(Zero Line) Left Fan The Top & Spread, Stretch Ah So, Leaders (identify) Cast Back, (Four) Phantom Waves Switch The Wave, In Your Block Box Counter Rotate 1/4, Block Walk & Dodge, Block Left Shakedown, Block Reverse Cross And Turn, Block Partner Trade, Block Slide Thru, Outsides Step Forward (check left hand waves), Left Swing Thru, Mix, Relay The Top, R.L.G
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Regroup, Square The Bases But Outsides Start A Split Square Chain Thru, (finish the bases) Trade By, Circle By 1/2 By Percolate, (Girls) Do An Ends Bend, Left Split Dixie Diamond, In Point Triangle Circulate, Out Point Triangle Chain Thru, Crossover Circulate, Left Tag Back, All 8 Counter Rotate 1/4, Flip Back, Cross Your Neighbor, Mini Busy, Chain Reaction, 4 Boys Scoot & Dodge, Cycle & Wheel, Right & Left Grand
(Zero Line) Pass The Ocean, Swing Thru, Alter The Wave, Left Square Chain The Top, Allemande Left
The Left Square Chain the Top immediately following the Alter the Wave provides an element of moderate surprise (it's left handed and it's coming from parallel left hand waves).
(Zero Line) Pass The Ocean, Girls Trade, Swing Thru, Boys Trade, All 8 Counter Rotate 1/4, 4 Boys Left 1/4 Thru, Boys Switch The Wave, Interlocked Diamond Circulate, Flip The Interlocked Diamond, Crossover Circulate, Cast A Shadow, Tally Ho, Allemande Left
(Zero Line) Pass The Sea, Percolate, Explode The Lines, Turn & Deal, Boys Roll, Boys Trail Off, Girls Divide And Touch 1/4, Boys Cross Roll To A Wave, All Chain Reaction (**), Mini Busy, Girls Cross Roll To A Line, Girls Turn & Deal, Zoom, Boys Reverse Swap Around, All Slide Thru, Couples Circulate, Cast A Shadow, Acey Deucey, Explode The Wave, Partner Tag, R.L.G
(**) Includes a chain reaction with a right hand wave of boys between right hand mini waves of girls.