(Zero Line) Pass Thru, 3/4 Tag The Line, Centers Recycle, Others U-Turn Back, Centers Square Thru 3/4, Single Circle To A Wave, Boys Trade, Boys Run, Couples Circulate, Bend The Line, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Trade By, L.A
(Zero Line) Right & Left Thru, Pass Thru, 3/4 Tag The Line, Very Center Girls Trade, Center Wave Linear Cycle, Others Trade & Roll, All Pass Thru, 3/4 Tag, Center Wave Recycle, L.A
(Zero Line) Touch 1/4, Coordinate, 3/4 Tag, Boys Swing Thru, Girls Trade, Boys Explode The Wave, Boys Cloverleaf, Girls Swing Thru, Girls Explode The Wave, Separate Around 1 To A Line, All Pass Thru, Chase Right, Circulate 1 & 1/2, R.L.G
(Zero Line) Touch 1/4, Coordinate, 3/4 Tag, Boys Swing Thru, Girls Face Left (check Facing Diamonds), All Diamond Circulate, Girls Left Swing Thru, Cut The Diamond, L.A
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Tag The Line, Face In, Centers Square Thru, Ends Star Thru, Centers In, Cast Off 3/4, Pass Thru, 3/4 Tag The Line, Centers Trade The Wave, L.A