Heads Pass The Ocean & Swing Thru, Others Separate, All Right & Left Thru, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Zoom, Zoom (again), Swing & Promenade Home
A Right & Left Thru from both a Wave & a Line.
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineHardID=8869Print
Heads Lead Right & Circle To A Line (ZL), Heads Dive Thru, Couples Circulate, Bend The Line, Sides Dive Thru, Couples Circulate, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Something a little different. Can be tricky.
Basic - SSD Week 12 -- Zero Line ➔ ResolveEasyID=10201Print
(Zero Line) Right And Left Thru, Left Touch 1/4, Circulate Twice, Zoom 1 & 1/2, R.L.G
fractional zoom
Basic - SSD Week 8 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineHardID=7630Print
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Centers Swing Thru, Others Separate, All Go Right & Left Thru, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Centers Swing Thru, Others Separate, All Go Right & Left Thru (Zero Line)
Mainstream - SSD Week 12 -- Static Set ➔ ResolveMediumID=10135Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Scoot Back, Trade By, All Wheel Around R.L.G
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ ResolveMediumID=10217Print
Heads Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style To A Wave, Boys Zoom, Extend, U-Turn Back, Circulate, R.L.G
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ ResolveHardID=7413Print
*** not validated ***
Sides Lead Right, Circle To A Line (ZL), Boys Not Facing The Caller & Girls Facing The Caller Pass Thru, (Boys have a RH Wave; girls have a LH Wave), Spin Chain Thru, Those Facing Pass Thru, Bend The Line (ZL), Allemande Left
Heads Square Thru 4, Swing Thru, Boys Trade, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3/4, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3/4, Swing & Promenade Home
Heads Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4, Pass Thru, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Chain Down The Line, Dixie Style To A Wave, Recycle, Star Thru, Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Head Ladies Chain, Sides Lead Right & Reverse Wheel Around, Double Pass Thru, Cloverleaf, Centers Pass Thru, All Lead Right & Reverse Wheel Around, Boys Walk Girls Dodge, Swing & Promenade
(Zero Box) Pass Thru, Ends Cloverleaf, Centers Face In And Pass Thru, Same Sex Allemande Left, (Look For Your Partner), R.L.G. Swing And Promenade Home
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Track 2, Pass To The Center, Ends Roll, Centers Pass The Ocean, All Load The Boat, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears, Girls Trade, R.L.G
Heads Left Fan The Top, Extend & Fan The Top, Explode & Left Fan The Top, Trade The Wave, Single Hinge, Coordinate, Bend The Line, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Zoom, Dixie Grand, Allemande Left
Heads Pass Thru, Separate Around 2 To A Line, Pass Thru, Tag The Line In, Pass The Ocean, Scoot Back, Swing Thru, Girls Run, Ferris Wheel, Zoom, Dixie Grand On 3rd Hand R.L.G
Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Girls Trade, Explode The Wave, Tag The Line Right, Couples Circulate, Ferris Wheel, Centers Slide Thru & Roll, Dixie Grand On The 3rd Hand R.L.G
Heads Pass The Ocean, Follow Your Neighbor, Follow Your Neighbor, Girls Follow Your Neighbor, Diamond Circulate, Centers Swing Thru, All Cut The Diamond, 1/2 Sashay, Promenade Home
Heads Lead Right, Star Thru, Touch 1/4, Girls Face Out, Coordinate, Crossfire & Roll, End Girls U-Turn Back, Coordinate, Cut The Diamond, Trade The Wave, Circulate 1 & 1/2, R.L.G
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=7650Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Pass The Ocean, Spin The Top & Roll, Double Pass Thru, Track 2, Explode & Roll, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=7354Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Pass The Ocean, Load The Boat, Pass The Ocean, Load The Boat, Swing & Promenade
Load the Boat from a Tidal Wave. Things you can do from Facing Couple you may also do from Waves
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=9197Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Relay The Deucey, Girls Roll, Girls Swing Thru, Diamond Circulate, Boys Swing Thru, Flip The Diamond Girls Trade, Recycle, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=10166Print
Heads Star Thru & Spread, All Lead Right, Chase Right, Coordinate, Circulate, 3/4 Tag, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=10165Print
Heads Star Thru & Spread, All Pass Thru, Wheel Around & Roll, Coordinate, Trade & Roll, Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=7934Print
Heads Star Thru & Spread, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Girls Do The Centers Part Of Load The Boat, All Step Forward, Boys Do The Centers Part Of Load The Boat, Girls U-Turn Back, Swing & Promenade Home
After the Wheel & Deal you can Zoom, Boys can then do the Ctrs Part First followed by the Girls
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=9175Print
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Track 2, Explode & Left Fan The Top, Left Swing Thru & Spread, All 8 Circulate, Explode The Wave, Swing & Promenade
When dancing Left or normal Fan The Top from facing couples dancers use their inside hands. eg. Left Fan the Top, the right hand is used.
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=10086Print
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Right & Left Thru & Roll, Split Circulate, Coordinate, Wheel & Deal, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=7649Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Same Sexes Trade, Extend, Spin The Top, Spin The Top & Roll, Girls Square Thru 3/4, Boys Half Sashay, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)HardID=6721Print
Heads Star Thru & Spread, Crossfire, Track 2, 8 Circulate, Linear Cycle, Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)HardID=6720Print
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Peel Off, Pass The Ocean, 2/3 Linear Cycle, Track 2, Linear Cycle, Boys Walk, Girls Dodge, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)HardID=7011Print
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Ferris Wheel, Centers Swing Thru, Scoot Back, Acey Deucey & Roll, Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Singer (Corner progression)HardID=7010Print
(Zero Line) Left Fan The Top, Trade The Wave & Roll, Double Pass Thru, Track 2, Follow Your Neighbor, Acey Deucey, Explode & Left Fan The Top, Trade The Wave, Explode & Star Thru, Pass Thru, Trade By, Allemande Left
Heads Star Thru, Magic Dixie Style To A Wave, Swing The Fractions, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond & Roll, Rotary Spin, Flip Back, Follow Thru, Mini Busy, Scoot & Plenty, Scoot & Ramble, Magic Transfer The Column, Stretch Recycle, Magic Dixie Style To A Wave, Recycle, R.L.G
Heads Pass The Ocean, Chain Reaction, Tally Ho, Girls Run, Mini Busy, Chain Reaction But 2/3 Recycle, In Roll Circulate, Swing Thru, Motivate But Centers Run, Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru, 1/4 Tag The Line, Follow Thru, R.L.G
Heads Pass The Ocean, Chain Reaction But Centers Run, Boys Turn & Deal & Roll, Motivate But Mix, Cut The Diamond, Switch The Line, Flip Back, Cross By, R.L.G
Heads Wheel Fan Thru, Single Circle To A Wave, Acey Deucey 1 & 1/2, Wave Of 6 Grand Swing Thru, Girls Diamond Circulate, Finish Diamond Chain Thru, Galaxy Circulate, Squeeze The Galaxy, Centers Cut The Diamond, Centers Turn & Deal & Roll, Spin The Top, Hinge, Transfer The Column, Scoot Back, Circulate, R.L.G