Heads Half Sashay, Heads Square Thru 4, All Square Thru 4, All Partner Trade, Left Square Thru 4, Centers Pass Thru, The Others U Turn Back, All Left Square Thru But On The Third Hand, Allemande Left
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=9224Print
Heads Star Thru, Pass Thru, All Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Boys Circulate, Ladies Trade, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 9 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=6446Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Those Ladies Trade, Extend, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 9 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=6461Print
Heads Star Thru, Centers Pass Thru, Circle To A Line, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru (Zero Box)
(Zero Line) Touch 1/4, (Each Side) Walk & Dodge, All Partner Trade, Pass The Ocean, Recycle, Reverse Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4, Rollaway, Right & Left Grand
Heads 1/2 Square Thru, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Boys Circulate, Girls Hinge, Center Girl Trade, Diamond Circulate, Boys Swing Thru, Cut The Diamond, 1/2 Tag, Single Hinge, Boys Trade, Recycle, Right & Left Grand
Only difficulty may be the recycle with the boys in the center of a right hand wave.
Heads Pass Thru & Cloverleaf, Sides Box The Gnat, All Double Pass Thru, Peel Off, Pass The Ocean, All 8 Circulate, Single Hinge, Follow Your Neighbor, Allemande Left
Heads Star Thru & Spread, Load The Boat, Single Circle To A Wave, Fan The Top, Each Side Centers Run, Crossfire, Girls Trade & Spread (or Girls Cross Run), Allemande Left
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Peel Off, All Pass Thru, Tag The Line All The Way Thru, Track Two, Girls Fold, Peel Off, Boys Circulate, Girls Hinge, All Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Boys Fold, Girls Only Peel Off, R.L.G
Heads Left Touch 1/4, Centers Walk & Dodge, Spin The Top, Single Hinge, Coordinate, Couples Circulate, Crossfire, All Eight Circulate, Girls U-Turn Back, Eight Chain Three, Allemande Left
All Four Ladies Chain, Heads Square Thru 4, All Pass The Ocean, Explode And Right And Left Thru, Veer Left, All Do A 1/2 Tag, Half Of A Trade, Half Of A Circulate, Half Of A R.L.G., Bow To The Partner, Corners All (Rotated)
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Peel Off, All Pass Thru, Tag The Line, Track Two, Girls Fold, Peel Off, Boys Circulate, Ferris Wheel, Centers Sweep 1/4 And Backaway (Rotated)
Four Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position Rollaway, Same 4 Left Touch 1/4, Those Facing Slide Thru, Others Peel Off, All Do Your Part Ferris Wheel, Centers Backaway (Rotated)
After the four ladies chain 3/4 the head couples now consist of the head men and their original corner (side lady). It is correct to say heads or head couples roll away or whatever. If the original head couples found their way into the side position, (example: Heads lead right, veer left, ferris wheel, centers sweep a 1/4) it would then be correct to say those at the head position do something (the original sides were now occupying the head position).
Heads Pass The Ocean, Those Ladies Trade, Centers Recycle, Double Pass Thru, Track Two, Swing Thru, Acey Deucey, Boys Run Right, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Peel Off, Left Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Couples Circulate, Crossfire, Peel The Top, Spin The Top, Boys Run (Zero Line)
The coordinate, cross fire, and peel the top are not standard positions.
Heads Touch 1/4, Girls Pass Thru, Centers Pass Thru, Those Facing Star Thru, Others Peel Off & Bend The Line, All Pass Thru, Wheel And Deal, Centers Pass Thru (Zero Box)
(Zero Box) Swing Thru, Boys Run, California Twirl, Boys Trade, Bend The Line, Dixie Style To A Wave, Boys Single Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Cut The Diamond, Allemande Left
Zero Box Get Out making use of Cut the Diamond to an
Allemande Left.
(Zero Box) Swing Thru, Boys Run, Chain Down The Line, Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style, Boys Single Hinge, Diamond Circulate (facing), Cut The Diamond, Allemande Left
(Zero Box) Swing Thru, Girls Circulate, Boys Cross Run, Left Swing Thru, Spin The Top (lefty), Girls Run Left, Boys Trade, (each side) Crossfire, Boys Run Left, Slide Thru, Allemande Left
Includes a Spin the Top (lefty) and a (lefty) Crossfire from a tidal line.
Heads Wheel Thru, Veer Left, Ladies Walk & Dodge, Explode The Line, Ends Bend & Touch 1/4, Centers In, Cycle And Wheel, Veer Left, Cast A Shadow, Extend, Allemande Left
Heads Promenade Halfway, Sides Pass The Ocean, Centers Swing Thru, Explode And Touch 1/4 And Cross, All Swing Thru, Boys Run, Couples Circulate, Bend The Line, All Square Thru 4, Cross Clover And Touch 1/4 And Cross, R.L.G
Heads Left Spin The Top, Chain Reaction, Boys Trade, All Touch 1/4, Triple Cross, Clover And Peel The Top, Center 4 Recycle, Reverse Swap Around, R.L.G
Heads Left Wheel Thru, Veer Right, Boys Follow Your Neighbor, Flip The Diamond, Couples Circulate, Cast A Shadow, (Left) Relay The Deucey, Cast A Shadow, Turn And Deal & Roll, Walk And Dodge, U Turn Back, Pass The Sea, Acey Deucey & Spread, Explode And Square Chain Thru, R.L.G
Four Ladies Chain, Heads Right And Left Thru & Rollaway Pass The Ocean, Chain Reaction, Swing Thru, Center Lady Run Right, Boys Only Recycle, Ladies Ferris Wheel & Roll, Ladies Left 1/4 Thru, Extend, Centers Trade, Center Boy Run Left, All Cycle And Wheel & Roll, R.L.G
Full sequence from static square with a cycle and wheel
and roll get out to a right and left grand.
Heads Star Thru & Spread, Load The Boat, Girls Pass In, (Boys begin) Split Square Thru 4, Wheel And Deal, Double Pass Thru, Girls Right Roll To A Wave, Swing & Promenade
Heads Star Thru, Centers Cross Trail Thru, Girls Pass In, (Boys begin) Split Square Thru 4, Bend The Line, Touch 1/4, Transfer The Column, Swing & Promenade
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Leaders 1/4 In, Split Square Chain Thru, Trade By, Swap Around, Allemande Left (new corner), Promenade Home (corner)
Heads Touch 1/4, Ladies Pass In, Boys Peel Off, Boys Bend The Line, All Pass Thru, Turn & Deal, Boys Pass Thru, All Pass Thru, Horseshoe Turn, Swing & Promenade
Heads Touch 1/4, Girls Pass Thru, Centers Reverse Swap Around, Those Facing Slide Thru, The Others Peel Off & Bend The Line, Double Star Thru, 1/4 Out, Swing & Promenade
Heads Left Touch 1/4 & Spread, Centers Pass The Sea, Six By Two Acey Deucey, All Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Recycle, Pass Thru, Trade By, Swing & Promenade
Makes use of six by two acey deucey from lefty diamonds.
Heads Left Wheel Thru, Touch 1/4 And Cross, Explode The Line, Partner Trade, Square Thru Four, Trade By, Allemande Left (new corner), Come Back One And Promenade Home
Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Recycle, Veer Left, Four Ladies 1/4 Thru, Cut The Diamond, Crossover Circulate, Wheel & Deal, Pass Thru, Trade By, Allemande Left (new corner), Promenade Home (new partner)
Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Fan The Top, Right And Left Thru, Ladies Lead Dixie Style, Boys Trade, Ladies Run Left, Crossover Circulate, Turn & Deal, Swing & Promenade
Heads Star Thru & Spread, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Centers Single Hinge, Six By Two Acey Deucey, Flip The Diamond, Explode The Wave, Partner Tag, Swing & Promenade
Heads Star Thru & Spread, Ends Load The Boat, Centers Square Chain Thru, Touch 1/4 And Cross, Step And Slide, Centers Right Roll To A Wave, Swing & Promenade
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Right Roll To A Wave, Acey Deucey, Recycle, Boys (in the center) Right Roll To A Wave, Chain Reaction, Extend, Swing & Promenade
Makes use of a chain reaction with boys as centers of a right hand quarter tag position.
Heads Left Touch 1/4 & Spread, Sides Right And Left Thru, (send her) Dixie Style To A Wave, Six By Two Acey Deucey, Flip The Diamond, Recycle, Cross Trail Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Left Touch 1/4, Boys Pass Out, Girls 1/4 In, Couples Circulate, Cast A Shadow, Acey Deucey, Center Lady Run Left, Cycle & Wheel, Swing & Promenade
Heads Wheel Thru, All Fan The Top, Girls Hinge, (Check Facing Point To Point Diamonds), Diamond Circulate, Triple Trade, Cut The Diamond, Each Side Trade The Wave, Fan The Top (again), Allemande Left, Face In (Rotated)
Head Ladies Chain, Heads Left Wheel Thru, Pass In, Pass The Sea, Mix, Girls Run Right, Crossover Circulate, Bend The Line, Pass Thru, Tag The Line, Face In, Ends Bend (Rotated)
Heads Pass In & Spread, Ends Load The Boat, Centers Square Chain Thru, All Slide Thru, Pass The Ocean, Swing Thru, From Here Cast A Shadow, Ferris Wheel, Zoom, Centers Slide Thru, Then Double Star Thru, Centers 1/4 Out, Bow To The Corner, Partners All, Square Your Set (Rotated)
Heads Pass The Sea, Extend, Linear Cycle, Dixie Style, Boys Circulate, Boys Trade, Recycle, Veer Right, Ferris Wheel, Zoom, Centers Veer Right And Bend The Line (Rotated)
Heads Touch 1/4 And Cross, Touch 1/4, Split Circulate, Acey Deucey, Boys Run, Ferris Wheel, Zoom, Centers Swap Around, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend The Line, Right And Left Thru (Zero Line)
Heads Left Spin The Top, Extend, Recycle, Slide Thru, Boys Trade, Cast A Shadow, Girls Circulate, Boys Run, Turn & Deal, Veer Left, Crossover Circulate, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
The initial Left Spin the Top from a squared set is a little different.