Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineMediumID=6965Print
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Heads Right & Left Thru With A Full Turn And 1/4 More, Men Hook Left Elbows And Turn The Vane Once Around A 1/4 More, Bend The Line & Zoom, Center 4 Circle Left Once Around A 1/4 More, Right & Left Thru With A Full Turn And 1/4 More, Men Hook Left Elbows And Turn The Vane Once Around And A 1/4 More, Bend The Line & Zoom, Centers 4 Circle Left Once Around And 1/4 More (ZS), Left Allemande
Named "And a Quarter More" SD MAg 11/1963
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineMediumID=6910Print
Heads Star Thru, Right & Left Thru With A Full Turn Around To The Outside Two, Star Thru, Right & Left Thru With A Full Turn Around, Bend The Line, Star Thru, Right & Left Thru With A Full Turn Around, Centers Star Thru, Right & Left Thru With A Full Turn Around, Separate And Go Face The Other Two (ZB), Left Allemande
After the "Separate and go face the other two" the FASR = Zero Box. SIO 11/61 Let's Have Fun
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ ResolveMediumID=6979Print
Heads Promenade 3/4, Sides Square Thru 3/4, Pass To The Center, Centers Pass Thru, Circle Four To A Line (ZL), Forward & Back, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Center Four Star Thru, Outsides Promenade 3/4, Centers Square Thru 3/4 (ZB), Left Allemande
Theme is 3/4 movements Names "Four Three Quarters" in SD Mag 9/1965
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ ResolveMediumID=6995Print
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Four Ladies Chain 3/4, Couples 1 & 2 Right & Left Thru, Couples 3 & 4 Right & Left Thru, New Couples At The Head Position Pass Thru, Promenade Left 3/4 Around, Original #1 Gent & Your Girl California Twirl, Square Thru 3/4, In The Middle Star Thru, Square Thru, If You Can Square Thru 3/4, If You Want To Centers In Or Double Centers In, Cast Off 3/4, If You Did Star Thru, All Face Your Partner, If You Want To Box The Gnat, Bend The Line, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Zoom, Centers Square Thru 3/4, Left Allemande
If You Want To Figure
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineMediumID=7017Print
4 Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position Ladies Chain, Rollaway, Side Position Right & Left Thru, All Join Hands, Circle Left, Ladies Forward & Back, Ladies Pass Thru & U-Turn Back, Circle Left, Men Forward & Back, Men Pass Thru &, Separate Stand Behind The Ladies, Ladies Pass Thru, Swing Your Partner, Promenade Home
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance RoutineMediumID=7018Print
4 Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position Ladies Chain, Rollaway, Backaway, Side Position Right & Left Thru, All Join Hands, Circle Left, 4 Ladies Pass Thru & U-Turn Back, 4 Ladies Pass Thru &, Separate Stand Behind The Men, Men Pass Thru, Swing Your Partner, Promenade Home
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8537Print
Heads Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8544Print
Heads Veer Left, 1/2 Tag The Line, Walk & Dodge, Veer Right, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8531Print
Heads Step To A Wave, Single Hinge, Walk & Dodge, Circle Left 3/4 (Zero Line)
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8523Print
Heads Flutter Wheel, Pass Thru, Cloverleaf, Double Pass Thru, First Couple Left, Next Couple Right (Zero Line)
Mainstream - SSD Week 12 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8547Print
Head Ladies Chain, Same 4 1/2 Square Thru, Step To A Wave, Ladies Trade, Recycle, Sweep 1/4 (Zero Line)
Mainstream - SSD Week 12 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8546Print
Head Ladies Chain, Same 4 Half Sashay, Square Thru, Swing Thru, Scoot Back, Men Run (Zero Line)
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8536Print
Heads Lead Right, Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, California Twirl (Zero Line)
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8528Print
Heads Lead Right, Eight Chain 2, Circle Left 3/4 (Zero Line)
Mainstream - SSD Week 11 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8542Print
Heads Lead Right, Veer Left, Tag The Line Left, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8529Print
Heads Lead Right, Pass To The Center, Double Pass Thru, First Couple Left, Next Couple Right (Zero Line)
Mainstream - SSD Week 12 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8545Print
Heads Lead Right, Right & Left Thru, Touch 1/4, Scoot Back, Men Run, Reverse Flutter Wheel (Zero Line)
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8565Print
Heads Pass The Ocean, Those Ladies Trade, Extend, Single Hinge, Split Circulate, Men Run (Zero Line)
Mainstream - SSD Week 11 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8543Print
Four Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position 1/2 Square Thru, Split Two Separate Around 1 To A Line, Tag The Line Out, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8541Print
Four Ladies Chain, Heads Square Thru, Step To A Wave, Spin Chain Thru, Men Run, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Mainstream - SSD Week 11 -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineMediumID=8530Print
Heads Veer Left, Couples Hinge, Veer Right, Circle Right 1/4 (Zero Line)
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineMediumID=6983Print
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Head Boys Take The Corner Lady To The Middle Star Thru, Circle Four, Boys Break Between Them To A Line Of Four, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Double Pass Thru, Centers In Cast Off 3/4, Lines Pass Thru, U Turn Back (Zero Line)
Facing Line of Four on the Diagonal. Named "Good Combos" in SD Mag 9/1965 Also see record 6982.
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineMediumID=6982Print
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Head Boys Take The Corner Lady To The Middle & Star Thru, Circle Four, Ladies Break Between Them To A Line Of Four, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Double Pass Thru, Centers In, Cast Off 3/4, Right & Left Thru (Zero Line)
Facing Line of four on the diagonal. Named "Good Combos in SD Mag 9/1965. Also see record 6983.
The "Circle To A Line" is a full-cicle movement instead of a 1/2-circle movement.
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Zero LineMediumID=8540Print
Heads Lead Right, Two Ladies Chain, Dixie Style To An Ocean Wave, Men Cross Run, Right & Left Thru (Zero Line)
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=8443Print
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, 1/2 Tag The Line, Ends Circulate, Men Run, Star Thru, Right & Left Thru, Pass To The Center, Zoom, Centers Square Thru 3/4, Left Allemande
Mainstream - SSD Week 12 -- Zero Line ➔ ResolveEasyID=9044Print
(Zero Line) Pass The Ocean, Recycle, Veer Left, Men Fold, Right & Left Grand
Mainstream - SSD Week 6 -- Zero Line ➔ ResolveMediumID=9008Print
(Zero Line) Each Four Circle Left 1/2, Dosado, Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Partner Trade, Promenade Home
RLT and 1/4 more sets up a two faced line.
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ ResolveMediumID=9037Print
(Zero Line) Pass The Ocean, Ladies Circulate, Single Hinge, Ends Trade, Centers Run, Ferris Wheel, Ladies Square Thru 3/4, Star Thru, Boys Circulate, Promenade Home
The four ladies are in the center facing the corner man.
This is a1/2 Fractional Zero. The repeat is after the first 5 basics.
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8762Print
(Zero Line) Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, Centers Pass Thru, Centers In, Cast Off 3/4, Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, 1st Couple Right, Next Left (Zero Line)
This rotates the set 90°.
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8750Print
(Zero Line) Touch 1/4, Men Run, Trade By, Right & Left Thru, Eight Chain 2 (or 6), Star Thru, Right & Left Thru (Zero Line)
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8739Print
(Zero Line) Touch 1/4, Single File Circulate Twice, Men Run, Trade By, Eight Chain 2, Star Thru (Zero Line)
This is a Technical Zero. . If it starts in a 1P2P line, it moves from a 1P2P line to a 4P1P line.
Mainstream - SSD Week 11 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8759Print
(Zero Line) Touch 1/4, Single File Circulate 2 Places, Cast Off 3/4, Right & Left Thru, Pass Thru, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
This rotates the set 90°.
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8746Print
(Zero Line) Turn Thru, Bend The Line, Turn Thru, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Mainstream - SSD Week 11 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8771Print
(Zero Line) Veer Left, Couples Hinge, Tag The Line Left, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Mainstream - SSD Week 11 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8752Print
(Zero Line) Veer Left, Couples Hinge, Couples Circulate, Couples Trade, Couples Circulate, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
This is a Technical Zero. If it starts in a 1P2P line, it moves from a 1P2P line to a 4P1P line
Mainstream - SSD Week 11 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8772Print
(Zero Line) Veer Left, 1/2 Tag The Line, Cast Off 3/4, Right & Left Thru, Pass Thru, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
This is a Technical Zero. If it starts in a 1P2P line, it moves from a 1P2P line to a 4P1P line.
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8735Print
(Zero Line) Two Ladies Chain, Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4, Eight Chain Four, Star Thru, Two Ladies Chain (Zero Line)
This rotates the set 180°.
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8765Print
(Zero Line) Dixie Style To An Ocean Wave, Men Trade, Men Run, Bend The Line, Box The Gnat (Zero Line)
It's better to precede the Dixie Style with something like a Courtesy Turn. This module ends with right hands joined
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8734Print
(Zero Line) Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4, Pass To The Center, Centers Pass Thru, Star Thru, Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4, Pass To The Center, Centers Pass Thru, Star Thru (Zero Line)
The is a 1/2 Fractional Zero. After the first 5 basics, the string is repeated. It rotates the square 180°.
Mainstream - SSD Week 11 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8769Print
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Tag The Line, Leaders U-Turn Back, Star Thru (Zero Line)
This rotates the set 180°.
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8760Print
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Centers Pass Thru, Spin The Top, Men Run, Bend The Line, Star Thru (Zero Line)
This rotates the set 90°.
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8751Print
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Centers Pass Thru, Pass To The Center, Centers Pass Thru, Circle Left 3/4 (Zero Line)
This is a Technical Zero. If it starts in a 1P2P line, it moves from a 1P2P line to a 4P1P line
Mainstream - SSD Week 12 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8756Print
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Double Pass Thru, Centers In, Ends Cross Fold, Star Thru, Two Ladies Chain, Right & Left Thru (Zero Line)
Mainstream - SSD Week 12 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8763Print
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Men Fold, Star Thru, Couples Circulate, Bend The Line, Right & Left Thru (Zero Line)
This is a Technical Zero. If it starts in a 1P2P line, it moves from a 1P2P line to a 4P1P line
Mainstream - SSD Week 12 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8764Print
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Ladies Fold, Star Thru, Couples Circulate, Bend The Line, Right & Left Thru (Zero Line)
This is a Technical Zero. If it starts in a 1P2P line, it moves from a 1P2P line to a 4P1P line
Mainstream - SSD Week 7 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8730Print
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Bend The Line, Flutter Wheel, Slide Thru, Circle To A Line (Zero Line)
Mainstream - SSD Week 10 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8757Print
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Cast Off 3/4, Pass Thru, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
This rotates the set 180°.
Mainstream - SSD Week 10 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8758Print
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Cast Off 3/4, Pass Thru, Cast Off 3/4 (Zero Line)
This rotates the set 180°.
Mainstream - SSD Week 12 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8773Print
(Zero Line) Pass The Ocean, Swing Thru, All Eight Circulate, Swing Thru, Recycle, Sweep 1/4, Right & Left Thru (Zero Line)
This is a Technical Zero. If it starts in a 1P2P line, it moves from a 1P2P line to a 4P1P line.
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8753Print
(Zero Line) Pass The Ocean, Ladies Trade, All Eight Circulate, Single Hinge, Box Circulate, Men Run (Zero Line)
: This is a Technical Zero. If it starts in a 1P2P line, it moves from a 1P2P line to a 4P1P line
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineEasyID=8731Print
(Zero Line) Right & Left Thru, Star Thru, Reverse Flutter Wheel, Pass To The Center, Centers Pass Thru, Star Thru, Reverse Flutter Wheel (Zero Line)
This is a Technical Zero. . If it starts in a 1P2P line, it moves from a 1P2P line to a 4P1P line.
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ Zero BoxEasyID=7124Print
(Zero Line) Pass The Ocean, Ladies Circulate, Swing Thru, Men Cross Run, Left Swing Thru, Men Cross Run, Right & Left Thru, Eight Chain 2 (Zero Box)
(Zero Box) Pass Thru, Outsides Cloverleaf, Centers Circle Left 3/4, All Double Pass Thru, First Couple Right, Next Couple Right, Promenade Wrong Way To Home