Callers and Cuers
Callers and Cuers

Round Dance Cuer web sites    101 records
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13-March-2025 21:48

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  bold font indicates web site has a reciprocal link to

 A Top of page Bottom of page
Craig Abercrombie  Oregon   website  profile

 B Top of page Bottom of page
Carl "CBDanceman" Ballou  Oregon   website  profile
Darwin Barker  Nebraska   website  profile
Judy and Dwayne Barnhill  Tennessee   website  profile
Teresa Berger  Indiana   website  profile
Mike Bramlett  Texas   website  profile
Anne "Annie" Brownrigg and Carl Dammeir  Arizona   website  profile
Doug and Cheryel Byrd  Tennessee   website  profile

 C Top of page Bottom of page
MaryAnn Callahan and Craig Cowan  California   website  profile
Mike Callahan  New York   website  profile
Andrea Cheng  Taiwan   website  profile
Jim and Adele Chico  California   website  profile
Adam Christman  Washington   website  profile
Olga and Bill Cibula  QuebecCanada   website  profile
Daryl and Yvonne Clendenin  Oregon   website  profile
Michael and Mary Cox  South Carolina   website  profile
Ed Czech  Indiana   website  profile

 D Top of page Bottom of page
Tom Dakers  AlbertaCanada   website  profile
Sammy and Ingrid David  HessenGermany   website  profile
Jim Davis  Ohio   website  profile

 E Top of page Bottom of page
Deanne and Jim Emory  New York   website  profile
Alfredo "DJ Alf" Equestre  Italy   website  profile

 F Top of page Bottom of page
Dom and Joan Filardo  Maryland   website  profile
Anita Froehlich  Arizona   website  profile

 G Top of page Bottom of page
Rey and Sherry Garza  California   website  profile
Susanne Geiger and Joerg Jarmuth  Baden-WürttembergGermany   website  profile
Karen and Ed Gloodt  Oklahoma   website  profile
Mike Gormley  Florida   website  profile
Roy Gotta  New Jersey   website  profile

 H Top of page Bottom of page
Margaret Harris  Florida   website  profile
Sue and Phil Harris  California   website  profile
Dave Harry  Washington   website  profile
Frank and Sandy Hartzel  Pennsylvania   website  profile
Terry "Funky" Hebert  New BrunswickCanada   website  profile
Eric Henerlau  California   website  profile
John and Karen Herr  Colorado   website  profile
David Hinds  Arizona   website  profile
Al Hipkins  Maine   website  profile
Donna Hunt  Pennsylvania   website  profile
George and Pamela Hurd  Arizona   website  profile
Paul and Dot Hutchison  Alabama   website  profile
Gary Hutton  Indiana   website  profile

 J Top of page Bottom of page
Marianne C. Jackson  Alabama   website  profile
Lawrence Johnstone  California   website  profile
Jetta K. Junk  HessenGermany   website  profile

 K Top of page Bottom of page
Shauna Kaaria  California   website  profile
Brett Kappenman  Washington   website  profile
Kappie and Aileen Kappenman  Washington   website  profile
Hunter Keller  Montana   website  profile
Judy Keller and Jim Smith  California   website  profile
Kevin and Vicki Klein  California   website  profile
Jim and Kathie Kline  Virginia   website  profile
Dan and Kathy Koft  Pennsylvania   website  profile
Patrick and Eileen Krause  Colorado   website  profile

 L Top of page Bottom of page
Ilona and Stefan Lankuttis  HessenGermany   website  profile
Frances Levitt  AlbertaCanada   website  profile
Richelle "Rikki" Lobato  Oregon   website  profile

 M Top of page Bottom of page
Richard and Frances Matthews  Louisiana   website  profile
Michael McDonald and Debbie McClain  Georgia   website  profile
Sandy and Merv Meyer  British ColumbiaCanada   website  profile
Elaine Mikenas and Dennis Viscanti  New York   website  profile
Steve Minkin  California   website  profile
Milo and Cinda Molitoris  California   website  profile
David R. "Doc" and Marcie Myers  Kansas   website  profile

 N Top of page Bottom of page
Wayne and Ruby Nicholson  Alabama   website  profile
Ron and Mary Noble  Arizona   website  profile
Bob and Sally Nolen  New Mexico   website  profile
Jeanine and Paul Norden  Oregon   website  profile
Marvin "Marty" Northrup  South Carolina   website  profile

 O Top of page Bottom of page
Yukio Oiwa  Japan   website  profile

 P Top of page Bottom of page
J L and Linda Pelton  Texas   website  profile
Brian and Darlene Penny  British ColumbiaCanada   website  profile
Randy and Lorraine Pratt  New Mexico   website  profile
Mike Preskitt  Alaska   website  profile

 R Top of page Bottom of page
Ray Rhea  Utah   website  profile
Allynn Riggs  Colorado   website  profile
Robert "Bob" and Allynn Riggs  Colorado   website  profile
Susie and Gert-Jan Rotscheid  Netherlands   website  profile

 S Top of page Bottom of page
Jo Saffell  Iowa   website  profile
Dan Sahlstrom  Minnesota   website  profile
Barbara Saunders  Alaska   website  profile
Carl and Carol Schappacher  Ohio   website  profile
Mike Seastrom  California   website  profile
Dennis Smith  Oregon   website  profile
Jim L. "Jimmy" Smith and Judy Keller  California   website  profile
Larry and Susan Sperry  Montana   website  profile
Don and Doug Sprosty  Iowa   website  profile

 T Top of page Bottom of page
Darren W.H. Taylor  VictoriaAustralia   website  profile
Matthew Temples and Ramona Stowe  Georgia   website  profile
Jim and Carol Tucker  Nebraska   website  profile
Steve Turner  Western AustraliaAustralia   website  profile

 U Top of page Bottom of page
Daniela Ulbrich  HessenGermany   website  profile

 V Top of page Bottom of page
Marcel Van Acker and Chris Serneels  Belgium   website  profile

 W Top of page Bottom of page
Jim Wass  Maryland   website  profile
Chuck and Sandi Weiss  Arizona   website  profile
Terri and Tim Wilaby  Florida   website  profile
Jarvis Windom  Wyoming   website  profile
Barry and Sue Wonson  New South WalesAustralia   website  profile
Annette Woodruff  Belgium   website  profile
Randy and Rose Wulf  Washington   website  profile

 Y Top of page Bottom of page
Robin Young  Idaho   website  profile -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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