(Zero Line) Square Chain Thru To A Wave, The Gamut, As Couples Follow Thru, Checkpoint Lock The Hinge By 1/4 Wheel The Sea, 1/2 Crazy Single Checkmate, Magic Column Circulate, Magic Something New, Jay Walk, Centers Recycle, L.A
(Zero Line) Square Chain The Top, Team Up, Checkover, Ends Counter Rotate 1/4, Centers Reach Out, Finally Tandem Left Remake, Centers Reach Out, Drop In The Gamut, Stable Turn & Deal, R.L.G
(Zero Line) Swing Along, Swing Chain Thru, Swing The Gamut, Lines Criss Cross Your Neighbor Thru, Left Remake, Strip The Diamond, Boys Run, Grand Mix, Boys Finally Tandem All Swing Along, Extend, R.L.G
(Zero Line) Turn Thru, As Couples Beaus Run, Link Up, Left 3/4 Thru, Bias Perk Up, As Couples Walk & Dodge, Snap The Lock, Explode The Line, Beaus Trade, L.A
(Zero Line) Ends Load The Boat, Centers Square Chain Thru To A Wave, IY Jay Flutter Wheel, Cross Chain Reaction, As Couples Extend, Interlocked Little More, Boys Bend The Line Twice, Finally Tandem Square Chain Thru To A Wave, Single Hinge, L.A
(Zero Line) 1/2 Crazy Touch 1/4 & Cross, Outsides Concentric Mini-Chase, All Boy Hop & Roll, Outside Columns Of 3 Work Solid: All Single Rotary Spin, Center Wave Swing Thru & Spread, Outlet, Trade Circulate, Initially Tandem Relay The Top, Single Wheel, R.L.G
(Zero Line) Box The Gnat, Stretch Square Chain Thru, As Couples Single Polly Wally, Stack The Line, 3 By 1 Transfer The Column, Centers 1/4 Thru, Ends Pass In, Scoot & Cross Counter, Flare Out To A Line, Wheel & Deal, Centers Pass In, R.L.G
(Zero Line) Finally Tandem Catch 4, Grand Remake, Initially Tandem Swing The Fractions, Boys Run, Ends Pass In, Centers Travel Thru, Those Facing Turn Thru, R.L.G
(Zero Line) Catch 3, Single Checkmate, Split Phantom Columns Walk Out To A Wave, Hinge & Cross, Split Phantom Columns Trade By, Split Phantom Lines Keep Busy, Initially Tandem 3/4 Mix, Left 3/4 Mix, Swing Chain Thru, Extend, R.L.G
(Zero Line) Catch 4, Open Up But Single Cross Trade & Wheel, Quick Step, Centers Tandem Trade, Expand The Column, Flippers Dilemma, Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears, Turn The Stars 1/4, Chain Down The Line, Belle Hop, L.A
(Zero Line) Fan The Top, Initially Tandem Relay The Top, Swing & Mix, Initially Tandem Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears, Trade Perk Up, Cast A Shadow, Hinge The Lock & Roll, Tandem Pass & Roll, Initially Tandem 1/4 Thru, Follow Your Neighbor, L.A
(Zero Line) Grand Swing Thru, Concentric Recycle, Touch By 1/2 By 1/4, Inside Triangles Exchange The Triangles, Outside Triangle Left Remake, Inside Triangles 2/3 Exchange The Triangles, All Drop In & Fancy, Tandem Beau Hop, Partner Tag, L.A
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Tag The Line, Single Turn To A Line, Pass Thru, Snap The Lock, New Centers To A Wave, Lines Swing Thru Thru, Everybody Roll, Touch By 1/2 By 1/2 By 1/4, Once Removed Diamond Circulate, Boys Remake, Girls Trade, Once Removed Diamond Reverse Flip The Diamond, Cross & Wheel, Vertical Tag Your Neighbor & Spread, R.L.G
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Centers Sweep 1/4, Spin The Pulley But Expand The Column, Spin The Top, Step & Fold, Flip Your Leader, Tandem Single Cross Trade & Wheel, Circulate Like A Couple Up, Catch 2, End Girls Ripple The Wave, R.L.G
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal Centers Veer Right, Interlocked (Left) Scoot & Plenty, Centers Little More, Make Magic, Magic Open Up The Column, The Gamut Replace Cut The Diamond With, Exchange The Diamond, 6 By 2 Acey Deucey, Drop In, R.L.G
(Zero Line) Pass The Sea, Checker Board Alter The Wave, Exchange The Boxes, Checker Board Centers Cross Kick Off, Centers Circulate, Those Facing Touch 1/4, All Fan The Toppers Choice, In Roll Perk Up, Promenade Home