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Checker Cheats
Checker Cheats
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Checker Cheats are short cuts used by square dance callers when pushing Square Dance Checkers

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  • Callers use checker cheats to facilitate writing square dance sequences.
  • The checker cheats listed are how callers think about a call. As such, a cheat may be worded in terms of higher-level calls or it may just be a description of how to manipulate the checkers to get to the ending formation.
  • Each bulleted item is a cheat. For example, on the call Alter The Wave [C1], there are 3 different cheats listed.

    Alter The Wave [C1]
    • From a Wave: Centers Slither as Ends Stable Trade
    • From a Wave: Single Concentric Half Sashay
    • From a Wave: Swing & Mix
  • As a caller, checker cheats can improve your sight calling. You can more easily anticipate ending formations along with correct sex arrangement, and you can more easily formulate extemporaneous getouts.
  • As a challenge dancer, knowing checker cheats can help with dancing complicated calls involving phantoms. You can often determine your ending position as well as the ending position of others even before the call starts. For example, a call such as Alter & Circulate [C2] may be disorienting to dance phantom, but if you're a center and you know that the Center's part is equivalent to 'Centers Cross Back', then you know where you're supposed to end up.
  • Cheats should not be used to replace either the definition or the dance action of the call.
11-March-2025 21:21:27
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