Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ ResolveMediumID=10324Print
Heads Promenade 1/2, Lead Right, Veer Left, 1/4 Tag The Line, Scoot Back, Boys Cloverleaf, Girls Spin The Top, Girls Recycle & Pass Thru, Star Thru, Promenade Home
All 4 Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 To A Line, Pass Thru, Wheel And Deal, On A Double Track Dixie Style, Girls Run, 1/4 Tag The Line, Girls Swing Thru, Extend, Swing & Promenade
All 4 Ladies Chain, Heads Star Thru & Left Square Thru 3, Touch 1/4, Centers Trade, Swing Thru, Centers Run, 1/4 Tag The Line, Centers Boys Trade, Same Boys Run, Centers Veer Right, Swing & Promenade