Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3055Print
Heads 1/2 Square Thru, Spin Chain The Gears, All 8 Circulate, Ladies Trade, Recycle, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3200Print
Heads 1/2 Square Thru, Spin Chain The Gears, Linear Cycle, Centers Square Thru 3, Ends Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3088Print
Heads 1/2 Square Thru, Star Thru, Load The Boat, Right & Left Thru, Square Thru 3, Trade By, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3107Print
Heads 1/2 Square Thru, Swing Thru, Spin The Top, Grand Swing Thru, Grand Swing Thru (again), Explode The Wave, Trade By, Right & Left Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3048Print
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3188Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Ladies Trade, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend The Line, Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3061Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Explode The Wave, Chase Right, Scoot Back Twice, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3097Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Linear Cycle, Right & Left Thru, Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3203Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Linear Cycle, Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3122Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Relay The Deucey, Swing Your Corner, Allemande Left, Promenade Home
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3162Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Relay The Deucey, Scoot Back, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3121Print
Heads Square Thru 4, All Square Thru 4, Boys Run, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Explode The Wave, Chase Right, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3160Print
Heads Square Thru 4, All Square Thru 4, Chase Right, Scoot Back, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Trade The Wave, Boys U-Turn Back, Promenade Home
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3134Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Pass Thru, Chase Right, Scoot Back, Coordinate, Bend The Line, Pass The Ocean, Extend, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3094Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Ladies Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Ladies Trade, Swing Thru, Spin The Top, Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3093Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Ladies Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Recycle, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3087Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Ladies Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Fan The Top, Right & Left Thru, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Allemande Left, Promenade Home
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3148Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Ladies Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Linear Cycle, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Centers Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Possible overflow for Ladies
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3042Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Dosado, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Ladies Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Recycle, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3057Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Single Circle To A Wave, Boys Trade, Swing Thru, Linear Cycle, Right & Left Thru, Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3140Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Single Circle To A Wave, Boys Trade, Ladies Fold, Peel The Top, Recycle, Sweep 1/4, Dive Thru, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3156Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Slide Thru, Load The Boat, Slide Thru, Pass Thru, Tag The Line, Face In, Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3209Print
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3186Print
Heads Star Thru & Spread, All Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Cloverleaf, Zoom, Centers Square Thru 3, Pass Thru, Chase Right, Boys Run, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3115Print
Heads Star Thru & Spread, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal & Spread, Load The Boat, Square Thru 4, Ends Fold, Star Thru, Partner Trade, Promenade Home
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3054Print
Heads Star Thru, California Twirl, Spin Chain The Gears, Recycle, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Centres Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3126Print
Heads Star Thru, California Twirl, Swing Thru, Ladies Fold, Peel The Top, Recycle, Sweep 1/4, Star Thru, Square Thru Five, Boys Fold, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3169Print
Heads Star Thru, California Twirl, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Ladies Trade, Scoot Back, Ladies Fold, Peel The Top, Recycle, Sweep 1/4, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3045Print
Heads Star Thru, California Twirl, Single Circle To A Wave, Fan The Top, Boys Run, Ladies Trade, Wheel & Deal, Sweep 1/4, Right & Left Thru, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3136Print
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Track 2, Spin The Top, Ladies Fold, Peel The Top, Explode And Square Thru 4, Trade By, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3197Print
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3123Print
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Track 2, Explode And Load The Boat, Pass Thru, Trade By, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3111Print
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Track 2, Explode The Wave, Chase Right, Boys Run, 1/2 Square Thru, Trade By, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3149Print
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Track 2, Explode The Wave, Chase Right, Boys Run, 1/2 Square Thru, Trade By, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3166Print
Heads Star Thru, Pass Thru, Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears, Acey Deucey, All 8 Circulate, Swing Your Corner, Allemande Left, Promenade Home
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3128Print
Heads Star Thru, Pass Thru, Spin Chain The Gears, Explode And 1/2 Square Thru, Trade By, Touch 1/4, Scoot Back, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3181Print
Heads Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, Square Thru 4, Chase Right, Boys Run, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Couples Circulate, Chain Down The Line, (keep her) Promenade Home
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3119Print
Heads Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, Swing Thru, Ladies Fold, Peel The Top, Recycle, Load The Boat, Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3170Print
Heads Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Relay The Deucey, Swing Thru, Turn Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3068Print
Heads Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, All Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend The Line, Load The Boat, Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3153Print
Heads Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, Pass The Ocean, Grand Swing Thru, Boys Run, Wheel & Deal, Load The Boat, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3144Print
Heads Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, Relay The Deucey, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend The Line, Square Thru 4, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3127Print
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3084Print
Heads Touch 1/4, Boys Run, Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears, Boys Circulate, Recycle, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3157Print
Heads Touch 1/4, Boys Run, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Ladies Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Cut The Diamond, Ladies Trade, Wheel & Deal, Dive Thru, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3076Print
Heads Touch 1/4, Boys Run, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Ladies Run, Boys Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Ladies Hinge, Tag The Line, Ladies U-Turn Back, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3078Print
Heads Touch 1/4, Boys Run, All Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor, Trade The Wave, Explode The Wave, Bend The Line, Pass The Ocean, Explode And Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3187Print
Heads Fan The Top, Extend, Spin Chain The Gears, Swing Thru, Extend, Swing Your Corner, Promenade Home
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3185Print
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3082Print
Heads Half Sashay & Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 To A Line, Load The Boat, Pass Thru, Trade By, Swing Thru, Boys Trade, Turn Thru, Allemande Left, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3161Print
Heads Lead Right, Star Thru, Load The Boat, Pass Thru, Trade By, Pass The Ocean, Recycle, Square Thru 2, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3172Print
Heads Lead Right, Swing Thru, Acey Deucey, Boys Run, Ferris Wheel, Double Pass Thru, Track 2, All 8 Circulate, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3064Print
Heads Lead Right, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend The Line, Load The Boat, Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3145Print
Heads Lead Right, Swing Thru, Ladies Fold, Peel The Top, Grand Swing Thru, Boys Run, Wheel & Deal, Star Thru, Square Thru 3, Trade By, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3079Print
Heads Lead Right, Swing Thru, Scoot Back, Spin Chain The Gears, Ladies Circulate, Boys Run, Promenade Home
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3150Print
Heads Lead Right, Veer Left, Couples Circulate, Crossfire, Coordinate, Bend The Line, Pass The Ocean, All 8 Circulate, Scoot Back, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3199Print
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3152Print
Heads Lead Right, Step To A Wave, Acey Deucey, Spin Chain The Gears, Explode And Slide Thru, Pass Thru, Trade By, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3207Print
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Ladies Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Ladies Trade, Recycle, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3180Print
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Couples Circulate, Wheel & Deal, Sweep 1/4, Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3049Print
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Crossfire, Column Circulate, Scoot Back, Column Circulate, Boys U-Turn Back, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3103Print
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Pass Thru, Chase Right, Boys Run, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, California Twirl, Promenade Home
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3041Print
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Pass Thru, Chase Right, Boys Run, Load The Boat, Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3130Print
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3182Print
Heads Lead Right, Pass The Ocean, Grand Swing Thru, Ladies Fold, Peel The Top, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Ferris Wheel, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3106Print
Head Lead Right, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Ladies Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Explode The Wave, Chase Right, Boys Run, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3214Print
Heads Lead Right, Single Circle To A Wave, Acey Deucey, Swing Thru, Recycle, Square Thru 3, Trade By, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3155Print
Heads Lead Right, Single Circle To A Wave, Acey Deucey, Swing Thru, Recycle, Square Thru 3, Trade By, Single Circle To A Wave, Scoot Back, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3075Print
Heads Pass Thru, Partner Trade, Star Thru, All Double Pass Thru, Track 2, Linear Cycle, Load The Boat, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3120Print
Heads Pass Thru, Chase Right, Single Hinge, Extend, Relay The Deucey, All 8 Circulate Twice, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3077Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Veer Right, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Ladies Cast Off 3/4, Diamond Circulate, Ladies Face In, Extend, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3081Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ladies Trade, Linear Cycle, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Step To A Wave, Ladies Trade, Linear Cycle, Star Thru, Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3177Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Recycle, Double Pass Thru, Track 2, Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears, Explode The Wave, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3173Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Spin Chain The Gears, Explode And Slide Thru, Pass Thru, Trade By, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3059Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Spin Chain The Gears, Linear Cycle, Center 4 Square Thru 3, Ends Pass Thru, All Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3091Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Ladies Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Recycle, Pass Thru, Trade By, Touch 1/4, Scoot Back, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3168Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Acey Deucey, Relay The Deucey, Swing Thru, Extend, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3138Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Ladies Trade, Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears, All 8 Circulate, Extend, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3035Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Fan The Top, Grand Swing Thru, Boys Run, Wheel & Deal, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3043Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Fan The Top, Linear Cycle, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Dixie Grand, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3108Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Relay The Deucey, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Ferris Wheel, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3044Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Linear Cycle, Square Thru 4, All Pass The Ocean, Linear Cycle, Right & Left Thru, Dive Thru, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3163Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears, Acey Deucey, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3204Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears, Ladies Trade, Extend, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3159Print
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3165Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Spin Chain The Gears, Ladies Trade, Recycle, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3212Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Spin Chain The Gears, Explode The Wave, Ends Fold, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3098Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Spin The Top, Grand Swing Thru, Recycle, Pass Thru, Tag The Line, Face In, Star Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3129Print
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3154Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Acey Deucey, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend The Line, Right & Left Thru, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3151Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Acey Deucey, Relay The Deucey, Swing Thru, Turn Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3090Print
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3080Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Ladies Trade, Relay The Deucey, Swing Thru, Turn Thru, Allemande Left, Promenade Home
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3118Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Ladies Trade, Relay The Deucey, Recycle, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3085Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Explode And Load The Boat, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor, Left Swing Thru, Ladies Cross Fold, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3202Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Explode And Load The Boat, Pass Thru, Allemande Left, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3205Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Explode The Wave, Chase Right, Boys Run, Load The Boat, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3058Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Linear Cycle, Star Thru, Dive Thru, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3113Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Linear Cycle, Load The Boat, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3067Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Linear Cycle, Pass Thru, Chase Right, Scoot Back Twice, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3062Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Linear Cycle, Pass The Ocean, Ladies Trade, Recycle, Right & Left Thru, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3147Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Linear Cycle, Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style To A Wave, Trade The Wave, Ladies Trade, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3141Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Relay The Deucey, Explode The Wave, Boys Fold, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3117Print
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, 1/2 Square Thru, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Explode The Wave, Chase Right, Scoot Back, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3142Print
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Come Down The Middle, Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Spin The Top, Grand Swing Thru, Explode, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3069Print
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Come Down The Middle, Pass The Ocean, Extend, Linear Cycle, Slide Thru, Right & Left Thru, Swing Thru, Boys Run, 1/2 Tag The Line, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3083Print
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Come Down The Middle, Slide Thru, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Crossfire, Walk & Dodge, Right & Left Thru, Dive Thru, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3189Print
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Lead Right, Veer Left, Bend The Line, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Bend The Line, Right & Left Thru, Slide Thru, Touch 1/4, Scoot Back, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3071Print
Heads Slide Thru, Double Pass Thru, Track 2, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Crossfire, Walk & Dodge, Trade By, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3065Print
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3050Print
Heads Slide Thru, Pass Thru, Circle To A Line, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Boys Circulate, Wheel & Deal, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3179Print
4 Ladies Chain, Heads Swing Thru, Slide Thru, Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears, Boys Run, Promenade Home
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=3178Print
Four Ladies Chain, Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Sides Square Thru 4, Slide Thru, Load The Boat, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (R-H Lady progression)MediumID=3174Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Swing Thru, Ladies Fold, Peel The Top, Single Hinge, Coordinate, Ferris Wheel, Centers Sweep 1/4, Allemande Left, Walk By One And Promenade Home