Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineID=6894Print
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Heads Bow & Swing, Promenade All The Way Around, Sides Right & Left Thru, Heads Lead To The Right, Circle To A Line, Forward & Back, Pass Thru, Turn To The Left Promenade Single File, Make A Star And Turn It A While, Boys Reach Back With Your Right Hand (over left shoulder)..., Pull Them Thru To A Right & Left Grand
CDP Published as Runottanames in SIO Magazine. This figure was very popular at square dances during the 1950s.
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineEasyID=6890Print
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Allemande Left & Heads Star Right, Sides Walk Around, But Not Too Far, Allemande Left & Sides Star Right, Heads Walk Around But Not Too Far, Allemande Left & Right & Left Grand
Cal15 CDP This was a Triple Allemande Variation published in SIO in 6/52
First Couple Bow & Swing, Down The Center & Split The Ring, Walk Around Two - Between The Sides You Stand, 3rd Couple Bow & Swing, Down The Middle & Split The Ring, Walk Around Two & Four In Line You Stand, Go Forward Eight & Back With You, Go Forward Again & Pass Thru, U Turn Back, Center 4 Do A Right & Left Thru, Forward Eight & Back Like That, Forward Again Turn Half By The Right, Inside Four Star By The Right, Once And A Half For Original Corner, Allemande Left
CDP Published in SIO in 4/1954 Named Phillupspace
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineEasyID=6895Print
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Heads Pass Thru, Separate Around One To A Line, Forward & Back, Ends Roll Back Around Two, Down The Middle And Pass Thru, Separate Around One To A Line, Forward & Back, Ends Roll Back Around Two To A Line, Forward & Back, Left Allemande
CDP Published in SIO Magazine 8/1956 Named Backwater
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineEasyID=6950Print
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Heads Half Sashay, Forward & Back (that way), Right Hand Star, It's A Left Hand Star With The Couple You Met (Couple #1 with couple #2 and Couple #3 with couple #4), Heads To The Center Two Ladies Chain (men will Courtesy Turn them in front of the side couples), Pass Thru And On You Roam, Split The Outsides Around One And Go Back Home, Every Swing, Promenade
CDP Named Arizona Double Star in Square Dance Magazine 6/1959
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineEasyID=6873Print
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Allemande Left Like An Allemande Thar, Right & Left & Form A Star, Shoot That Star, Go Forward Two To An Allemande Thar, Shoot That Star, Promenade (The Next)
Allemande Left, Ladies Star Right & Boys Promenade, Skip That Girl Allemande The Next (R-H lady), Boys Star Right & Ladies Promenade, Skip That Girl Allemande The Next (corner), Ladies Star Right & Boys Promenade, Skip That Girl Allemande The Next (R-H lady), Boys Star Right & Ladies Promenade, Skip That Girl And Guess Who (corner), Original Corner Dosado, Onto The Next Right & Left Grand
CDP Cal15 Named "The Four Corners" In SD MAg 8/1962
The 'allemande's in this sequence are Left Arm Turn 1/2s
and not techinally allemande left in which the men are facing
counter clockwise afterwards and the ladies facing clockwise.
Allemande Left & The Ladies Star, Men Promenade, Allemande Left & The Men Star, Ladies Promenade, Allemande Left, Grand Right & Left, (Meet Your Partner And) Promenade Home
Cal15 CDP This was called the Triple Allemande in the SIO Magazine of 5/51
Triple Allemande
is actually a call. This sequence is not 'technically' correct since after an Allemande Left
the Men should be facing counter-clockwise and the Ladies clockwise. Perhaps replace the
second Allemande Left with a 'Turn Corner Left'.
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineEasyID=6868Print
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Allemande Left, All (Couple) Promenade, Put The Ladies In Front, All Single File Promenade, Ladies U Turn Back, Dosado, 4 Men Star Left One Time, (Same Lady) Box The Gnat, Pull By, Left Allemande
Cal15 CDP Just change the Box the Gnat to a Right Arm Turn.
Head Boys Turn The Right Hand Lady With A Right Hand Around, Partner Left Hand Around, Opposite Lady Right Hand Around, Partner Left Hand Around, Corner Right Hand Around, Swing Your Partner, Promenade
Cal15 CDP Arkansas Traveler. You can also do the dance routine one gent at a time and all four men at once. At beginner parties, I do the individual men first
and then the Head and Side Men. If everything is going well, all four men finish.
Heads Star Right, Back By The Left, To The Corner Pick Up The Corner With An Arm Around Star Promenade, Outside In And Inside Out (Wheel Around), Turn That Big Old Star About (Right Hand Star Promenade), Outside Men Roll Back One Six In Line, Lonesome Ladies Roll Back One Eight In Line, Bend The Big Line, Bend The Little Line, Bend The Itty Bitty Line, Allemande Left
Heads Circle 1/2 & Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 Come Into The Middle, Circle 1/2 & Pass Thru, Split The Outsides Around 1 Come Into The Middle, Pass Thru, Swing Partner (At Home)
Heads Dosado (your Opposite), Heads Promenade 1/2, Sides Dosado (your Opposite), Sides Promenade 1/2, All Circle Left 1/2, Dosado Corner, Promenade Partner
Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music. Contributed by Jim Mayo
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineEasyID=6925Print
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Heads Forward & Back, Heads Circle 4 To The Left (8 steps), Heads Circle 4 To The Right (8 steps), Heads Star Left (8 steps), Star Right (8 Steps), Turn Corner By The Left, Promenade Partner Full Around
Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music.
Heads Forward & Back, Pass Thru, Separate Around Two To A Line, Forward & Back, Center Four Pass Thru, Split Two Around One To A Line, Forward & Back, Center Four Pass Thru, Split Two Around One To A Line, Forward & Back, Pass Thru, Left Allemande
CDP SIO 9/1961 After the last Pass Thru the formation = LFO (0)
Head Ladies Chain, Sides Right & Left Thru, Heads Promenade 3/4, Sides Star Thru, Pass Thru, Promenade Left 3/4, Others Star Thru, Pass Thru, Promenade Left 3/4, Others Star Thru, Pass Thru, Promenade Half, Others Star Thru, Pass Thru, Allemande Left
CDP This figure was named Walk Walk and published in SIO in the 1950s. At the end of the final Pass Thru the FASR = Zero Box.
Head Ladies Chain Right, New Side Ladies Chain Left, New Head Ladies Chain Left, New Side Ladies Chain Right, Everyone Swing Your Partner, Promenade Home
The concept of Chaining the Ladies Right or Left will be new to MWSDers trained in the last 10 years. Once learned, the pattern is very smooth and will be
enjoyed by the dancers.
Head Ladies Chain Right, 4 Ladies Chain Across, New Head Ladies Chain Right, 4 Ladies Chain Across, Left Allemande
Cal15 CDP The action of Ladies Chaining Right or Left will be new to many MWSDers trained in the last ten years. Once learned, it makes a very smoother
pattern that the dancers enjoy. The set is resolved after the second 4 Ladies Chain Across. The routine could be extend by Circle Left or any number of other
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ ResolveEasyID=7112Print
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Pass Thru, Heads Only California Twirl, Centers Trade, Wheel & Deal, Pass Thru, Left Allemande
Heads Pass Thru, Heads Promenade Back Home, Sides Pass Thru, Sides Promenade Back Home, Turn Corner By The Left, Dosado Partner, Grand Right & Left, Dosado Partner, Promenade Home
Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music. Contributed by Jim Mayo
Basic - SSD Week 1 -- Static Set ➔ ResolveEasyID=6887Print
Heads Pass Thru And Step Ahead, Sides Pass Thru And Step Ahead, Everybody Face Their Partner And Pass Thru, Left Allemande, Right & Left Grand
Heads Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 Come Into The Middle, Pass Thru, Split The Outsides Around 1 Come Into The Middle, Right & Left Thru, Everybody Swing Partner & Promenade Home
CDP Goal Post pattern
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineEasyID=6972Print
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Heads Pass Thru, Both Turn Right Single File, Lady Around Two, Gent Around One To A Line, Line Of Four Forward & Back, Diagonally Those Who Can Right & Left Thru, Same Four Rollaway, Lines Forward & Back, Pass Thru & U-Turn Back, Star Thru Circle Four Half Way, Dive Thru, Centers Right & Left Thru, Those Ladies Chain, Centers Pass Thru (ZB), Left Allemande
SD Mag 2/1965 Around 1 or 2 Also see records 6971 and 6973 - 6975
Basic - SSD Week 3 -- Static Set ➔ ResolveEasyID=6932Print
Heads Promenade 1/2, Sides Pass Thru & U Turn Back, Circle 8 (8 steps), Men Forward & Back, Ladies Dosado, Swing The Nearest Man, Promenade Home
Basic - SSD Week 11 -- Static Set ➔ ResolveEasyID=6869Print
Heads Right & Left Thru, Backaway, Sides Lead Right, Circle To A Line, All Pass Thru, All Turn Left & Promenade Single File, Men U Turn Back, Box The Gnat, Right & Left Grand
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineEasyID=6949Print
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Heads Right & Left Thru, Same Four Rollaway & Pass Thru, Separate Around One To A Line, Forward Eight & Back, Inside Four Turn Half By The Right, Same Four Right & Left Thru, Turn The Girl & Pass Thru, Split The Outside Two, Separate Around One To A Line, Lines Of Four Forward & Back, Bend The Line, Center Four Star Thru, Pass Thru, Left Allemande
CDP Named "Guess Wot" In Square Dance Magazine 1/1959
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineEasyID=6951Print
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Sides Right & Left Thru, Side Ladies Chain, Heads Right & Left Thru, Head Ladies Chain, Heads Rollaway, Heads Forward & Back, Heads Pass Thru, Separate Around One To A Line, Forward & Back, Forward & Give The Opposite A Right & Step By, Left Allemande
CDP Formation after "opposite a Right & Step by" = LFO (0) SD Mag 8/1961
All Four Ladies Chain, Head Two Ladies Chain, Heads Promenade 3/4, Sides Right & Left Thru With A Full Turn Around, Allemande Left With The Corner, Go Home And Swing Your Own, Four Boys Star Left In The Middle, Dosado At Home, Then Promenade The Square
CDP Can be used as a singing call with no partner change
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineEasyID=6864Print
Join Hands & Circle Left, Dopaso, 4 Ladies Chain, 4 Ladies Chain (Back), Swing Your Partner & Promenade Home
First Couple Bow & Swing, Go Down The Center And Split The Ring, Around One Four In Line You Stand, Forward Four & Back On The Run, Go Down The Center Let?S Have A Little Fun, Break In The Middle And Go Around Just One (as a couple), Four In Line You Stand, Forward Eight & Back With You, Center Four Pass Thru, Split The Outside Two Around Just One, Pass Your Partner To The Corner One, Swing The Corner And Promenade
CDP Published in 12/1952 in SIO as Couple Around One.
Partner Dosado, Allemande Left With The Corner, Heads Promenade 1/2, Sides Promenade 1/2, Circle Left Back To Home, Allemande Left With Corner, Promenade Home (Full Around)
Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music. Contributed by Jim Mayo
Turn Corner By The Left, Dosado Partner, 4 Ladies Promenade Inside Single File, Dosado Partner, 4 Men Promenade Inside Single File, Dosado Partner, All Promenade Home
Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music. Contributed by Jim Mayo
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ ResolveEasyID=6897Print
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Four Ladies Chain, Head Ladies Chain 3/4 (Side Men Turn Them), All Circle Left, Those Who Can Right & Left Thru (and backaway), Others Star Thru, Pass Thru, Left Allemande
CDP After the Pass Thru the formation = TdBy (0)
Those who can means "Those who are normal Couples".
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineMediumID=6902Print
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First Couple Bow & Swing, Down The Middle & Split The Ring Around (couple 3) One To A Line, Line Of 4 Forward And Back, Forward Again And Stand Pat (In the middle of the set), Sides Right & Left Thru Down The Line, Sides Right & Left Thru (again), The Four Fall Back, Make An Arch In The Middle And The Ends Duck Out, Around Two To Stand Between The Sides, Lonesome Couple Swing, Then Across Through The Center & Separate, Around One To Stand Four In Line, Lines Of Four Forward & Back, Center Four Right & Left Thru, Same Four Pass Thru, Left Allemande
CDP The dance routine was called the Lazy H and was popular a square dances for 15 years or more. I can trace the "H" formation clear back to the early
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineMediumID=6904Print
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Four Ladies Chain 3/4, Heads To The Right And Right & Left Thru, New Head Ladies Chain To The Left (Of You), New Sides To The Right And Right & Left Thru, New Side Ladies Chain To The Left (Of You), New Heads To The Right And Right & Left Thru, New Head Ladies Chain To The Left (Of You), New Sides To The Right And Right & Left Thru, New Side Ladies Chain To The Left, Turn Her Like An Allemande Left
CDP Figures like these will require a walk thru and then no surprises when called. SIO 3/1960 Little Stinker
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineMediumID=6969Print
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Heads Square Thru, Star Right With The Outside Two, Heads Center With A Left Hand Star, Take Your Corner With An Arm Around Star Promenade, Inside Out A Full Turn & Then Circle Left, Four Ladies Forward & Back, Pass Thru Separate Around One To A Line Of Four, Forward & Back, Pass Thru Wheel And Deal, Outsides Face Your Partner, Everybody Right & Left Grand
Heads Square Thru 3/4, Separate Around 1 Come Into The Middle, Square Thru 3/4, Split The Outsides Around 1 Come Into The Middle, Square Thru 3/4, Separate Around 1 Come Into The Middle, Square Thru 3/4, Left Allemande
Goal Post pattern. After the final Square Thru 3/4 the set is resolved.
Head Boys & The Corner Girl Forward & Back, Forward Again Turn Half By The Right, Right & Left Thru Don't Take All Night, Turn 'Em Boys And Pass Thru, U Turn Back And Don't Be Late, All Join Hands And Circle Eight, Head Two Boys And A New Little Girl (new partner), Forward Up & Back To The World, Forward Again & A Right & Left Thru, Four Ladies Chain, Promenade Home
Cal15 CDP Diagonal
Basic - SSD Week 9 -- Static Set ➔ ResolveMediumID=6798Print
Heads Circle Right 3/4, Zoom, Centers Circle Left 3/4 And Backaway, Heads Circle Right 3/4, Zoom, Centers Circle Left 3/4 And Backaway, Allemande Left, R.L.G
Notice that the sequence repeats twice. This is a 1/2 Fractional Zero. The sequence also works with BBGG
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineMediumID=7081Print
Heads Flutter Wheel & Backaway, Head Ladies Chain 3/4, Rollaway, Lines Of Three Pass Thru, Ladies U-Turn Back, Waves Of 3 Swing Thru, Center Ladies U-Turn Back, All Circle Left, 4 Men Left Square Thru 4, Left Allemande
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ ResolveMediumID=6962Print
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Heads Half Sashay & Pass Thru, Separate Around Two To A Line, All Circle Left, Those Who Can Right & Left Thru, Others Rollaway, Pass Thru & Separate Around One To A Line, Circle Left, Those Who Can Right & Left Thru, Others Rollaway, Pass Thru & Separate Around One To A Line, Circle Left, Those Who Can Right & Left Thru, Others Star Thru (ZB), Left Allemande
Those Who Can routine. SD MAg 10/1963
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineMediumID=6905Print
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Head Ladies Chain, Same 4 Right & Left Thru, Same Ladies Face The Corner Turn Half By The Right, Square Your Sets Like That, Just The Men Lead To The Right, Face The Girls Left Allemande
CDP After the Men Lead Right the formation = 8ChT (2)
Head Ladies Chain Right, New Head Ladies Chain Across, All Four Ladies Chain, Couples 1, 2, 3 Only Rollaway, Circle Eight, Three Couples Rollaway, Circle Left, Three Couples Rollaway, Circle Left, Three Couples Rollaway, Allemande Left
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineMediumID=6998Print
Heads Forward And Face The Sides, Split The Sides Around One And Stop, The Other Four Pass Thru, Split The Outside Two Around One And Stop, Join Hands In The Lines & Forward & Back, Other Four Pass Thru, Split The Outside Two Around One And Stop, Join Hands In The Lines & Forward & Back, Lines Pass Thru, Left Allemande
Heads Right & Left Thru, Square Thru 3/4, Both Turn Right Single File Lady Around Two, Gent Around 1 To A Line, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Left Allemande
Unusual FASR for a Left Allemande. Formation after the Wheel & Deal = DPT (4) Named W&D Sneekers SD Mag 1/1964
Heads Right & Left Thru, Square Thru 3/4, Both Turn Right Single File, Ladies Around 2, Men Around 1 To A Line, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Left Allemande
After the Wheel & Deal, the formation = DPT (1/2)
Basic - SSD Week 11 -- Static Set ➔ ResolveMediumID=6968Print
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Heads Right & Left Thru, Head Ladies Chain, Head Men Face Your Corner & Box The Gnat, (Square your set like that), Four Ladies Forward & Back, Ladies Square Thru 4, Split The Outside Two Around One To A Line Of Four, Forward & Back, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Left Allemande
Unusual FASR for an Allemande Left. AFter the W&D the formation = DPT (4) Named W&D Sneekers SD Mag 1/1964.
Heads Right & Left Thru, Full Turn Around (to face out), Separate Around One Come Into The Middle, Right & Left Thru, Full Turn Around, Everybody Right & Left Thru, Dive Thru, Centers Star Thru And Backaway (ZS), Sides Right & Left Thru, Full Turn Around (to face out), Separate Around One Into The Middle, Right & Left Thru Full Turn Around, Everybody Right & Left Thru, Dive Thru, Centers Pass Thru (ZB), Left Allemande
Heads Right & Left Thru With A Full Turn Around (you're facing out), Separate Around One Come Into The Middle, Right & Left Thru With A Full Turn Around (face the Sides), Right & Left Thru, Inside Four Face Your Partner, Right & Left Thru With A Full Turn Around (you're facing out), Separate Around One Come Into The Middle, Right & Left Thru With A Full Turn Around, Right & Left Thru (with the outside two) (ZB), Allemande Left
CDP The obvious gimmick is the Full Courtesy Turn. It is a good one. The dancers like it. The sequence was in SIO 5/1957 and named Scramble
Side Ladies Chain, 2nd Gent Opposite Girl Star Thru & California Twirl, 4th Gent & Opposite Girl Star Thru, Lead Couple Make A Arch And Back Over Six, New Lead Couple Make An Arch And Back Over Four, New Lead Couple Make An Arch And Back Over Two, New Lead Couple California Twirl, Those That Can Right & Left Thru, Same Couples Dive Thru, Everybody Double Pass Thru, First Couple Left Next Couple Right, Right & Left Thru (ZL), Left Allemande
Four Ladies Chain 3/4, Heads Right & Left Thru, New #1 Promenade 1/4, Those Who Want To Square Thru 3/4, Other Four California Twirl, If The Couple In Front Has Their Back To You And You Want To Centers In Or Double Centers In, If You Did That Cast Off 3/4, If You Did That Star Thru, All Face Your Partner, If You Want To Box The Gnat, Bend The Line, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Centers Square Thru 3/4, Left Allemande
If You Want To figure.
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineMediumID=6980Print
Four Ladies Chain 3/4, Side Position Right & Left Thru, Rollaway & Backaway, Head Position Square Thru, All Square Thru, Bend The Line, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Men Square Thru 3/4, All Left Square Thru, Bend The Line, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Left Allemande
Couples 1 & 2 The Ladies Chain, Couple #1 Half Sashay, Walk Forward Split Couple #3, Separate Around Two Squeeze In Between The Couples At The Sides, Forward Six And Back, Those Who Can Right & Left Thru, Same Ladies Chain, Finish With A Rollaway, Forward Six And Back, Those Who Can Right & Left Thru, Those Who Can Star Thru (ZB), Left Allemande
Those Who Can routine. Named "Diagonal Fix" SD Mag 7/1965
Other than being split once, Couple #3 does not move!
This sequence assumes that Right & Left Thru is only valid from normal couples.
Basic - SSD Week 4 -- Static Set ➔ ResolveMediumID=7136Print
4 Ladies Chain, All Half Sashay (stay that way), Sides Face Grand Square 6 Steps, Right & Left Grand
Four Ladies Chain, Four Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position Forward & Back, Same 4 Star Thru, Pass Thru, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Bend The Line, Forward & Back, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Centers Star Thru, Pass Thru, (With Lady On The Right) Left Allemande
CDP After the last Pass Thru all four couples are facing out in a square formation with each man's corner
on his right hand side. Clever. SIO 11/61 Star Grazer
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineMediumID=6884Print
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Four Ladies Chain, Couples 1 & 2 Rollaway, Circle Eight, Three Couples Rollaway, Circle Left, Three Couples Rollaway, Allemande Left
Works with any two adjacent couples.
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ ResolveMediumID=6958Print
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Four Ladies Chain, #3 Position Half Sashay, Heads Pass Thru, Separate Around 2 To A Line, Those That Can Right & Left Thru & Rollaway, Lines Forward And Back, Those That Can Right & Left Thru & Rollaway, Ends Star Thru, Separate Around One To A Line, Lines Forward & Back, Everyone Star Thru, Those That Can Right & Left Thru And Pass Thru, Those That Can Right & Left Thru And Pass Thru, Outsides California Twirl, Those That Can Right & Left Thru & Dive Thru, Centers Pass Thru (ZB), Left Allemande
CDP Those Who Can figure Good Named "Who Can" SD Mag 6/1963
This sequence assumes that Right & Left Thru is only valid from normal couples.
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineHardID=6901Print
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Swing Your Partner (Hold Her Tight), Head Ladies Chain To The Right, (Turn 'Em Boys And Don't Delay), Third Old Couple Half Sashay, The Rest Promenade Half Around The Land, And #1 Behind That Couple Stand, Forward Four And Back You Glide, Forward Four And Face The Sides, Now Right & Left Thru At The Old Side Door, Turn Them Around And Circle Four, Head Boys Break And Make A Line, Forward Eight & Back You Go, Forward Again With A Dosado, No Time To Stop And Chat, Forward Again & Box The Gnat, Lady On The Left Left Allemande
I found this routine in SIO 11/1956 named Easy Does It. It is a good example of the rhyming patter that was popular in the 1950s. After the final Box the
Gnat the formation = FL (1/2) which is an unusual formation for an Allemande Left.
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineHardID=6907Print
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Head Ladies Chain, Same 4 Right & Left Thru, Same Ladies Face The Corner Turn Half By The Right, Square Your Sets (Like That), Four Men Pass Thru, U-Turn Back, Four Ladies Pass Thru, U-Turn Back, Ladies Lead Left & Face The Men, Allemande Left
CDP After the Ladies Lead Left the formation = 8ChT (1)
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineHardID=6906Print
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Head Ladies Chain, Same 4 Right & Left Thru, Same Ladies Face The Corner Turn Half By The Right, Square Your Sets Like That, Men Half Sashay, Ladies Half Sashay, Ladies Lead To The Left, Face The Men Allemande Left
CDP After the Ladies Lead to the Left the formation = 8ChT (1) SIO
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ ResolveHardID=6867Print
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Couples 1 & 2 Right & Left Thru, Other Ladies Chain, New Couples 1 & 3 Right & Left Thru, Other Ladies Chain, New Couples 1 & 4 Right & Left Thru, Other Ladies Chain, Sides Face Grand Square 8 Steps, Left Allemande
CDP The key to the success of this pattern is to remind the dancers to face the center of the set after each dance action.
Head Men & Corner Girl Forward & Back, Same Four Circle Left, Same Four Star Right Back To Home, Turn Left Hand Around Your Partner, Right Hand Around The Corner, Dosado Partner, Swing Corner, Promenade
Heads Forward & Back, Heads Promenade 1/2, Sides Forward & Back, Sides Promenade 1/2, Circle 8 Left To Home, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music. If you do ot want a corner progression just DSD
partner and Promenade. Contributed by Jim Mayo
Head Ladies Chain, Head Ladies Chain (Back Home), Side Ladies Chain, Side Ladies Chain (Back Home), Allemande Left (The Corner), Dosado (Partner), Take Your Corner Promenade
Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music. This figure used for "Just Because"
Heads Promenade 1/2, Down The Middle Right & Left Thru, Sides Promenade 1/2, Down The Middle Right & Left Thru, Allemande Left On The Corner, Dosado Partner, Take Your Corner & Promenade Home
Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call
Heads Right & Left Thru With A Full Turn, Promenade (Left To) Home, Sides Right & Left Thru With A Full Turn, Promenade (Left To) Home, 4 Ladies Star Right 3/4 (To The Corner), Courtesy Turn To A Promenade Home
Heads Right & Left Thru, Same Ladies Chain & Backaway, Sides Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Forward & Back, Men Walk Across (To The Opposite Line), Swing (The Corner) & Promenade
This is a unusual way to get to the corner. The dancers like the gimmick.
4 Ladies Star Right While Men Promenade Single File, The Second Time You Meet With A Left Arm Turn, 4 Men Star Right While Ladies Promenade, The Second Time You Meet Left Arm Turn, Corner Dosado, Same Lady Swing, Promenade
4 Ladies Promenade Single File Inside, Back Home Swing, 4 Men Promenade Single File Inside, Back Home And Dosado (Your Partner), Turn The Corner By The Left, Roll Promenade, Home And Swing
Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music.
Basic -- Singer (R-H Lady progression)ID=6929Print
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Heads Turn The Opposite Right Hand Around, Turn Partner Left Hand Around, Now Corner Right Hand Around, Back To The Partner Turn Her Left Hand Around, All The Way To The Right Hand Lady Right & Left Grand, Swing New Partner, Promenade
Cal15 CDP
Basic -- Singer (R-H Lady progression)EasyID=7016Print
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Heads Forward & Back, Head Ladies Chain, Sides Lead Right & Circle To A Line, Lines Forward & Back, Just The Ladies Crossover To The Opposite Line, Swing The Man, Promenade Home
An unusual way to resolve the square.
Basic - SSD Week 1 -- Singer (R-H Lady progression)EasyID=6933Print
Head Ladies Chain, Side Ladies Chain, Heads Promenade 3/4, Side Ladies Chain, Same 4 Pass Thru, Swing (The One You Face), Allemande Left (New Corner), Promenade Home
Cal15 CDP
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Singer (R-H Lady progression)EasyID=6930Print
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Heads Promenade 1/2, Lead Right & Circle To A Line, Forward & Back, Pass Thru, All Turn Left Single File Promenade, Girls U Turn Back, Swing & Promenade
All Circle Left (16 steps), Reverse Back Single File (16 steps), Girls Turn Around & Dosado Partner, Turn Corner By The Left, Promenade Partner Full Around
Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music. Contributed by Jim Mayo
All Go Forward & Back, 4 Men Promenade Inside Single File, Partner Dosado, 4 Ladies Promenade Inside Single File, Partner Dosado, Turn Corner By The Left, Partner Dosado And Promenade
Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music. Contributed by Jim Mayo
Turn Corner Left Hand Around, Turn Partner Right Hand Around, 4 Men Forward & Back, Turn Partner Left Hand Around, 4 Ladies Forward & Back, Turn Corner Left Hand Around, Promenade Partner Full Around
Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music. Contributed by Jim Mayo
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Stir the bucketEasyID=6876Print
4 Ladies Chain, Heads Star Thru, Pass Thru, Right & Left Thru, Centers U Turn Back, Star Thru, California Twirl (Rotated)
Basic - SSD Week 3 -- Stir the bucketEasyID=6877Print
4 Ladies Chain, Half Sashay (or Rollaway), Square Your Set That Way, Heads Star Thru, Pass Thru & Stop, Centers Star Thru & Step Ahead, All California Twirl (Rotated)
Basic - SSD Week 9 -- Stir the bucketMediumID=6795Print
Heads Circle Left 3/4, Zoom, New Centers Circle Left 3/4 And Backaway (Rotated)
This sequence will also zero with BBGG circles starting either with the BB or GG pairs.
Basic - SSD Week 1 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8502Print
Allemande Left, Promenade, Heads Wheel Around (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 8 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=7060Print
Heads 1/2 Square Thru, Right & Left Thru, Step To An Ocean Wave, Ends Circulate, Swing Thru, Centers Trade, Centers Run, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Heads Square Thru 3/4, Both Turn Right Single File, Lady Around 2, Gent Around 1, Lines Forward & Back, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Double Pass Thru, Outside 4 U-Turn Back, Star Thru, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
SD Mag 2/1965 Around 1 or 2 Also see records 6971-6973 and 6975
Basic - SSD Week 5 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8486Print
Heads Veer Left & Bend The Line, Pass Thru, All Veer Right & Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 5 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8504Print
Heads Veer Left, Couples Trade, Bend The Line, Pass Thru, Circle Right 3/4 (Zero Line)
Head Ladies Chain, Rollaway, Circle Eight, Ladies Forward & Back, Same 4 Square Thru 5 Hands (= Pass Thru), Both Turn Left Promenade Single File, First Around Two, Next Around One To A Line (Zero Line)
SD MAg 2/1965 Around 1 or 2 Also see records 6971, 6972, 6974, 6975
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=6788Print
Heads Lead Right, Star Thru, 2 Ladies Chain, Right & Left Thru (Zero Line)
4P1P lines at the head position.
Basic - SSD Week 12 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=7114Print
Heads Lead Right, Touch 1/4, Box Circulate, Men Run (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8509Print
Heads Lead Right, Veer Left, Wheel & Deal, Star Thru, Two Ladies Chain (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8513Print
Heads Lead Right, Veer Left, Wheel & Deal, Reverse Flutter Wheel, Star Thru (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=7035Print
Heads Lead Right, Veer Left, Bend The Line, Right & Left Thru (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 5 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8485Print
Heads Lead Right, Veer Left, Chain Down The Line, Two Ladies Chain, Same Four Circle 1/2 (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 10 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8522Print
Heads Lead Right, Veer Left, Ferris Wheel, Centers Square Thru 3, Circle Left 3/4 (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 5 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8482Print
Heads Lead Right, Circle Left 3/4 (Zero Line)
Used to be the most common way to setup a Zero Line.
Heads Right & Left Thru, Same Ladies Chain & Rollaway, Circle Eight, Four Men Forward & Back, Square Thru Five Hands (= Pass Thru), Both Turn Right Single File, First Around Two, Next Around 1 To A Line (Zero Line)
SD Mag 2/1965 Around 1 or 2 Also see records 6971-6974
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=6785Print
Heads Rollaway & Pass Thru, Both Turn Right Single File Around 2 To A Line (Zero Line)
CDP The facing lines of four will be offset and will have to adjust. It should be no problem if explained.
Basic - SSD Week 4 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8493Print
Four Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position 1/2 Square Thru, 1/2 Square Thru (with the outside two), Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8517Print
Four Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position 1/2 Square Thru, Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4 (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 3 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=6789Print
4 Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position Star Thru, Pass Thru, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
4P1P lines at the head position.
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=6781Print
4 Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position Pass Thru, Separate Around 1, Come Into The Middle & Pass Thru, Split The Outside Two, Around 1 To A Line, All Pass Thru, U Turn Back (Zero Line)
CDP 1P2P lines with the 1P2P at position #4
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=6783Print
4 Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 To A Line, Forward & Back, Centers Right Arm Turn 1/2, Everybody Right & Left Thru (Zero Line)
CDP 1P2P lines at position #4. Box the Gnat can replace the Arm Turn
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8489Print
Four Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position Right & Left Thru & Backaway, Side Position Pass Thru, Separate Around 2 To A Line, All Pass Thru, U-Turn Back (Zero Line)
To get the second version, where you find Head, substitute Side. Where you find Side, substitute Head.
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8481Print
Four Ladies Chain 3/4, Four Ladies Chain Across, Head Position Pass Thru, Separate Around 2 To A Line, (Partners) Half Sashay (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=6780Print
4 Ladies Chain 3/4, 4 Ladies Chain Across, Side Position Arm Turn Opposite 1/2 Right, Same 4 Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 To A Line (Zero Line)
CDP 1P2P lines at head position
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=7090Print
4 Ladies Chain 3/4, 4 Ladies Chain Across, Side Position Right & Left Thru, Backaway, Head Position Half Sashay & Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 To A Line (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 1 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=6784Print
Promenade, Heads Wheel Around (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineMediumID=6779Print
*** not validated ***
Head Men & Corner Girl Pass Thru, Separate Around 2 To A Line (Zero Line)
CDP 1P2P lines on the diagonal to the walls of the hall.
Basic - SSD Week 8 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineMediumID=7052Print
Head Ladies Chain, Heads Square Thru, Swing Thru, Ends Trade, Centers Trade, Centers Run, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineMediumID=7129Print
Head Ladies Chain, Heads Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 To A Line, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Ladies Square Thru 3/4, Star Thru, Couples Circulate, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Heads Right & Left Thru, Backaway, Side Ladies Chain, Side Ladies Chain 3/4 & Rollaway, Lines Of Three Forward & Back, Lonesome Men Turn Half Right, Pass Thru, Both Turn Right, Around 3 To A Line (Zero Line)
CDP Unusual Setup to 1P2P lines
Basic - SSD Week 8 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineMediumID=7075Print
Heads Rollaway, All Circle Left, 4 Men Square Thru, Step To An Ocean Wave, Men Run (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 8 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineMediumID=7068Print
Heads Rollaway, All Circle Left, 4 Ladies Square Thru, Step To An Ocean Wave, Ladies Run, Turn Half By The Right, Right & Left Thru (Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineMediumID=7027Print
4 Ladies Chain 3/4, Everybody Half Sashay, Head Position Square Thru 4, Split The Outsides Around 1 To A Line (Zero Line)
Couples 1 & 4 Right & Left Thru, New Couple In Position #1 Go Across The Square, Star Thru With Couple #3, Same Ladies Chain, Other Couples Join The Line (ZL), All Forward & Back, Pass Thru Wheel & Deal, Center Ladies Chain & Rollaway, Centers U-Turn Back (ZB), Left Allemande (Zero Line)
This is a very different way of setting up a Zero Line. SD Mag 2/1965
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineHardID=8497Print
*** not validated ***
Head Man & Corner Girl Forward & Back, Same 4 Square Thru, Split Two Separate Around 1 To A Line Of Four (Zero Line)
The Lines of Four will be on the diagonal. The 'hard" part will be getting the dancers to stay on the diagonal.
Basic - SSD Week 8 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineHardID=8498Print
Heads Rollaway, Circle Left, 4 Men Square Thru, Dosado To An Ocean Wave, Men Run (Zero Line)
Since this is a moving circle the timing of having the 4 men Square Thru should result in the Lines of Four facing some wall.
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxID=6896Print
Heads Pass Thru, Separate Around 2 To Lines Of Four, Center Four Pass Thru, Split Two Around 1 To A Line, New Centers Pass Thru, Split Two Around One To A Line, All Star Thru (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 8 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=7056Print
*** not validated ***
Heads 1/2 Square Thru, Step To A Wave, All 8 Circulate, Ends Trade, Centers Trade (OW) (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=6773Print
Heads Square Thru 3/4, Separate Around One, Come Into The Middle & Pass Thru (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 9 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=6800Print
Heads Star Thru, Zoom, Centers Right & Left Thru, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru (Zero Box)
Flip Flops the set. Add two more Centers Right & Left Thru, Zoom to flip flop the set back.
Basic - SSD Week 3 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=8405Print
Heads Star Thru & California Twirl (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=6801Print
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Lead Couple Trade, Right & Left Thru (Zero Box)
Flip Flops the set.
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=6775Print
Heads Star Thru, Right & Left Thru, Pass Thru (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 8 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=7048Print
Heads Swing Thru, Ladies Trade, Men Run, Bend The Line, Pass Thru (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 8 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=8415Print
Heads Swing Thru, Ladies U-Turn Back, Ladies Trade, Bend The Line, Pass Thru (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 11 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=8428Print
Heads Touch 1/4, Those Men Run (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=8413Print
Heads Partner Trade, Separate Around One, Come Into The Middle & Pass Thru (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=8418Print
Heads Veer Left, Ladies Trade, Wheel & Deal, Circle Left 1/4, Pass Thru (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 1 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=8390Print
Heads Swing The Opposite And Face The Outsides (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 2 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=6792Print
4 Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position Circle Left 3/4, Centers Pass Thru, Star Thru, Each Side Circle Left 3/4 (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=7064Print
4 Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position Promenade 1/2, Lead Right, Circle 4 To A Line, Star Thru (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=8409Print
Four Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position Right & Left Thru & Backaway, Side Position Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Star Thru (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=6772Print
4 Ladies Chain, Heads 1/2 Square Thru, Right & Left Thru (Zero Box)
Rotates the set 90 degrees counterclockwise
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=6791Print
4 Ladies Chain, Heads Star Thru, Pass Thru, Right & Left Thru (Zero Box)
Rotates the set 90 degrees clockwise.
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=8419Print
Four Ladies Chain, Heads Right & Left Thru, Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Leaders Partner Trade (Zero Box)
This module rotates the set 90
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=7101Print
4 Ladies Chain, Heads Right & Left Thru, Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Leaders California Twirl (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=6770Print
4 Ladies Chain, Sides Pass Thru, Separate Around 1, Come Into The Middle & Pass Thru, Right & Left Thru (Zero Box)
CDP Rotates the set 90 degrees counterclockwise
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxMediumID=7133Print
Heads Square Thru 3/4, Separate Around 1 To A Line, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Ladies Square Thru 3/4, Star Thru, Wheel & Deal, Right & Left Thru (Zero Box)
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxMediumID=8424Print