A2;
Dan Halliburton
 Naylor, Missouri, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jerry Handley
 Berry, Alabama, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Don Haney
 Tucson, Arizona, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Tommy Hankins
 Bastrop, Louisiana, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Mike Hardin
 Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Tom Harrison
 Ovalo, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Art Harvey
 Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Greg Hatmaker
 WEB SITE   Big Rock, Tennessee, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Cindy Hawley
 East Longmeadow, Massachusetts, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Bill Haynes
 Mesa AZ, Arizona, USA
Calling Mainstream thru C3B;
Steve Hays
 Oregon City, Oregon, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Walt Helgesen
 Granbury, Texas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Bill Henke
 Summerset, South Dakota, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Nikki Hensley
 Newark, California, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Amanda Herdt
 Merrill, Wisconsin, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Randy Herpin
 Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Peg Hesley
 WEB SITE   Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Roy P. Hestand Jr.
 Mountain Home, Arkansas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Chuck and Chris Hicks
 High Point, North Carolina, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Cis Hinkle
 Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Al Hipkins
 WEB SITE   Auburn, Maine, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Erik Hoffman
 WEB SITE   Oakland, California, USA
Calling ;
Myron Hollatz
  WEB SITE   Merrill, Wisconsin, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Calvin Hollis
 Calumet, Oklahoma, USA
Calling thru A2;
Bruce Holmes
 WEB SITE   Evanston, Illinois, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Doug Holmes
 Queensville, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru A2;
Kirsten Holst
Calling Basic thru Mainstream;
Steve Holzhausen
 Loganville, Georgia, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Ken Hooke
 Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia
Calling thru Basic;
Dan Hopper
 Gillette, Wyoming, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Dale Hoppers
 Mission Hills, California, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Jim Howard
 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Calling thru A2;
Angie and Bob Huckeby
 Lake in the Hills, Illinois, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Bob and Lois Huff
 Holts Summit, Missouri, USA
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Patricia W. Hughes
 Westerville, Ohio, USA
Cueing Phase II thru Phase III;
Donna Hunt
 WEB SITE   Philadelphia area, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru Basic; Cueing Easy;
Gary Hutton
 WEB SITE   Anderson, Indiana, USA
Calling thru A2; Cueing Phase I thru Phase IV;

Henry Israel
  Retired    Yukon, Oklahoma, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Adam Izbicki
 WEB SITE   Kamiah, Idaho, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;

Marianne C. Jackson
 WEB SITE   Madison, Alabama, USA
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Easy;
Egbert Jacobs
 Millbank, Ontario, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase I;
Graham Jameson
 Narre Warren South, Victoria, Australia
Calling thru Mainstream;
Michal "Dingo" Janák
 WEB SITE   Brno, Czech Republic
Calling thru A2;
Kenny "Little Enis" Jarvis
 Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Dave Jenkins
 Christchurch, New Zealand
Calling thru Mainstream;
Kris Jensen
 WEB SITE   Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Doug Jernigan
 Trenton, South Carolina, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Sandi Jesperson
 Vanderhoof, British Columbia, Canada
Jimmy Johnson
 Austin, Texas, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Lance Johnson
 Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Barry Jolliff
 Wooster, Ohio, USA
Calling ;
Vernon Jones
 Springtown, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
George Jordan
 Staunton, Virginia, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Gerhard Kamm
 Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Calling thru Plus;
Carol and Tom Kelly
 Ludington, Michigan, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Carol Kelly
 Zephyrhills, Florida, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Pat and Bob Kelm
 Montello, Wisconsin, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Jack Kirchgatter
 WEB SITE   Wallertheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Calling thru C1;
Keith C. and Jamey Klix
 Houston, Texas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jens Klusmann
 WEB SITE   Wilhelmshaven, Niedersachsen, Germany
Calling Basic thru A2;
Joe Koschig
 Monheim am Rhein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Calling Basic thru Plus;
John Kozyra
 Harrogate, England, United Kingdom
Calling thru Plus;
Hans Krackau
 WEB SITE   Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Calling Basic thru Mainstream;
Rob Krum
 Spokane, Washington, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Joe Kula
  Retired    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Joyce Kutz and Bruce Hibbard
 Hamilton, Massachusetts, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Kristy Lake
 Hanoverton, Ohio, USA
Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Joe Landi
 Beesley's Point, New Jersey, USA
Calling Mainstream thru A2;
Denny Lantz
 Medford, Oregon, USA
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Barbara Lassiter
 Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Stephen Daye Lassiter
 Cody, Wyoming, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Ed Laudenschlager
 Galloway, Ohio, USA
Calling thru A2;
Sheldon L. Lawrence
 Wichita, Kansas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Tommy L. Lee
 Drumright, Oklahoma, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Seth Levine
 WEB SITE   Tempe, Arizona, USA
Calling thru A2;
Jack Lewis
 Boynton Beach, Florida, USA
Calling Plus thru C1; Cueing Phase II thru Phase VI;
Terry Lewis
 RR 1 Barton , Digby County, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Lisa Lincoln
 WEB SITE   Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jerry Linduff
 Moore, Oklahoma, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Bob Livingston
 Middletown, Connecticut, USA
Calling thru Basic;
Sam Lowe
 Anderson, South Carolina, USA
Calling thru A2;
Bill Lowry
 Middletown, Indiana, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Tony Lund
 Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;

Andreas Macke
 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Mike MacKenna
 Leander, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Gary Mahnken
 Corder, Missouri, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Don Marshall
 Temple, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Tobias Martin
 Markkleeberg, Sachsen, Germany
Calling thru Plus;
Vincent Masciarelli
 Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Pat and Wanda McBride
 Grand Junction, Colorado, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Phase I thru Phase III;
Doug McCart
 WEB SITE   Corydon, Iowa, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Barrie McCombs
 WEB SITE   Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calling thru Mainstream;
Tom McConahay
 Smithville, Ohio, USA
Jackie and Susan McCorkle
 Rocky Face, Georgia, USA
Calling thru Mainstream; Cueing Easy thru Phase I;
Calling thru Plus;
Alistair McCulloch
 WEB SITE   Scotland, United Kingdom
Dale McDonald
 Plainview, Texas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Terry and Beverly McGill
 Lake City, Tennessee, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Jim McKinney
 WEB SITE   New Boston, Michigan, USA
Calling thru Basic;
Nora McKinney
 Spokane, Washington, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Tom Meehan
 Woodstock, Georgia, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Miriam E. "Mimi" Merriwether and David Parker
 Fort Walton Beach, Florida, USA
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Teddy Meyers
 Munich, Bayern, Germany
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Philip Miller
 Staples, Minnesota, USA
Bubba and Cindy Mingus
 Slidell, Louisiana, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Steve Minkin
  WEB SITE   Healdsburg, California, USA
Calling Basic thru C1; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Jerry Mitchell
 Waxahachie, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Chris Moller
 Glendale, Arizona, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Gunter Hans-Jurgen Monroe
 Steilacoom, Washington, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Monty Montgomery
 Twentynine Palms, California, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Monk Moore
 WEB SITE   Angier, North Carolina, USA
Calling thru A2;
Paul Moore
 North San Juan, California, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Naaman Moorehouse
 Grand Junction, Colorado, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Phil Moorehouse
 Redfield, Arkansas, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Christina Moreland
 Aurora, Colorado, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Glen Morningstar Jr.
 WEB SITE   Highland, Michigan, USA
Calling thru Basic;
Susan Morris
  WEB SITE   Redmond, Washington, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Wade "CallerWade" Morrow
 Nevada, Missouri, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Raymond Moskewich
 Morgan, Vermont, USA
Calling thru A2;
Charles Muecke
 Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Brian Murdoch
  Retired    North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Gary Murphy
  Retired    Lake City, Florida, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Sharon Murphy
 Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Chris Murray
 Rolling Meadows, Illinois, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Eva Murray
 Wake Forest, North Carolina, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Pete Murray
 Olympia, Washington, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;

Lynn Nelson
 WEB SITE   Kansas City, Kansas, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Ron Nelson
 Aurora, Colorado, USA
Calling Mainstream thru A2;
Royce Nelson
 WEB SITE   Bagley, Minnesota, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Brad Neutz
 Maple Lake, Minnesota, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Don Newburn
 Lebanon, Oregon, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Debra Newby
 WEB SITE   California, USA
Cliff Nichols
  WEB SITE   Bellevue, Washington, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Wayne and Ruby Nicholson
 WEB SITE   Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
John Norris
 Rome, Georgia, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Calling Basic thru A2;
Scott Olson
 WEB SITE   Minden, Nevada, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Patrick O'Loughlin
 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Calling thru Basic;

Deanna Palumbo
 WEB SITE   Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Rex Parker
 Wadsworth, Ohio, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Margean Passey Viken
 Boise, Idaho, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Ray L. "Patt" Patterson
 Turlock, California, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Gardner Patton
  Retired     WEB SITE   Munhall, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase I;
John Penn
 WEB SITE   Frankfort, Kentucky, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Andy Petrere
 Greenwell Springs, Louisiana, USA
Calling thru A2;
Hans Pitters
 Vejle, Denmark
Calling C1 thru C3A;
Eddie Powell
 WEB SITE   Reynoldsburg, Ohio, USA
Calling thru A2;
David Preston
 Lake Jackson, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Walt Puckett
 Fletcher, North Carolina, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Thomas Pustinger
 Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Roger Putzler
  WEB SITE   Albany, Oregon, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;

Coleeta Quigley
 Coquille, Oregon, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Kathy Racine
 Provo, Utah, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jimmy D. Rader Sr.
 Pekin, Illinois, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jason Raleigh
 WEB SITE   Grove City, Ohio, USA
Calling thru A2;
Linda "P." Rawlinson
 Hurricane, Utah, USA
Calling SSD thru Plus;
Neal and Bev Redwanz
 Decatur, Alabama, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Nelson L. Reeme
 Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Cyril John Rendell
 Lymington, England, United Kingdom
Calling Basic thru C2;
Chris Ricciotti
 WEB SITE   Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Calling thru Basic;
Mike Richards
 Cody, Wyoming, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase V;
Robert "Bob" and Allynn Riggs
 WEB SITE   Centennial, Colorado, USA
Calling thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Alex Ritchie
 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling Basic thru Mainstream; Cueing Phase I thru Phase V;
Paul Rosenberg
 WEB SITE   Albany, New York, USA
Calling thru Basic;
Ray and Misel Rosler
 North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Paul Roy
 Chicopee, Massachusetts, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Don Royal
 Muncie, Indiana, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Tom Rudebock
  Retired    Leetonia, Ohio, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Dick Rueter
 WEB SITE   Farmington, Minnesota, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Dick Rueter
 WEB SITE   Florence, Arizona, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Ron Rutz
 Chapin, South Carolina, USA
Calling thru A2;
John Ryan
 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Johnny Saettel
 Elizabethtown, Kentucky, USA
Calling thru A1;
Gary Sanders
 Houston, Texas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Craig Satterthwaite
 Layton, Utah, USA
Calling Basic thru C1;
Rich & Lynn Sbardella
 Stafford Springs, Connecticut, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Burton "Burt" and Mary Ann Schain
 New City, New York, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Neal Schlein
 Eugene, Illinois, USA
Calling thru Mainstream; Cueing Easy;
Calling thru Plus;
Amy Secord
 Thornton, Colorado, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Gavin Seim
  Retired    Ephrata, Washington, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Jim Shay
 Sayre, Pennsylvania, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Terri Sherrer
 Palm Springs, California, USA
Calling thru C1; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Lysle "E" Shields Jr.
 WEB SITE   Madison, Alabama, USA
Calling Basic thru Mainstream;
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Don Siebert
  Retired    Minot, North Dakota, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Bill Silver
 Calera, Oklahoma, USA
Calling Basic thru A1;
Elaine Silver
 Choctaw, Oklahoma, USA
Calling Basic thru Mainstream;
Paul Silveria
 WEB SITE   Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Bob and Dorothy Simpson
 Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
Calling thru A1; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Harry Slocum
 Buffalo, New York, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Barb Smith
 Dallas, Texas, USA
Dale Smith
 Waco, Texas, USA
Calling thru A2;
Dave Smith
 WEB SITE   South Lyon, Michigan, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Garland Smith
 WEB SITE   Rosenberg, Texas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jim L. "Jimmy" Smith and Judy Keller
 WEB SITE   Buena Park, California, USA
Calling thru C1; Cueing Phase II thru Phase VI;
Kendall and Kathy Smith
 Lloydminster, Saskatchewan, Canada
Calling thru Mainstream;
Leonard Snodgrass
 Oregon, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Johnny Snow
 Big Sandy, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;
Thomas Spaetling
 Bamberg, Bayern, Germany
Calling thru Mainstream;
David Staples
 Durham, North Carolina, USA
Calling thru A2;
Ian Steel
  Retired    Helena, Montana, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
Keith Stevens
 Lake Wales, Florida, USA
Calling Basic thru C3A;
Roy Stevenson
 Lakewood, California, USA
Calling Basic thru C1;
Chip Stewart
 Longmont, Colorado, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Jamie Stewart
 Alabaster, Alabama, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Lenny Stratton
 Shelburne, Massachusetts, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Karen Stuart
  Retired    Newcastle, Wyoming, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Roy Surratt
 Salisbury, North Carolina, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Kazy Suzuki
 Tsukuba, Japan
Calling thru A1;

Dan Tapper
 WEB SITE   Morristown, New Jersey, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Paul Terrell
 Pineville, Louisiana, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Barbara Tucker
 Kirtland, New Mexico, USA
Calling Mainstream thru Plus;
Michael Turley
 Salida, Colorado, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Mike and Kay Turner
 Wichita, Kansas, USA
Calling Basic thru C1; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Paul Turner
 Tucson, Arizona, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Tim Tyl
 WEB SITE   White Oak, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru A2;

Sandie Vaccaro
 Statham, Georgia, USA
Calling thru Mainstream;
Philip Vinokur
 Riverside, California, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Gloria Vivier
 WEB SITE   Granby, Massachusetts, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jim and Joyce Voll
 Albany, Oregon, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Doug Waldren
  Retired    Lakeland, Florida, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Kay Walker
 Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Calling thru Plus;
Calling thru Plus;
John Walter
 Aliso Viejo, California, USA
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Easy thru Phase IV;
John Wargowsky
 WEB SITE   Delaware, Ohio, USA
Calling thru Basic;
Otto Warteman
 WEB SITE   Trinity, Texas, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Jim Wass
  WEB SITE   Riverdale, Maryland, USA
Calling Basic thru A2; Cueing Phase II thru Phase III;
Glenn Watts
 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calling thru Plus;
Dan Weatherby
 Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Jerrie Lynn Weatherford
 North Pole, Alaska, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Dottie Welch
 Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, Canada
Calling thru C2; Cueing Easy thru Phase II;
Wayne Whatman
 Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Calling thru Plus;
Bill and Sheryll White
 Hamilton, New Zealand
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Brian White
 Houston, Texas, USA
Calling thru A2;
Bobby Willis
 Lawton, Oklahoma, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Andy Wilson
 WEB SITE   California, USA
Calling ;
Jarvis Windom
 WEB SITE   Wheatland, Wyoming, USA
Calling Basic thru Mainstream; Cueing Easy;
Jonathan Wood
 Meridian, Idaho, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Easy thru Phase III;
Jay Wright
 Joplin, Missouri, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Paula Wright
 Langwarrin, Victoria, Australia
Calling thru Mainstream;

Henna Yauger
 WEB SITE   Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Calling Basic thru Plus;
Jerry Yerby
 Auburn, California, USA
Calling Basic thru Mainstream;
Bill Yoeman
 Mt. View, Hawaii, USA
Calling thru Plus;

Walt Zatorski
 Michigan, USA
Calling thru Plus;
Gordy and Mary Ann Ziemann
 Cedarburg, Wisconsin, USA
Calling thru Plus; Cueing Phase I thru Phase II;
Dominic Zwerenz
 Pforzheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Calling Basic thru Plus;
27-March-2025 23:56:59
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